Forage et complétion de puits

Mouse Hole

Dans le trou : comprendre les trous de souris et les trous de rats dans les opérations de plateformes pétrolières

Le monde du forage pétrolier et gazier est rempli de terminologie spécialisée, et la compréhension de ces termes est cruciale pour tous ceux qui sont impliqués dans l'industrie. Deux de ces termes, souvent utilisés de manière interchangeable, sont "trou de souris" et "trou de rat". Bien que les deux se réfèrent à des ouvertures spécifiques dans le plancher de la plateforme, ils servent des objectifs distincts et sont essentiels pour des opérations de forage efficaces.

Le trou de souris : un logement temporaire pour un tuyau

Un "trou de souris" est une ouverture circulaire dans le plancher de la plateforme, généralement située près du centre. Ce trou est spécifiquement conçu pour contenir un joint de tuyau pendant diverses opérations de forage. Lorsqu'un tuyau est déconnecté, il est abaissé dans le trou de souris, offrant un emplacement sécurisé et accessible pour la manipulation et l'inspection. La taille du trou de souris varie en fonction du diamètre des tuyaux utilisés.

Le trou de rat : un refuge sûr pour le Kelly

Un "trou de rat", également appelé "trou de Kelly", est une autre ouverture dans le plancher de la plateforme, généralement située à côté du trou de souris. Ce trou est destiné à accueillir le Kelly - une barre d'acier lourde de forme carrée connectée au trépan et utilisée pour transmettre la force de rotation.

Lorsque le Kelly doit être déconnecté de la colonne de forage, il est abaissé dans le trou de rat. Cela permet à la colonne de forage de monter et descendre tandis que le Kelly reste en sécurité. Le trou de rat est généralement plus grand que le trou de souris, reflétant la taille et le poids du Kelly.

Pourquoi ces noms inhabituels ?

L'origine de ces termes est probablement due à leur taille et à leur fonction relatives. Le trou de souris, plus petit et conçu pour un seul tuyau, porte bien son nom d'après le rongeur connu pour sa petite taille. Le trou de rat, plus grand et accueillant le Kelly volumineux, reflète l'image d'un rongeur plus gros.

Essentiel pour l'efficacité du forage

Le trou de souris et le trou de rat jouent tous deux un rôle essentiel dans le fonctionnement efficace et sûr d'une plateforme pétrolière. Ces ouvertures facilitent la manipulation et le stockage des équipements de forage essentiels, permettant des transitions fluides entre les différentes phases de forage.

En résumé :

  • Trou de souris : Un trou dans le plancher de la plateforme pour contenir un seul joint de tuyau.
  • Trou de rat : Un trou plus grand pour stocker le Kelly lorsqu'il doit être déconnecté.

Comprendre ces termes et leur fonction est crucial pour tous ceux qui sont impliqués dans l'industrie du pétrole et du gaz. Cette connaissance contribue à garantir le fonctionnement sûr et efficace des plateformes de forage, conduisant à une exploration et une production de pétrole et de gaz réussies.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Down the Hole - Mouse Holes and Rat Holes

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a mouse hole?

a) To store drilling mud b) To hold a joint of pipe c) To accommodate the Kelly d) To provide access to the drilling platform


b) To hold a joint of pipe

2. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of a mouse hole?

a) It's circular in shape b) It's located near the center of the rig floor c) It's typically larger than a rat hole d) Its size varies depending on the pipe diameter


c) It's typically larger than a rat hole

3. What is the other common name for a rat hole?

a) Kelly hole b) Mud hole c) Drill hole d) Derrick hole


a) Kelly hole

4. Why is the Kelly lowered into the rat hole?

a) To allow for the drilling string to be moved up and down b) To store it during a drilling break c) To facilitate the connection of a new drill bit d) To prevent it from being damaged


a) To allow for the drilling string to be moved up and down

5. Which of these best describes the relationship between mouse holes and rat holes?

a) They are identical in function b) They are located in different parts of the rig c) They are designed for different purposes d) They are only used during specific drilling stages


c) They are designed for different purposes

Exercise: Drilling Operation Scenario

Scenario: An oil rig crew is in the process of connecting a new drill bit to the drilling string. The previous drill bit has been removed and is now in the rat hole. The new drill bit is ready to be attached.

Task: Describe the steps the crew would take to connect the new drill bit, including the use of the mouse hole and rat hole. Be sure to mention the purpose of each opening in this process.

Exercice Correction

Here are the steps the crew would take, using the mouse hole and rat hole:

  1. Lower the drilling string into the mouse hole: The drilling string, with the new drill bit attached, is lowered into the mouse hole. This allows the crew to safely access and connect the bit to the Kelly.
  2. Raise the Kelly from the rat hole: The Kelly is lifted from the rat hole using the rig's hoisting system. This clears the way for the drilling string to be raised and connected to the Kelly.
  3. Connect the new drill bit to the Kelly: With the Kelly and the drill string in place, the crew uses specialized tools to securely connect the new drill bit to the Kelly.
  4. Lower the drilling string into the wellbore: Once the connection is secure, the drilling string (now with the new drill bit) is lowered back into the wellbore to resume drilling.

The mouse hole allows for the safe handling and connection of the drill string, while the rat hole provides a secure location for the Kelly when it is disconnected from the drill string. This ensures efficient and safe operations during the drilling process.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions" by John C. Traugott (This book covers the fundamentals of drilling operations and would likely have detailed information on the mouse hole and rat hole.)
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert E. A. Arps (A comprehensive text on drilling engineering that could provide insights into these specific terms and their role in drilling operations.)
  • "Oil and Gas Exploration and Exploitation" by John C. Traugott (This book, covering various aspects of oil and gas operations, may discuss drilling procedures and equipment, including the mouse hole and rat hole.)


  • "Drilling Equipment and Operations: A Guide for the Oil and Gas Industry" by [Author name] (Look for articles specifically targeting drilling equipment and operations. They might include sections on the mouse hole and rat hole.)
  • "Drilling Rig Components and Functions" by [Author name] (Search for articles that explain the components of a drilling rig and their purposes. These articles might address the mouse hole and rat hole in detail.)
  • "Safety in Oil Rig Operations: A Comprehensive Overview" by [Author name] (Safety articles might mention the mouse hole and rat hole in the context of equipment handling and safety procedures during drilling.)

Online Resources

  • DrillingInfo ( This website provides various resources and information on drilling operations, including technical articles and data. It might contain relevant information on the mouse hole and rat hole.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers ( This professional organization offers a vast repository of technical papers, presentations, and resources related to oil and gas exploration and production. The website might have articles or publications discussing the mouse hole and rat hole.
  • Oilfield Glossary ( This glossary provides definitions and explanations of various terms used in the oil and gas industry. You can search for "mouse hole" and "rat hole" on this website to find definitions and related information.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching "mouse hole," try more specific keywords like "mouse hole drilling," "rat hole drilling," "mouse hole oil rig," or "rat hole oil rig."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks ("mouse hole" or "rat hole") will help you find websites that use the exact phrase.
  • Include "oil rig" in your search: This will narrow down your search results to websites specifically related to oil rigs and drilling operations.
  • Search for specific websites: Try searching "mouse hole" or "rat hole" to focus on specific websites you know have relevant content.
  • Use image search: You can search for images of "mouse hole oil rig" or "rat hole oil rig" to get a visual representation of these terms.


Down the Hole: Understanding Mouse Holes and Rat Holes in Oil Rig Operations

Chapter 1: Techniques

The efficient use of mouse holes and rat holes involves specific techniques to ensure safety and speed. These techniques are crucial during pipe handling and Kelly manipulations.

Pipe Handling in the Mouse Hole:

  • Precise lowering: Pipes are carefully lowered into the mouse hole using a traveling block and crown block system. The lowering speed must be controlled to prevent damage to the pipe or the mouse hole itself.
  • Secure placement: Once in the mouse hole, the pipe needs to be stabilized to prevent movement. This often involves using locking mechanisms or other securing devices.
  • Inspection and maintenance: The mouse hole provides easy access for inspection of the pipe's connections and condition. Minor maintenance, such as cleaning or lubrication, might be performed while the pipe is in the mouse hole.
  • Retrieval: The process of retrieving the pipe from the mouse hole is the reverse of lowering, requiring careful control to prevent damage.

Kelly Handling in the Rat Hole:

  • Disconnecting the Kelly: The Kelly is carefully disconnected from the drill string using specialized tools and techniques. This procedure requires precision to avoid damaging the Kelly or the drill string.
  • Lowering the Kelly: The Kelly is lowered into the rat hole using a hoisting system. Due to the Kelly's weight and size, this process demands careful control.
  • Securing the Kelly: Once in the rat hole, the Kelly needs to be firmly secured to prevent accidental movement or damage.
  • Retrieval and reconnection: Retrieving and reconnecting the Kelly is a crucial and potentially dangerous procedure requiring strict adherence to safety protocols.

These techniques are taught extensively to rig personnel and are integral to safe and efficient drilling operations. Improper technique can lead to accidents, delays, and damage to expensive equipment.

Chapter 2: Models

While there isn't a specific "model" for a mouse hole or rat hole in the sense of a mathematical or engineering design model, we can discuss conceptual models that represent their function and purpose within the rig system.

  • Functional Model: This model emphasizes the role of the mouse hole and rat hole in the overall drilling process. It highlights their contribution to the workflow by providing temporary storage for critical components, enabling efficient pipe handling and Kelly operations. This model can be represented using a flow chart showing the sequence of operations.

  • Safety Model: This model prioritizes the safety aspects of the mouse holes and rat holes, including their design features that prevent accidents (e.g., securing mechanisms, clear markings, and appropriate size). This model would highlight risk assessment and mitigation strategies related to their use.

  • Ergonomic Model: This model focuses on the ease of access and usability of the mouse holes and rat holes for rig workers. It considers factors like the height and positioning of the holes, ease of access to tools, and reduction of strain during operations.

Chapter 3: Software

Specific software applications directly modeling mouse hole or rat hole functionality are not common. However, several software packages indirectly support their use:

  • Drilling Simulation Software: These programs simulate the entire drilling process, including the steps involving pipe handling and Kelly operations. While they don't explicitly model the mouse hole or rat hole geometry, they simulate the actions that occur around these features.

  • Rig Management Software: Software used to manage the rig's operations might include data logging for events related to mouse hole and rat hole usage (e.g., timestamps for pipe handling, number of pipe connections, etc.). This data can be analyzed for efficiency and safety improvements.

  • CAD Software: This software could be used to design and model the layout of the rig floor, including the precise location and dimensions of the mouse holes and rat holes. This is crucial for the initial rig design and any modifications.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Safe and efficient use of mouse holes and rat holes requires adherence to several best practices:

  • Regular Inspections: The mouse hole and rat hole should be regularly inspected for damage, wear, and proper functionality.
  • Proper Maintenance: Regular maintenance should be scheduled to ensure the longevity and safety of these openings.
  • Clear Markings: The mouse holes and rat holes should be clearly marked and identified to prevent confusion.
  • Safety Procedures: Strict adherence to safety procedures during pipe and Kelly handling is crucial.
  • Training: Rig personnel should receive adequate training on the proper use of mouse holes and rat holes.
  • Emergency Procedures: Clear emergency procedures should be in place in case of accidents or malfunctions.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Specific case studies focusing solely on mouse holes and rat holes are not readily available in public literature. However, incidents related to pipe handling and Kelly operations can be used to illustrate the importance of proper techniques and maintenance. A case study might involve an analysis of an incident where a poorly maintained mouse hole contributed to a pipe accident, or where improper Kelly handling led to a near-miss situation. Data from such incidents, while possibly not publicly available due to confidentiality, would highlight the need for rigorous safety protocols and best practices. The analysis would emphasize the role of these seemingly small components in the overall safety and efficiency of drilling operations.

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