Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: Monkey Board

Monkey Board

La Plateforme du Singe : Le Poste du Manœuvre sur les Plateformes Pétrolières et Gazières

Dans le monde animé du forage pétrolier et gazier, chaque équipement et chaque espace a un but précis. Un élément crucial, particulièrement pour le manœuvre, est la **plateforme du singe**. Cette plateforme, souvent négligée dans l'ensemble de la plateforme de forage, joue un rôle vital dans le fonctionnement sûr et efficace des opérations de forage.

**Qu'est-ce qu'une Plateforme du Singe ?**

Une plateforme du singe est une **petite plateforme étroite** située **autour du mât du derrick**, à une hauteur généralement comprise entre **20 et 40 pieds**. Elle offre un espace de travail au manœuvre, l'individu responsable du fonctionnement du système de levage du derrick et qui assure le mouvement fluide du train de tiges et du tubage.

**Pourquoi l'appelle-t-on Plateforme du Singe ?**

L'origine du nom "plateforme du singe" est incertaine, mais son utilisation remonte aux premiers jours du forage pétrolier. La petite taille de la plateforme et l'agilité nécessaire pour y travailler ont pu conduire à l'association ludique avec les singes, connus pour leurs mouvements agiles.

**Fonction et Importance :**

La plateforme du singe est bien plus qu'une simple plateforme ; c'est une partie essentielle de l'espace de travail du manœuvre. De là, il peut :

  • **Contrôler le système de levage** pour monter et descendre le train de tiges, le tubage et autres équipements.
  • **Surveiller le processus de forage** et garantir le bon fonctionnement des opérations.
  • **Communiquer avec le foreur** sur le sol en contrebas.
  • **Effectuer la maintenance essentielle** sur le système de levage.

**Considérations de Sécurité :**

La plateforme du singe est un environnement de travail à haut risque, et la sécurité est primordiale. Le manœuvre doit être **équipé d'un harnais de sécurité** connecté à une ligne de vie sécurisée. De plus, des **procédures de sécurité rigoureuses** sont en place pour prévenir les chutes et autres accidents.

**Évolution de la Plateforme du Singe :**

Au fil des ans, la plateforme du singe a subi des changements significatifs. Les plateformes modernes présentent souvent des **plateformes plus spacieuses** avec des **fonctionnalités de sécurité améliorées** telles que des garde-corps et des surfaces antidérapantes. Cependant, le but principal et l'importance de la plateforme du singe restent les mêmes : fournir un espace de travail essentiel au manœuvre.

**La Plateforme du Singe : Un Élément Vital de la Plateforme de Forage**

En conclusion, la plateforme du singe peut être petite et apparemment insignifiante, mais elle est un élément essentiel de la plateforme de forage pétrolier et gazier. Elle fournit un espace de travail sûr et fonctionnel au manœuvre, lui permettant d'effectuer des tâches cruciales qui garantissent le bon fonctionnement et l'efficacité de l'ensemble du processus de forage. Cette plateforme souvent négligée joue un rôle essentiel dans le succès de chaque entreprise d'exploration pétrolière et gazière.

Test Your Knowledge

Monkey Board Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the monkey board?

(a) To provide a resting area for the derrick man. (b) To store drilling equipment and tools. (c) To offer a platform for the derrick man to operate the hoisting system. (d) To act as a communication point between the rig floor and the drill site.


(c) To offer a platform for the derrick man to operate the hoisting system.

2. How high is the monkey board typically located on the derrick?

(a) 5 to 10 feet. (b) 10 to 20 feet. (c) 20 to 40 feet. (d) 40 to 60 feet.


(c) 20 to 40 feet.

3. What is the likely reason for the term "monkey board" being used?

(a) The monkey board was originally made from monkeywood. (b) The derrick man needs to be agile like a monkey to work on it. (c) Monkeys were often used to operate the hoisting system in early rigs. (d) The board's shape resembles a monkey's tail.


(b) The derrick man needs to be agile like a monkey to work on it.

4. What essential safety equipment is mandatory for the derrick man when working on the monkey board?

(a) A hard hat. (b) A safety harness and lifeline. (c) Safety goggles. (d) Steel-toe boots.


(b) A safety harness and lifeline.

5. How have modern monkey boards evolved from their earlier counterparts?

(a) They are now made of lighter materials. (b) They are now located higher on the derrick. (c) They are now equipped with more safety features like handrails and anti-slip surfaces. (d) They are now more compact and smaller in size.


(c) They are now equipped with more safety features like handrails and anti-slip surfaces.

Monkey Board Exercise:

Scenario: You are the derrick man on an oil rig. The drill string needs to be raised 50 feet.


  1. Describe the steps you would take to safely raise the drill string using the monkey board and the hoisting system.
  2. List at least three safety considerations you would keep in mind while performing this task.

Exercice Correction

**Steps to safely raise the drill string:**

  1. Check Safety Equipment: Ensure my safety harness is securely fastened and connected to a reliable lifeline.
  2. Communication: Communicate with the driller on the rig floor about the planned operation and ensure they are ready to receive the drill string.
  3. Hoisting System Check: Inspect the hoisting system for any visible damage or malfunctions.
  4. Engage Hoisting System: Use the controls on the monkey board to gradually engage the hoisting system, lifting the drill string at a controlled pace.
  5. Constant Monitoring: Continuously observe the drill string for any unexpected movement or issues, adjusting the hoisting system as needed.
  6. Signal Driller: Signal the driller when the drill string has reached the desired height of 50 feet.
  7. Confirmation and Release: Ensure the driller confirms the drill string is secured at the desired height before releasing the hoisting system.

**Safety Considerations:**

  1. Secure Footings: Ensure my footing is secure and stable on the monkey board at all times.
  2. Handrails and Anti-Slip Surfaces: Use handrails and anti-slip surfaces on the monkey board to maintain balance and avoid slipping.
  3. Constant Communication: Maintain clear communication with the driller throughout the operation to coordinate actions and address any potential issues.
  4. Safety Procedures: Follow all established safety procedures for working on the monkey board.
  5. Emergency Procedures: Be familiar with emergency procedures in case of equipment failure or any other unforeseen event.


  • Oil and Gas Exploration and Production by John R. Fanchi: This comprehensive textbook covers the entire spectrum of oil and gas operations, including drilling and rig operations. It may have details on monkey boards and their role within the rig.
  • Rig Technology Handbook by R.E. Gibson: A detailed guide specifically focused on drilling rigs and their components. It could provide insights into the history and evolution of the monkey board.
  • The Rigger's Handbook by Donald E. Taylor: While focusing on rigging practices in general, this book might contain sections on working at heights and the specific safety procedures for platforms like the monkey board.


  • "The Derrick Man: A Vital Role in Oil and Gas Drilling" (Online or in industry journals): Search for articles that focus on the derrick man's responsibilities, as they will likely discuss the monkey board and its significance.
  • "Safety on the Drilling Rig: A Comprehensive Guide" (Online or in industry journals): Explore articles concerning safety on drilling rigs, as they often address the specific hazards and safety measures associated with working on elevated platforms like the monkey board.

Online Resources

  • Oil & Gas Online Forums: Search forums frequented by oil and gas professionals for discussions related to monkey boards, derrick man operations, and drilling safety.
  • Online Petroleum Engineering Resources: Websites dedicated to petroleum engineering may have information about drilling rig components and operations, possibly including the monkey board.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Monkey board oil and gas," "derrick man monkey board," "drilling rig platform," "oil rig safety."
  • Combine keywords with modifiers: "monkey board history," "monkey board evolution," "monkey board safety regulations."
  • Search for related terms: "Derrick man duties," "drilling rig operation," "rig equipment," "oil and gas safety procedures."
  • Use Google Images: Search for images of drilling rigs and look for visuals of the monkey board.
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