Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Jack (beam lift)

Jack (beam lift)

Jack (Pompe à balancier) : Un élément crucial dans l'extraction pétrolière et gazière

Le terme "jack" dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière désigne généralement une **pompe à balancier**, également connue sous le nom de **pompe à chevalet** ou **pompe à poutre**, qui est un équipement crucial utilisé pour extraire le pétrole et le gaz des réservoirs souterrains.

**Fonctionnement :**

La pompe à balancier est essentiellement un système mécanique qui fonctionne dans un **mouvement de levage et de chute** pour extraire le pétrole ou le gaz. Elle est composée de :

  • **La poutre :** Une longue poutre horizontale qui pivote sur un point d'appui central.
  • **Le chevalet :** L'extrémité supérieure de la poutre, qui se connecte à la tige de pompage.
  • **La bielle :** Une bielle qui relie la poutre à la manivelle.
  • **La manivelle :** Un arbre rotatif entraîné par un moteur.
  • **La tige de pompage :** Une longue tige qui relie le chevalet à la pompe de fond.

**Le processus :**

  1. **La manivelle tourne :** Le moteur entraîne la manivelle, qui à son tour fait tourner la bielle.
  2. **La poutre se déplace :** Le mouvement de la bielle fait osciller la poutre comme un balancier.
  3. **La tige de pompage est levée :** Le chevalet à l'extrémité de la poutre tire sur la tige de pompage, la faisant monter et descendre.
  4. **La pompe de fond fonctionne :** Ce mouvement oscillant entraîne la pompe de fond, qui est immergée dans le réservoir de pétrole ou de gaz. La pompe aspire le fluide du réservoir et le pousse vers le haut à travers le puits.

**Avantages du Jack (Pompe à balancier) :**

  • **Fiabilité :** Les pompes à balancier sont réputées pour leur fiabilité et leur longévité, pouvant durer des décennies avec un entretien adéquat.
  • **Rentabilité :** Elles constituent généralement une solution rentable par rapport aux autres méthodes de levage, en particulier pour les puits peu profonds.
  • **Polyvalence :** Les pompes à balancier peuvent être utilisées dans divers environnements et sont adaptables à différents débits de production.

**Inconvénients du Jack (Pompe à balancier) :**

  • **Bruit et vibrations :** Les pompes à balancier peuvent générer un bruit et des vibrations importants, ce qui peut être une nuisance pour les habitants à proximité.
  • **Profondeur limitée :** Elles ne conviennent pas aux puits très profonds, car le poids de la tige de pompage devient excessif.
  • **Préoccupations environnementales :** Le bruit et les vibrations peuvent également affecter la faune et l'environnement.

**Conclusion :**

Le jack (pompe à balancier) est un équipement essentiel dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, jouant un rôle crucial dans l'extraction de ces ressources vitales. Son mécanisme simple mais efficace garantit une solution fiable et rentable pour de nombreux producteurs de pétrole et de gaz, tandis que son utilisation continue soulève d'importantes considérations concernant la pollution sonore et l'impact environnemental.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Jack (Beam Lift)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is another name for a pump jack? a) Turbine b) Horsehead pump c) Compressor d) Fracking machine


b) Horsehead pump

2. What is the primary function of the pump jack? a) To drill into the earth b) To separate oil and gas c) To transport oil and gas d) To extract oil and gas from underground


d) To extract oil and gas from underground

3. Which of the following components is NOT part of a pump jack? a) Beam b) Turbine c) Horsehead d) Pitman


b) Turbine

4. What is a key advantage of using a pump jack for oil and gas extraction? a) Its ability to operate in extreme temperatures b) Its high efficiency in extracting oil from deep wells c) Its reliability and long lifespan d) Its silent operation


c) Its reliability and long lifespan

5. What is a major disadvantage of using pump jacks? a) Their high maintenance costs b) Their inability to operate in harsh environments c) The noise and vibration they produce d) Their limited production capacity


c) The noise and vibration they produce

Exercise: Pump Jack Design


Imagine you are designing a pump jack for a new oil well. The well is located in a densely populated area near a wildlife refuge.

Consider the following factors and propose solutions to minimize negative impacts:

  • Noise: How can you reduce the noise generated by the pump jack?
  • Vibration: How can you minimize vibrations felt by nearby structures and residents?
  • Environmental Concerns: How can you minimize the impact on the wildlife refuge?

Write a brief report outlining your design solutions and explaining why you chose them.

Exercise Correction

Here is a possible solution: **Noise Reduction:** * **Enclosed Design:** A fully or partially enclosed pump jack would significantly reduce noise levels reaching nearby residents. * **Sound Dampening Materials:** Applying sound-absorbing materials around the pump jack, like acoustic panels or insulation, would further reduce noise propagation. * **Optimized Motor Design:** Using a quieter motor with low vibration levels would contribute to overall noise reduction. **Vibration Minimization:** * **Vibration Isolators:** Installing vibration isolators between the pump jack and the ground would absorb and dampen vibrations, preventing them from travelling to nearby structures. * **Optimized Foundation:** A well-engineered foundation specifically designed to absorb vibrations would help minimize their transmission. **Environmental Considerations:** * **Distance from Refuge:** The pump jack should be placed as far away from the wildlife refuge as possible to minimize noise and vibration disturbances. * **Noise Monitoring:** Continuous monitoring of noise levels at the refuge boundary would ensure compliance with environmental regulations. * **Wildlife Protection:** Planting vegetation around the pump jack can act as a natural barrier and reduce visual impact on the refuge. **Justification:** This design emphasizes a combination of engineering solutions and responsible placement. By reducing noise and vibration through enclosure, sound dampening, and vibration isolators, the project minimizes disturbance to residents and wildlife. Careful placement away from the refuge and the use of noise monitoring and wildlife-friendly landscaping further reduce the environmental impact.


  • Oil Well Drilling and Production: This book by H.J. Ramey provides a comprehensive overview of oil well drilling and production, including sections on pump jacks.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This handbook, edited by G.B. Asheim, covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, with chapters on production methods and equipment like pump jacks.
  • Modern Petroleum Production Technology: This book by D.W. Green provides an in-depth analysis of modern production techniques, including the use of beam lifts.


  • "Pump Jack Noise and Vibration Mitigation" by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This article discusses various methods for reducing the noise and vibration associated with pump jacks.
  • "Optimizing Pump Jack Performance" by Oil & Gas Journal: This article explores methods for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of beam lifts.
  • "The Evolution of Artificial Lift Systems" by the Journal of Petroleum Technology: This article traces the historical development of various artificial lift systems, including beam lifts.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of information on oil and gas production, including articles, presentations, and technical resources related to pump jacks.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry journal provides up-to-date news, analysis, and technical articles on all aspects of the oil and gas sector, including beam lifts.
  • Wikipedia: The Wikipedia entry for "Pumpjack" offers a concise overview of the equipment, its history, and its role in oil and gas production.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms like "pump jack," "beam lift," "horsehead pump," and "artificial lift."
  • Combine search terms with relevant keywords like "oil production," "gas extraction," "downhole pump," and "wellhead equipment."
  • Use quotation marks to search for specific phrases like "pump jack performance" or "beam lift noise."
  • Explore related search terms like "oil well technology," "production methods," and "artificial lift systems" for broader context.
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