Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Processing: Gas Lift

Gas Lift

Le Gaz Lift : Un Outil Puissant pour l'Augmentation de la Production de Pétrole

Le gaz lift, une méthode d'assistance à l'écoulement prominente, joue un rôle crucial dans l'augmentation de la production de pétrole des puits qui ont du mal à s'écouler naturellement en raison d'une faible pression de réservoir ou d'une densité de fluide élevée. Cette technique tire parti de la puissance de l'injection de gaz pour créer une force ascendante, facilitant le mouvement du pétrole vers la surface.

Fonctionnement du Gaz Lift

Le principe derrière le gaz lift est simple mais efficace :

  • Injection : Du gaz comprimé, généralement du gaz naturel, est injecté dans l'espace annulaire du puits (l'espace entre le tubage et le revêtement).
  • Interspersion : Le gaz injecté se mélange au pétrole et à l'eau qui s'écoulent dans le tubage, réduisant la densité globale du fluide.
  • Expansion : Lorsque le mélange monte, le gaz injecté se dilate, créant une force de flottabilité qui aide à surmonter le gradient de pression et à soulever le pétrole jusqu'à la surface.

Avantages du Gaz Lift

Le gaz lift offre une variété d'avantages par rapport aux autres méthodes d'assistance à l'écoulement, ce qui en fait un choix populaire pour les producteurs de pétrole :

  • Rentabilité : Le gaz lift est souvent une solution plus rentable que les autres méthodes, en particulier dans les puits à fort volume.
  • Flexibilité : Le débit d'injection de gaz peut être facilement ajusté pour répondre aux besoins de production, offrant un haut degré de flexibilité.
  • Interférence Minimale du Puits : Le gaz lift interfère de manière minimale avec l'écoulement naturel du puits, minimisant les interruptions de production potentielles.
  • Capacité de Soulevage Élevée : Cette technique peut soulever de grands volumes de fluides, ce qui la rend adaptée aux puits à forte production.

Types de Systèmes de Gaz Lift

Il existe deux principaux types de systèmes de gaz lift :

  • Gaz Lift Continu : Le gaz est injecté en continu dans le puits, fournissant une force de levage constante. Ceci convient aux taux de production stables.
  • Gaz Lift Intermittent : L'injection de gaz se produit par courtes rafales, souvent synchronisées avec les pics de production. Cette méthode est idéale pour les puits à taux de production fluctuants.

Applications du Gaz Lift

Le gaz lift trouve des applications dans un large éventail de scénarios, y compris :

  • Réservoirs à Basse Pression : Là où la pression du réservoir est insuffisante pour permettre un écoulement naturel du pétrole vers la surface.
  • Fluides à Haute Viscosité : Le gaz lift surmonte efficacement la haute viscosité des huiles lourdes.
  • Puits à Haute Proportion d'Eau : L'injection de gaz aide à soulever l'eau avec le pétrole, maximisant la production.


Le gaz lift est un outil puissant et polyvalent dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, permettant la production efficace du pétrole à partir de puits difficiles. Sa rentabilité, sa flexibilité et sa capacité de levage élevée en font un choix privilégié pour les opérateurs qui cherchent à maximiser la production et à minimiser les dépenses opérationnelles. En utilisant intelligemment la technologie du gaz lift, l'industrie peut débloquer des réserves importantes de pétrole, contribuant à la sécurité énergétique mondiale.

Test Your Knowledge

Gas Lift Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of gas lift in oil production?

a) To increase reservoir pressure b) To reduce the viscosity of oil c) To create an upward force to lift oil to the surface d) To prevent water from entering the well


c) To create an upward force to lift oil to the surface

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of gas lift?

a) Cost-effectiveness b) Flexibility in adjusting gas injection rate c) Increased well production capacity d) Elimination of the need for artificial lift


d) Elimination of the need for artificial lift

3. How does gas lift work?

a) By injecting water into the well to displace oil b) By injecting compressed gas to reduce the density of the fluid c) By injecting chemicals to break down oil molecules d) By using a pump to extract oil from the well


b) By injecting compressed gas to reduce the density of the fluid

4. What is the main difference between continuous and intermittent gas lift?

a) The type of gas used for injection b) The pressure at which gas is injected c) The frequency of gas injection d) The depth at which gas is injected


c) The frequency of gas injection

5. Gas lift is particularly useful for which type of wells?

a) Wells with high reservoir pressure b) Wells with low water cut c) Wells with high viscosity fluids d) Wells with low production rates


c) Wells with high viscosity fluids

Gas Lift Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer tasked with optimizing the production of a well using gas lift. The well is currently experiencing low production due to a combination of low reservoir pressure and high fluid viscosity.


  1. Identify the type of gas lift system that would be most suitable for this well. Explain your reasoning.
  2. Describe the factors that you would need to consider when determining the optimal gas injection rate.
  3. Outline the potential advantages and disadvantages of using gas lift in this specific case.

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise:

  1. Type of gas lift system: For this scenario, continuous gas lift would be the most suitable option. Continuous gas lift provides a consistent lifting force, which is crucial for overcoming the low reservoir pressure and high viscosity of the fluid. This method ensures a steady flow of oil production.
  2. Factors to consider for gas injection rate:
    • Reservoir pressure: The lower the reservoir pressure, the higher the gas injection rate needed to overcome the pressure gradient.
    • Fluid viscosity: Higher viscosity fluids require a greater gas injection rate to achieve effective lifting.
    • Production rate: The desired production rate will influence the gas injection rate.
    • Wellbore geometry: The size and configuration of the wellbore can affect the gas injection rate required.
    • Gas availability and cost: The cost and availability of gas must be considered for economic feasibility.
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages:
    • Advantages:
      • Improved production: Gas lift can significantly increase production from low-pressure, high-viscosity wells.
      • Flexibility: The gas injection rate can be adjusted to optimize production.
      • Cost-effective: Gas lift can be a more cost-effective solution compared to other artificial lift methods, especially for high-volume wells.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Gas availability: The availability of gas and its cost can be a limiting factor.
      • Potential for gas leaks: Gas leaks can occur, leading to environmental concerns and operational risks.
      • Downhole equipment: Gas lift systems require specialized downhole equipment, which can be expensive to install and maintain.


  • "Artificial Lift Methods" by A.C. Lockyear - This comprehensive textbook covers various artificial lift methods, including a detailed chapter on gas lift principles and applications.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by T.D. Williams - This industry standard handbook includes a section on gas lift, discussing design, optimization, and troubleshooting.
  • "Modern Gas Lift Design and Applications" by G.C. Baxendale - This book provides a detailed overview of modern gas lift technology, focusing on design, installation, and operational optimization.


  • "A Review of Gas Lift Applications and Optimization Techniques" by A.K. Youssef, et al. (SPE Journal) - This article reviews different gas lift applications and explores optimization techniques for maximizing oil production.
  • "Gas Lift Design and Optimization for Enhanced Oil Recovery" by A.R. Dahlan, et al. (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering) - This study focuses on designing and optimizing gas lift systems for enhanced oil recovery in challenging reservoirs.
  • "Intermittent Gas Lift: A Comprehensive Study of Field Applications" by J.L. Boulanger, et al. (Journal of Petroleum Technology) - This article examines the application and benefits of intermittent gas lift in various field scenarios.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website provides access to a vast library of technical papers, publications, and events related to gas lift. You can find information on different aspects of gas lift, including design, optimization, and troubleshooting.
  • "Gas Lift: Principles and Applications" by PetroWiki - This comprehensive online resource offers a detailed explanation of gas lift principles, types of systems, and practical applications.
  • "Gas Lift Design and Optimization" by Schlumberger - This website provides insights into Schlumberger's gas lift technologies, including design software and optimization tools.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "gas lift," use more specific terms like "gas lift design," "gas lift optimization," "gas lift applications," or "gas lift troubleshooting."
  • Combine keywords with operators: Utilize operators like "+" to include specific terms, "-" to exclude terms, and "OR" to broaden your search. For example, "gas lift + design + software."
  • Explore different file types: Search for specific file types like PDF or DOC for technical papers and reports.
  • Use advanced search operators: Google offers advanced search operators like "site:" to search within a specific website, "filetype:" to search for specific file types, and "intitle:" to search for terms within a webpage's title.
  • Check search results carefully: Evaluate the credibility and relevance of search results before using information from unfamiliar sources.
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