Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Processing: Fixed Choke

Fixed Choke

Choke fixe : Un élément clé dans la production pétrolière et gazière

Dans le monde de la production pétrolière et gazière, un contrôle précis du débit est primordial. C'est là qu'interviennent les chokes fixes, qui agissent comme des vannes essentielles régulant le flux des fluides des puits vers les installations de traitement en aval.

Qu'est-ce qu'un choke fixe ?

Comme son nom l'indique, un choke fixe est une vanne non ajustable qui utilise un "bean" de flux pour réguler le débit d'huile, de gaz ou d'eau. Ce "bean", généralement en acier trempé, crée un orifice précis par lequel le fluide doit passer. La taille de cet orifice détermine le débit, et étant fixe, ce débit ne peut pas être modifié sans remplacer physiquement le "bean".

Comment fonctionne un choke fixe ?

Les chokes fixes fonctionnent sur le principe du différentiel de pression. Lorsque le fluide pénètre dans le choke, il rencontre une restriction sous la forme du "bean" de flux. Cette restriction crée une chute de pression à travers le choke, et l'amplitude de cette chute est directement proportionnelle au débit. En sélectionnant soigneusement la taille appropriée du "bean", les opérateurs peuvent atteindre le débit souhaité pour des conditions de puits spécifiques.

Avantages des chokes fixes :

  • Simplicité : Les chokes fixes sont d'une conception remarquablement simple, nécessitant un minimum d'entretien et offrant une grande fiabilité.
  • Rentabilité : Leur conception simple et l'absence de pièces mobiles les rendent relativement peu coûteux par rapport aux systèmes de chokes ajustables.
  • Durabilité : La construction robuste des chokes fixes garantit des performances à long terme dans des environnements exigeants.
  • Contrôle précis : Bien que non ajustable, l'orifice fixe assure un contrôle précis du débit une fois installé, garantissant la constance des débits.

Applications des chokes fixes :

Les chokes fixes sont largement utilisés dans différents aspects de la production pétrolière et gazière :

  • Contrôle du puits : Au niveau du puits, ils contrôlent le débit initial des fluides de production, assurant une extraction sûre et contrôlée.
  • Mesure du débit : Les chokes fixes peuvent être utilisés conjointement avec des débitmètres pour déterminer avec précision le volume des fluides produits.
  • Régulation de la pression : Ils régulent efficacement la pression en aval du choke, empêchant les fluctuations de pression excessives dans les pipelines ou les équipements de traitement.
  • Applications de soulèvement au gaz : Les chokes fixes jouent un rôle dans les systèmes de soulèvement au gaz, contribuant à contrôler la quantité de gaz injectée dans les puits pour améliorer la production pétrolière.

Conclusion :

Les chokes fixes restent un élément vital de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, offrant un moyen fiable et économique de contrôler le débit des fluides. Leur simplicité, leur durabilité et leur contrôle précis en font un atout précieux pour optimiser les processus de production et garantir des opérations sûres et efficaces.

Test Your Knowledge

Fixed Choke Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a fixed choke? a) To control the flow of fluids in oil and gas production. b) To measure the volume of fluids produced. c) To increase the pressure of fluids in pipelines. d) To separate oil, gas, and water.


a) To control the flow of fluids in oil and gas production.

2. What component of a fixed choke is responsible for regulating flow? a) A valve stem b) A pressure gauge c) A flow bean d) A pressure relief valve


c) A flow bean

3. How does a fixed choke achieve flow control? a) By adjusting the size of the orifice. b) By changing the direction of fluid flow. c) By creating a pressure differential. d) By mixing different fluids together.


c) By creating a pressure differential.

4. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of fixed chokes? a) Simplicity b) Cost-effectiveness c) High adjustability d) Durability


c) High adjustability

5. Fixed chokes are commonly used in which of the following applications? a) Wellhead control b) Flow measurement c) Pressure regulation d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Fixed Choke Exercise

Scenario: You are working on an oil well site and need to install a fixed choke to regulate the flow of oil. The well is producing at a rate of 100 barrels per day, and you need to reduce the flow to 50 barrels per day. You have three fixed choke flow beans available: 1/4 inch, 1/2 inch, and 1 inch.


  1. Explain how you would determine the correct size of the flow bean to use.
  2. What size flow bean would you choose based on the scenario?
  3. What factors could affect your choice of flow bean size beyond the desired flow rate?

Exercice Correction

**1. Determining the Correct Flow Bean Size:** - **Pressure Drop:** You would need to know the pressure drop across the choke that corresponds to the desired flow rate (50 barrels per day). This information is usually available in choke charts or can be obtained through calculations or simulations. - **Flow Bean Selection:** Once you know the required pressure drop, you would consult the choke chart or reference material to determine the appropriate flow bean size that produces that pressure drop at the given flow rate. **2. Choosing the Correct Flow Bean:** - Since you need to reduce the flow rate from 100 to 50 barrels per day, you will need a smaller flow bean. - Without specific pressure drop information, it's impossible to determine the exact size, but a reasonable assumption is that the 1/4 inch flow bean would likely be the most appropriate choice. However, this requires verification with the correct data. **3. Factors Affecting Flow Bean Choice:** - **Well Pressure:** The pressure at the wellhead influences the pressure drop across the choke. Higher well pressure will require a larger flow bean to achieve the same pressure drop. - **Fluid Properties:** The viscosity and density of the fluid affect the flow rate and pressure drop. - **Downstream Equipment:** The capacity and pressure requirements of downstream processing equipment should be considered. - **Safety Considerations:** The choke should be sized to ensure safe operation and prevent excessive pressure buildup.


  • "Petroleum Production Engineering: Principles and Practices" by John M. Campbell: Covers a comprehensive overview of oil and gas production, including choke design and applications.
  • "Oil Well Drilling and Production" by B. H. Easton: Provides detailed information on wellhead equipment, including fixed choke operations and selection.
  • "The Complete Well Construction Handbook" by John R. Fanchi: This book discusses various aspects of well construction and completion, including choke selection and usage.


  • "Fixed Chokes: The Heart of Wellhead Flow Control" by [Author Name]: This article, potentially from a technical journal like the Journal of Petroleum Technology, would delve into the specifics of fixed choke design, operation, and advantages in detail.
  • "A Review of Choke Technology in Oil and Gas Production" by [Author Name]: A comprehensive review article published in a relevant journal would provide a broad overview of choke types, including fixed chokes, their applications, and advancements in technology.
  • "Optimization of Fixed Choke Size for Wellhead Flow Control" by [Author Name]: An article focusing on the specific application of fixed chokes in wellhead control, outlining factors considered for choke size selection and optimization.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): - SPE offers numerous publications, technical papers, and research resources on oil and gas production, including choke technology.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: - This industry journal publishes articles and reports on various aspects of oil and gas production, including choke selection and applications.
  • Schlumberger: - Schlumberger, a leading oilfield service company, provides technical documentation and resources on its various products and services, including fixed choke systems.

Search Tips

  • "Fixed choke oil and gas production": Start with this general search to find a broad range of results.
  • "Fixed choke selection criteria": This phrase focuses on the factors considered when choosing a fixed choke for a specific application.
  • "Fixed choke pressure drop calculation": This search will lead to resources explaining how to calculate the pressure drop across a fixed choke.
  • "Fixed choke manufacturers": Use this phrase to locate companies that manufacture and supply fixed choke equipment.
  • "Fixed choke vs adjustable choke": This search will provide articles comparing fixed and adjustable choke systems and their advantages and disadvantages.
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