Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Safety Training & Awareness: External Casing Packer

External Casing Packer

Les Packers de Gaine Externe : Assurer l'Étanchéité dans les Opérations de Trous Ouverts

Dans le monde exigeant de l'exploration et de la production pétrolières et gazières, la garantie d'une étanchéité parfaite est essentielle pour des opérations efficaces et sûres. Un outil essentiel utilisé pour y parvenir est le **Packer de Gaine Externe**, une pièce d'équipement spécialisée qui joue un rôle vital dans les sections de trou ouvert.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un Packer de Gaine Externe ?**

Un Packer de Gaine Externe est essentiellement une **vessie en caoutchouc** qui est placée sur une section de gaine et ensuite gonflée, généralement avec du ciment, pour créer une **étanchéité annulaire serrée**. Cette étanchéité empêche le flux de fluides entre la gaine et la formation environnante, garantissant que la production puisse avoir lieu en toute sécurité et efficacité.

**Fonctionnement :**

Le Packer de Gaine Externe est conçu pour fonctionner en conjonction avec les **gaines**, qui sont des longs tuyaux insérés dans le puits pour fournir un support structurel et un conduit de production. Le Packer est installé à intervalles le long de la section de trou ouvert du puits, créant de multiples étanchéités qui isolent différentes zones et empêchent la migration des fluides.

**Applications Clés :**

  • **Support de Suspension de Gaine :** Les Packers de Gaine Externe offrent un ancrage solide et sécurisé pour les gaines, les empêchant de bouger ou de s'effondrer sous pression.
  • **Prévention de l'Entrée de Gaz et d'Eau :** L'étanchéité créée par le Packer bloque efficacement l'entrée de gaz ou d'eau indésirables provenant des formations environnantes dans la zone de production.
  • **Cimentage et Isolation de Zone :** Le Packer permet un cimentage efficace des espaces annulaires, isolant différentes zones et empêchant toute communication entre elles.
  • **Contrôle Amélioré du Puits :** En créant de multiples étanchéités, les Packers de Gaine Externe contribuent à un contrôle amélioré du puits, réduisant le risque d'éruptions ou d'autres incidents.

**Avantages de l'Utilisation des Packers de Gaine Externe :**

  • **Production Augmentée :** En isolant efficacement les zones, les Packers permettent la production ciblée de pétrole ou de gaz à partir d'intervalles spécifiques, maximisant le rendement.
  • **Réduction des Coûts :** Les étanchéités serrées créées par les Packers minimisent les pertes de fluides, ce qui conduit à des économies de coûts importantes sur les opérations de forage et de production.
  • **Sécurité Améliorée :** Les étanchéités sécurisées et l'isolation des zones fournies par les Packers contribuent à un environnement de travail plus sûr pour le personnel.

**En Conclusion :**

Les Packers de Gaine Externe sont un outil indispensable dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, jouant un rôle vital pour garantir des opérations sûres et efficaces dans les sections de trou ouvert. Leur capacité à créer des étanchéités serrées, isoler les zones et améliorer le contrôle du puits les rend essentiels pour maximiser la production et minimiser les risques.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: External Casing Packers

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of an External Casing Packer?

a) To hold the drill string in place. b) To create a seal between the casing and the formation. c) To guide the liner into the wellbore. d) To prevent the flow of cement into the formation.


b) To create a seal between the casing and the formation.

2. What material is typically used to inflate an External Casing Packer?

a) Air b) Gas c) Water d) Cement


d) Cement

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using External Casing Packers?

a) Increased production b) Reduced drilling time c) Enhanced safety d) Reduced costs


b) Reduced drilling time

4. What is the main purpose of the liner in conjunction with the External Casing Packer?

a) To provide a pathway for the drilling fluid. b) To protect the casing from corrosion. c) To provide structural support and a conduit for production. d) To isolate the wellbore from the surrounding formation.


c) To provide structural support and a conduit for production.

5. What is the primary reason External Casing Packers are crucial for well control?

a) They prevent the formation from collapsing. b) They allow for the removal of the drill string without causing a blowout. c) They create multiple seals that isolate zones and prevent fluid migration. d) They allow for the efficient removal of cuttings from the wellbore.


c) They create multiple seals that isolate zones and prevent fluid migration.



You are working on a drilling rig and have encountered a problem with an External Casing Packer. The Packer has failed to inflate properly, and the annular seal is not holding. This is causing fluid from the surrounding formation to enter the wellbore, which could lead to a loss of control.


  1. Identify three potential causes for the Packer's failure to inflate.
  2. For each cause, describe one possible solution to rectify the problem.

Exercice Correction

Possible causes and solutions:

  • Cause 1: The Packer itself is damaged or defective.
    Solution: Replace the damaged Packer with a new one.
  • Cause 2: Insufficient pressure or volume of cement being pumped to inflate the Packer.
    Solution: Increase the pressure or volume of the cement being pumped.
  • Cause 3: Obstruction in the Packer's inflation line, preventing the flow of cement.
    Solution: Clear the obstruction in the inflation line. This may involve flushing the line or using a specialized tool to remove the obstruction.


  • "Well Completion Design" by John P. Brill - This comprehensive textbook covers well completion techniques, including external casing packers, with detailed explanations and practical examples.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by Jerry J. S. Logan - This book provides a thorough overview of drilling and well completion practices, with a dedicated chapter on packers and their applications.
  • "Production Operations" by Richard L. Chilingar - This reference delves into various aspects of oil and gas production, including well completion and packers, providing insights into their design, installation, and operation.


  • "External Casing Packers: A Key to Successful Open-Hole Completions" by SPE - This SPE paper discusses the benefits of using external casing packers in open-hole completions, highlighting their applications and advantages.
  • "External Casing Packers: Design and Operation" by Halliburton - This technical article provides a detailed explanation of the design and operating principles of various types of external casing packers.
  • "Improving Well Completion Efficiency with External Casing Packers" by Schlumberger - This article explores the role of external casing packers in improving well completion efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing production.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: Search the SPE website for research papers, technical articles, and industry events related to external casing packers.
  • Halliburton website: Explore Halliburton's website for information on their various external casing packer systems, including design specifications, operational procedures, and case studies.
  • Schlumberger website: Visit Schlumberger's website to access resources on their range of external casing packer technologies, technical documents, and field applications.
  • Baker Hughes website: Explore Baker Hughes' website for their product offerings related to external casing packers, including product descriptions, specifications, and technical support.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include keywords like "external casing packer," "open-hole completion," "liner hanger," "annular seal," "cementing," and "well control."
  • Combine keywords with search operators: Use "+" to include specific keywords, "-" to exclude terms, and "" to search for exact phrases. For example: "external casing packer" + "open-hole completion" - "packer design."
  • Filter your search results: Use the "Tools" option in Google Search to filter results by date, language, and other criteria.
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