Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Safety Training & Awareness: EDP (subsea)

EDP (subsea)

EDP (Sous-marin) : Assurer la sécurité et l'efficacité des opérations sous-marines

EDP, abréviation de Emergency Disconnect Package (Ensemble de déconnexion d'urgence), est un composant essentiel des opérations pétrolières et gazières sous-marines. Ce système sophistiqué joue un rôle vital pour garantir la sécurité du personnel et de l'environnement tout en maintenant l'efficacité opérationnelle.

Qu'est-ce qu'un EDP ?

Un EDP est essentiellement un assemblage de connecteurs spécialisé qui permet la déconnexion rapide et contrôlée de l'équipement sous-marin des risers de production ou des pipelines en situation d'urgence. Il agit comme une soupape de sécurité, empêchant la libération de fluides et de gaz dans l'environnement marin en cas d'incident imprévu.

Fonctions clés d'un EDP :

  • Déconnexion d'urgence : En cas d'incendie, d'explosion ou d'autre situation critique, l'EDP permet la déconnexion immédiate du puits de pétrole ou d'autres équipements sous-marins du système de production.
  • Confinement des fluides : L'EDP intègre des vannes et des joints qui empêchent l'écoulement des hydrocarbures, de l'eau ou d'autres fluides dans l'environnement environnant pendant la déconnexion.
  • Décharge de pression : Le système comprend souvent un mécanisme de décharge de pression pour évacuer en toute sécurité toute accumulation de pression lors d'une urgence.

Composants d'un EDP :

  • Actionneurs hydrauliques : Ils activent le mécanisme de déconnexion, permettant une séparation rapide et fiable.
  • Système de contrôle : Un système de contrôle sophistiqué surveille la pression, le débit et d'autres paramètres, déclenchant l'EDP en cas d'urgence.
  • Connecteurs : Des connecteurs haute pression spécialisés facilitent la connexion et la déconnexion rapides et sécurisées de l'équipement sous-marin.
  • Collecteur : Un concentrateur central qui abrite les vannes, les connecteurs et autres composants de l'EDP.

Avantages de l'utilisation d'un EDP :

  • Sécurité accrue : Les EDP réduisent considérablement le risque de pollution environnementale et garantissent la sécurité du personnel en cas d'urgence.
  • Efficacité opérationnelle : La fonction de déconnexion rapide permet l'isolation rapide de l'équipement touché, réduisant ainsi les temps d'arrêt de production.
  • Protection de l'environnement : En empêchant la libération de fluides et de gaz, les EDP contribuent à la gestion responsable et durable des ressources sous-marines.

Conclusion :

Les EDP sont un élément indispensable des opérations pétrolières et gazières sous-marines, garantissant la sécurité du personnel, de l'environnement et l'efficacité de la production. En fournissant un mécanisme de déconnexion rapide et fiable, les EDP jouent un rôle crucial pour minimiser le risque de fuites de fluides incontrôlées et assurer le développement sûr et responsable des ressources sous-marines.

Test Your Knowledge

EDP (Subsea) Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does EDP stand for in the context of subsea operations?

a) Emergency Discharge Package b) Environmental Data Package c) Emergency Disconnect Package d) Equipment Deployment Package


c) Emergency Disconnect Package

2. What is the primary function of an EDP?

a) To monitor the pressure and flow of fluids in subsea pipelines. b) To control the deployment and retrieval of subsea equipment. c) To allow for the rapid and controlled disconnection of subsea equipment in emergencies. d) To provide a backup system for the main subsea production control system.


c) To allow for the rapid and controlled disconnection of subsea equipment in emergencies.

3. Which of the following is NOT a component of an EDP?

a) Hydraulic actuators b) Control system c) Subsea production risers d) Connectors


c) Subsea production risers

4. What is the main benefit of using an EDP in subsea operations?

a) Increased production efficiency due to faster deployment times. b) Reduced environmental impact through improved fluid control. c) Enhanced communication capabilities between subsea equipment and surface platforms. d) Increased data accuracy for subsea resource analysis.


b) Reduced environmental impact through improved fluid control.

5. Which of the following scenarios would likely trigger the activation of an EDP?

a) A routine maintenance operation on the subsea production system. b) A planned shutdown of the subsea production system for a scheduled upgrade. c) A fire or explosion near the subsea production system. d) A minor pressure fluctuation in the subsea pipeline.


c) A fire or explosion near the subsea production system.

EDP (Subsea) Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on a subsea oil and gas project where an EDP is used to disconnect a wellhead from the production riser in case of emergency. During a routine inspection, you notice that one of the hydraulic actuators is leaking fluid.


  1. Explain the potential consequences of this leak for the EDP's functionality and safety.
  2. Describe the immediate actions you would take to address the situation.
  3. Outline the steps you would take to ensure the EDP is fully operational and safe before resuming production.

Exercise Correction

**Potential Consequences:** * **Reduced actuation force:** The leak could reduce the hydraulic pressure available to the actuator, making it difficult or impossible to disconnect the wellhead in an emergency. * **Compromised safety:** A leaking actuator could lead to hydraulic fluid contamination of the surrounding environment, posing a risk to marine life and personnel. * **Damage to the actuator:** The leak could worsen over time, potentially causing further damage to the actuator and compromising its long-term functionality. **Immediate Actions:** 1. **Isolate the actuator:** If possible, isolate the actuator from the hydraulic system to prevent further fluid loss. 2. **Report the issue:** Inform your supervisor and the relevant personnel about the leaking actuator. 3. **Implement temporary solutions:** Depending on the severity of the leak, consider using a temporary patch or sealant to minimize the fluid loss until a permanent solution can be implemented. 4. **Assess safety risks:** Evaluate the potential hazards associated with the leaking actuator and implement appropriate safety measures for personnel working in the area. **Steps for Restoration:** 1. **Investigate the cause of the leak:** Determine the source of the leak and the underlying cause. 2. **Repair or replace the actuator:** If the leak is minor and repairable, repair the actuator. If it is severe or irreparable, replace the actuator with a new one. 3. **Test the EDP system:** After repairs or replacement, thoroughly test the EDP system to ensure its functionality and safety. 4. **Document the incident:** Record details of the leak, repair or replacement, and the testing procedures in the project records. 5. **Resume production:** Once the EDP system is fully operational and safe, resume production operations.


  • Subsea Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of subsea engineering, including EDPs and their applications.
  • Subsea Production Systems: This book provides detailed information on subsea production systems, including EDPs and their role in safety and efficiency.
  • Subsea Engineering and Operations: This book focuses on the technical aspects of subsea engineering, with a section dedicated to emergency disconnect systems.


  • "Emergency Disconnect Systems for Subsea Oil and Gas Production" (Journal of Petroleum Technology) - This article explores the design, operation, and benefits of EDPs in subsea operations.
  • "Safety and Environmental Considerations in Subsea Operations" (Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings) - This paper highlights the importance of safety and environmental protection in subsea operations, including the role of EDPs.
  • "Subsea Emergency Disconnect Systems: A Review of Recent Developments" (Subsea Technology Journal) - This article examines the latest advancements in EDP technology and their impact on subsea operations.

Online Resources

  • Subsea 7: A leading subsea engineering and construction company, Subsea 7 has extensive information on their website about their expertise in EDPs and other subsea technologies.
  • OneSubsea: A joint venture of Schlumberger and Cameron, OneSubsea offers detailed information about their range of subsea equipment, including EDPs.
  • The Subsea UK website: This website provides a wealth of information and resources on the subsea industry, including news, events, and technical papers.

Search Tips

  • "EDP Subsea" OR "Emergency Disconnect Package" - This search will return relevant results related to EDPs and their applications in the subsea sector.
  • "Subsea Safety" + "EDP" - This search will focus on the safety implications of EDPs and their role in emergency situations.
  • "Subsea Equipment" + "Emergency Disconnect" - This search will help you find information on EDPs and other subsea equipment designed for emergency response.
  • "Subsea Oil and Gas" + "EDP" - This search will provide specific examples of EDPs used in subsea oil and gas production.
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