Ingénierie des réservoirs

Cross Plot

Tracés croisés : Dévoiler les secrets du sous-sol dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, la compréhension de la composition et des propriétés du sous-sol terrestre est cruciale. Un outil puissant utilisé pour déchiffrer ces secrets est le **tracé croisé**. Cette technique simple mais efficace consiste à tracer deux ou plusieurs réponses de diagraphies (ou autres enregistrements de variables) sur un graphique, chaque variable étant représentée sur un axe des X et un axe des Y.

Les tracés croisés, parfois appelés **nuages de points** dans d'autres contextes, agissent comme des représentations visuelles de la relation entre différents paramètres du sous-sol. En analysant les motifs et les tendances au sein des données, les géologues et les ingénieurs peuvent obtenir des informations précieuses sur :

  • Lithologie : Identifier les différents types de roches (grès, schiste, calcaire) en fonction de leurs combinaisons uniques de réponses de diagraphies telles que la densité, le sonique et la résistivité.
  • Saturation en fluide : Déterminer la présence et le volume d'hydrocarbures (pétrole et gaz) dans un réservoir en observant comment les réponses de diagraphies changent avec différentes teneurs en fluide.
  • Porosité et perméabilité : Comprendre l'espace poreux dans les roches et la facilité avec laquelle les fluides peuvent s'y écouler, ce qui est essentiel pour prédire la qualité du réservoir.
  • Composition minérale : Identifier les minéraux spécifiques présents dans la formation en fonction de leurs réponses caractéristiques sur différents types de diagraphies.
  • Caractéristiques géologiques : Reconnaître les structures géologiques telles que les failles ou les discordances, qui peuvent affecter considérablement l'écoulement des fluides et le potentiel du réservoir.

Comment fonctionnent les tracés croisés :

  1. Acquisition de données : Les diagraphies, qui sont des mesures continues de diverses propriétés de la roche prises pendant le forage, fournissent les données pour les tracés croisés.
  2. Traitement des données : Les données brutes de diagraphies sont traitées et calibrées pour garantir la précision.
  3. Génération de tracés : Les réponses de diagraphies traitées sont ensuite tracées sur un graphique, une variable étant représentée sur l'axe des X et l'autre sur l'axe des Y.
  4. Analyse : Les géologues et les ingénieurs analysent la distribution des points sur le tracé croisé pour identifier les motifs, les tendances et les relations entre les variables.

Types de tracés croisés :

  • Densité contre sonique : Un tracé croisé classique utilisé pour différencier le grès, le schiste et le calcaire.
  • Porosité neutronique contre densité : Aide à déterminer la saturation en fluide, en particulier lorsqu'elle est combinée aux données de résistivité.
  • Résistivité contre porosité : Un outil puissant pour identifier les zones où des hydrocarbures sont présents.
  • Rayon gamma contre résistivité : Utilisé pour distinguer les sables argileux des sables propres.

Avantages des tracés croisés :

  • Représentation visuelle : Ils fournissent un moyen clair et intuitif de visualiser les relations entre différents paramètres du sous-sol.
  • Intégration des données : Ils permettent l'analyse simultanée de plusieurs réponses de diagraphies, offrant une compréhension complète du réservoir.
  • Reconnaissance des motifs : Ils aident à identifier les motifs et les tendances subtils qui ne sont pas facilement apparents dans les courbes de diagraphies individuelles.
  • Caractérisation du réservoir : Ils jouent un rôle crucial dans la délimitation des limites du réservoir, l'identification des zones productives et l'estimation du volume du réservoir et des réserves.

Conclusion :

Les tracés croisés sont un outil fondamental dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, offrant des informations précieuses sur la composition, les propriétés et le potentiel des formations du sous-sol. En analysant les relations entre différentes réponses de diagraphies, les géologues et les ingénieurs peuvent prendre des décisions éclairées concernant les stratégies d'exploration, de développement et de production. La simplicité et la polyvalence des tracés croisés en font une partie indispensable du flux de travail d'exploration et de production, contribuant au succès des opérations pétrolières et gazières dans le monde entier.

Test Your Knowledge

Cross Plots Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of cross plots in oil and gas exploration?

a) To measure the depth of a well. b) To identify the type of drilling rig used. c) To visualize the relationship between different subsurface parameters. d) To calculate the cost of drilling operations.


c) To visualize the relationship between different subsurface parameters.

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical variable used in cross plots?

a) Density b) Sonic c) Resistivity d) Production rate


d) Production rate

3. What type of cross plot is commonly used to differentiate between sandstone, shale, and limestone?

a) Neutron Porosity vs. Resistivity b) Density vs. Sonic c) Gamma Ray vs. Resistivity d) Resistivity vs. Porosity


b) Density vs. Sonic

4. Which of the following is a benefit of using cross plots?

a) They can accurately predict the price of oil. b) They allow for the integration of multiple log responses. c) They can determine the location of oil reserves with 100% accuracy. d) They can be used to predict the future demand for oil.


b) They allow for the integration of multiple log responses.

5. What is the main data source for generating cross plots?

a) Seismic surveys b) Well logs c) Satellite imagery d) Geological maps


b) Well logs

Cross Plots Exercise:

Scenario: You are a geologist working on an oil exploration project. You have obtained well log data from a newly drilled well. The data includes measurements of density, sonic, and resistivity.


  1. Generate a cross plot of Density vs. Sonic.
  2. Interpret the patterns observed on the cross plot.
  3. Identify potential lithologies (rock types) present in the well.


  1. Create a cross plot of Neutron Porosity vs. Density to further analyze fluid saturation.
  2. Describe how the cross plots can inform decisions regarding the exploration and development of the oil reservoir.

Note: You may use software like Excel, MATLAB, or specialized geological software to create the cross plots.

Exercice Correction

**1. Generation of Density vs. Sonic Cross Plot:** Use the well log data to plot the density values on the Y-axis and the sonic values on the X-axis. You will see a scatter plot of data points. **2. Interpretation of Patterns:** * **Look for distinct clusters of data points:** Different clusters may represent different lithologies. * **Analyze the trend of the clusters:** A linear trend might indicate a specific rock type, while a more scattered pattern might suggest a mixture of rock types. **3. Identification of Lithologies:** * **Sandstone:** Typically has a lower density and a higher sonic velocity. It might appear as a cluster of data points in the lower-left corner of the cross plot. * **Shale:** Usually has a higher density and a lower sonic velocity. It might appear as a cluster in the upper-right corner. * **Limestone:** Often has a higher density and a higher sonic velocity than sandstone. It might be found in the upper-left corner. **4. Neutron Porosity vs. Density Cross Plot (Optional):** This cross plot can help determine fluid saturation. * **High neutron porosity and low density:** Suggests the presence of hydrocarbons (oil or gas). * **Low neutron porosity and high density:** Indicates water saturation. **5. Decision-Making:** * **Reservoir delineation:** The cross plots can help identify the boundaries of potential reservoir zones with different lithologies and fluid content. * **Production optimization:** Understanding the lithologies and fluid saturation can inform decisions about well placement, completion strategies, and production techniques. **Example:** If the cross plots show a clear distinction between sandstone and shale layers, it suggests that the sandstone layer might hold potential for oil accumulation. Further analysis, including other logs and geological information, can help confirm this hypothesis and guide subsequent development decisions.


  • Well Logging and Formation Evaluation by Schlumberger (A classic and comprehensive resource)
  • Petroleum Geoscience by John C. McHargue (Covers a wide range of topics, including well log analysis)
  • Geophysics for the Oil and Gas Industry by John M. Reynolds (Explores various geophysical methods, including well log interpretation)
  • Introduction to Petroleum Geology by Peter K. H. Magoon and John A. Doveton (A solid foundation for understanding oil and gas exploration)
  • Log Interpretation: Principles and Applications by David R. Butler (Focuses on practical applications of well logs)


  • Cross-Plot Techniques for Identifying Hydrocarbon Bearing Zones by J. M. Campbell (Published in the journal Geophysics, offers specific examples and techniques)
  • Log Analysis Techniques for Reservoir Evaluation by T. A. Davis (Explores various log analysis techniques, including cross plots)
  • The Use of Cross-Plots in Well Log Analysis by J. W. Campbell (An insightful article discussing the applications and benefits of cross plots)
  • Crossplots: A Visual Tool for Understanding Subsurface Properties by S. J. Davis (A more introductory article explaining the basics of cross plots)

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's Log Interpretation Handbook: (A comprehensive resource with extensive information on well logs and interpretation)
  • The PetroWiki: (An online encyclopedia with various articles related to oil and gas exploration, including log analysis)
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): (A professional organization with a wealth of resources for petroleum engineers, including publications and training courses)
  • Well Log Analysis Software: Several software programs are available for log analysis and cross-plotting, including Petrel, GeoGraphix, and Techlog.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "cross plot" and "well log analysis" along with the type of log response you're interested in (e.g., "density cross plot" or "resistivity cross plot").
  • Add keywords like "petroleum" or "oil and gas" to focus your search on relevant industry resources.
  • Utilize advanced search operators like "site:" to search within specific websites (e.g., " cross plot" to find resources on Schlumberger's website).
  • Explore Google Scholar for academic research papers related to well log interpretation and cross plots.


Cross Plots: A Comprehensive Guide

This expanded guide delves deeper into the world of cross plots, breaking down the techniques, models, software, best practices, and showcasing real-world case studies.

Chapter 1: Techniques

Cross plotting is a fundamental technique in well log analysis that leverages the visual representation of relationships between different petrophysical parameters. The core principle lies in plotting one log response against another on a Cartesian coordinate system. Each point on the plot represents a specific depth interval within the wellbore, with its coordinates corresponding to the measured values of the two chosen logs.

Several techniques enhance the effectiveness of cross plots:

  • Log Selection: The choice of logs is crucial and depends on the specific geological context and the desired information. Common log pairs include Density vs. Neutron porosity, Sonic vs. Density, Resistivity vs. Porosity, and Gamma Ray vs. Resistivity. Careful consideration of the log's sensitivity to the target lithology and fluid type is vital.

  • Data Preprocessing: Raw log data often needs preprocessing steps such as depth matching, correction for environmental effects (e.g., borehole size, mud filtrate invasion), and potentially, smoothing or filtering to reduce noise.

  • Normalization and Transformation: Sometimes, log data requires transformations (e.g., logarithmic scale for resistivity logs) to better reveal relationships or improve the clarity of the plot. Normalization techniques can standardize the scales, making comparisons across different wells easier.

  • Clustering and Classification: Once the cross plot is generated, clustering techniques can help identify distinct groups of data points representing different lithologies or fluid types. These clusters can then be further classified based on their properties.

  • Overlaying other Data: Cross plots can be enriched by overlaying additional data, such as core analysis results, geological interpretations, or seismic attributes. This integrated approach facilitates a more comprehensive understanding of the subsurface.

  • Advanced Plotting Techniques: Beyond simple scatter plots, more advanced techniques such as 3D cross plots or ternary diagrams can be employed for analyzing more than two log responses simultaneously, offering a richer visualization.

Chapter 2: Models

While cross plots themselves are not "models" in the traditional sense (e.g., reservoir simulation models), they are often used in conjunction with petrophysical models to interpret the data. Several models underpin the interpretation of cross plots:

  • Empirical Relationships: Many cross plots rely on empirical relationships between different log responses. For instance, the relationship between density and neutron porosity can be used to estimate lithology and porosity. These relationships are often established through laboratory measurements on core samples.

  • Porosity Models: Cross plots involving porosity logs (neutron, density) are interpreted within the framework of porosity models. These models incorporate factors like matrix density, fluid density, and potentially, shale volume.

  • Saturation Models: Cross plots involving resistivity and porosity are interpreted using saturation models like Archie's equation or its modifications. These models link the measured resistivity to water saturation and porosity.

  • Lithology Models: Cross plots can help in differentiating lithologies based on their characteristic log response signatures. These interpretations are often supported by lithological models that describe the expected log responses for various rock types.

Chapter 3: Software

Numerous software packages facilitate the creation and analysis of cross plots:

  • Petrel (Schlumberger): A comprehensive reservoir characterization software with extensive well log analysis capabilities, including sophisticated cross plotting tools.

  • Kingdom (IHS Markit): Another industry-standard software offering powerful cross plotting functionalities, integration with other geoscience data, and advanced visualization options.

  • Interactive Petrophysics (IPA): A specialized software package specifically designed for well log analysis, including robust cross plotting tools and interactive interpretation capabilities.

  • LogPlot: A more affordable option offering essential cross plotting and well log analysis features.

  • Python Libraries: Libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Pandas within Python provide the flexibility to create customized cross plots and integrate with other data analysis workflows.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

  • Data Quality Control: Before generating any cross plot, rigorously check the quality of the well log data for errors, inconsistencies, and noise.

  • Appropriate Scale and Labeling: Choose appropriate scales for the X and Y axes to clearly display the data, and ensure proper labeling for easy understanding.

  • Clear Visual Representation: Use distinct symbols or colors to represent different clusters or zones of interest. Add legends and annotations to clarify the plot's content.

  • Contextual Interpretation: Do not interpret cross plots in isolation. Consider other geological, geophysical, and engineering data for a more comprehensive understanding.

  • Calibration and Validation: Calibrate your interpretation against core data, formation testing results, or other independent data sources whenever possible.

  • Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation of the data, processing steps, and interpretation of the cross plots for future reference and reproducibility.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

(Note: Real-world case studies would require specific data and proprietary information which cannot be provided here. However, a general outline of how case studies would be presented is provided below.)

Case studies would typically include:

  • Case Study 1: Reservoir Delineation: A cross plot (e.g., Resistivity vs. Porosity) used to delineate hydrocarbon-bearing zones within a reservoir, showing how the identification of clusters of data points leads to the definition of reservoir boundaries and the estimation of hydrocarbon volumes. Details on the specific logs used, the interpretation techniques employed, and the resulting geological model would be presented.

  • Case Study 2: Lithological Differentiation: A cross plot (e.g., Density vs. Neutron) demonstrating how the distinct clustering of data points allows the differentiation of various lithologies (sandstone, shale, limestone) within a well, improving the geological model's accuracy. The challenges encountered and the solutions adopted would be discussed.

  • Case Study 3: Fluid Typing: A cross plot (e.g., Neutron vs. Density) combined with resistivity data is used to differentiate between oil, gas, and water zones. The use of additional logs to refine the interpretation and the uncertainties involved would be explained.

Each case study would include a detailed description of the geological setting, the data used, the methodology, the results obtained, and the implications for reservoir management and hydrocarbon production. The limitations of the cross plot analysis and the integration with other geoscience data would also be discussed.

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