Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: CCP (completion)

CCP (completion)

Compléter le puits : comprendre le CCP dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, le terme « CCP » signifie Complétion, Tubage et Cimentage, et Perf (pour Perforation). Cette séquence de processus est cruciale pour mettre en service un nouveau puits, permettant l'extraction du pétrole et du gaz.

Complétion :

  • Définition : La complétion fait référence à la phase finale de la construction d'un puits, où le puits est préparé pour la production. Cela implique l'installation d'équipements et d'infrastructures pour faciliter l'écoulement du pétrole ou du gaz du réservoir vers la surface.
  • Activités clés :
    • Installation d'équipements en fond de trou : Cela comprend les tubages de production, les packers et les vannes, qui aident à contrôler l'écoulement des fluides et à prévenir les fuites indésirables.
    • Connexion à l'équipement de surface : Cela implique la fixation des conduites d'écoulement, des pipelines et d'autres infrastructures de surface pour transporter les ressources extraites.
    • Essais et mise en service : Des tests approfondis sont effectués pour garantir que le puits fonctionne de manière sûre et efficace.

Tubage :

  • Définition : Le tubage fait référence à des tuyaux en acier robustes qui sont abaissés dans le puits et cimentés en place.
  • Objectif :
    • Support structurel : Le tubage fournit une intégrité structurelle au puits, l'empêchant de s'effondrer, en particulier dans les formations instables.
    • Isolation : Le tubage isole les différentes zones géologiques, empêchant l'écoulement des fluides entre elles et assurant une production efficace.
    • Protection : Le tubage protège le puits de la corrosion et d'autres influences externes.
  • Types de tubage : Il existe plusieurs types de tubage utilisés en fonction de la profondeur et des conditions de formation, notamment le tubage conducteur, le tubage de surface, le tubage intermédiaire et le tubage de production.

Cimentage :

  • Définition : Le cimentage est le processus d'injection de coulis de ciment dans l'espace annulaire entre le tubage et le puits.
  • Objectif :
    • Fixation du tubage : Le cimentage fixe le tubage en place, fournissant un support structurel et empêchant les mouvements.
    • Isolation : Le cimentage isole le tubage de la formation environnante, empêchant l'écoulement des fluides et protégeant le puits de la contamination.
    • Contrôle de la zone : Le cimentage permet une production sélective à partir de zones spécifiques, empêchant le mélange des fluides provenant de différentes couches.

Perf (Perforation) :

  • Définition : La perforation est le processus de création d'ouvertures dans le tubage et le ciment, permettant l'accès au réservoir pour la production de pétrole et de gaz.
  • Objectif :
    • Connexion d'écoulement : Les perforations créent un chemin pour que les fluides du réservoir s'écoulent dans le puits.
    • Production sélective : Les perforations peuvent être placées stratégiquement pour cibler des zones spécifiques au sein du réservoir, permettant une production plus efficace.
  • Méthodes : Les perforations peuvent être créées en utilisant diverses méthodes, notamment les charges creuses, les jets et le forage au laser.

Résumé :

Le CCP (Complétion, Tubage, Cimentage et Perf) est une série d'étapes cruciales dans le processus de construction du puits, garantissant une production de pétrole et de gaz sûre et efficace. En comprenant chaque composant, nous acquérons une compréhension plus approfondie du rôle vital que ces processus jouent dans l'industrie énergétique.

Test Your Knowledge

CCP Quiz: Completing the Well

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of casing in a wellbore?

a) To transport oil and gas to the surface b) To create openings for fluid flow c) To provide structural support and isolation d) To test the well's production capacity


c) To provide structural support and isolation

2. What is the main function of cementing in the well construction process?

a) To create a pathway for fluid flow from the reservoir b) To secure the casing in place and isolate zones c) To measure the depth of the wellbore d) To extract oil and gas from the reservoir


b) To secure the casing in place and isolate zones

3. Which of the following is NOT a typical activity involved in well completion?

a) Installing downhole equipment b) Cementing the casing c) Connecting to surface equipment d) Testing and commissioning the well


b) Cementing the casing

4. What is the purpose of perforating the casing and cement?

a) To provide structural support to the wellbore b) To isolate different geological zones c) To allow fluids to flow from the reservoir into the wellbore d) To prevent corrosion of the wellbore


c) To allow fluids to flow from the reservoir into the wellbore

5. What does the acronym CCP stand for in the oil and gas industry?

a) Completion, Casing, and Cementing b) Completion, Casing, and Perf c) Completion, Cementing, and Perf d) Casing, Cementing, and Perf


b) Completion, Casing, and Perf

CCP Exercise: Well Construction Scenario

Scenario: You are a well engineer tasked with designing the completion of a new oil well. The well is drilled in a shale formation with a high pressure gradient.

Your task:

  • Choose the appropriate casing types for this well. Explain your reasoning, considering the high pressure gradient and formation type.
  • Describe the steps involved in the completion process, emphasizing the importance of safety and efficiency. Include specific equipment and procedures relevant to the shale formation.
  • Explain how you would ensure proper zone isolation during the cementing process.

Exercice Correction

**Casing Selection:** * **Conductor Casing:** This will be the first casing run to provide initial wellbore support and stabilize the surface formation. * **Surface Casing:** This will be set to isolate freshwater zones and prevent potential contamination. Due to the high pressure gradient, heavier wall thickness and a higher yield strength casing may be required. * **Intermediate Casing:** This will isolate any other potentially problematic zones above the target shale formation. Again, high-pressure resistant casing with increased wall thickness is likely needed. * **Production Casing:** This will be the final casing string and will be designed for the specific pressure and temperature conditions within the shale formation. **Completion Process:** * **Casing Installation and Cementing:** Each casing string is run into the wellbore, carefully monitored for proper depth and alignment. Cementing is performed after each casing run to secure the casing in place and isolate different zones. In a high-pressure shale formation, special cement mixes might be required to ensure proper bonding and withstand pressure. * **Perforating:** After the final casing is cemented, the target zone within the shale formation will be perforated to create a flow path for oil and gas. Techniques like shaped charges or jet perforating may be used to ensure efficient and consistent perforation. * **Completion Equipment:** Installing the necessary completion equipment, such as tubing, packers, valves, and flow control devices, is critical. In shale formations, high-performance downhole equipment is required to handle the unique pressures and formation characteristics. * **Testing and Commissioning:** The well is thoroughly tested to ensure proper function, safety, and optimal production rates. This involves flow testing, pressure monitoring, and analyzing well performance. **Zone Isolation:** * To ensure proper zone isolation during cementing, multiple barriers are implemented. These can include: * **Centralizers:** These devices ensure that the casing is properly centered within the wellbore, preventing cement from bypassing and leaving behind areas of potential leakage. * **Float Collar:** This is a specialized collar used to isolate the cement slurry from any fluids in the wellbore above the cementing point. * **Cementing Procedures:** The cementing process is carefully planned and executed to ensure proper displacement of drilling mud and effective bonding of the cement to the casing and wellbore.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by John Lee - This comprehensive textbook covers the fundamentals of well completion, including casing, cementing, and perforation techniques.
  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by Dale W. Spivey - A detailed guide to the design and implementation of well completions, with specific chapters dedicated to casing, cementing, and perforating.
  • "Petroleum Production Engineering" by William C. Lyons - This book provides a broad overview of oil and gas production, including sections on well completion and its various aspects.


  • "Completion and Workover Operations" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - A comprehensive guide to well completion operations, including a dedicated section on casing, cementing, and perforation techniques.
  • "Cementing: The Critical Link in Well Construction" by Schlumberger - This article explores the importance of cementing in well completion and provides insights into various cementing techniques and challenges.
  • "Well Completion: A Primer" by Halliburton - An introductory article that provides an overview of well completion operations, covering the fundamentals of casing, cementing, and perforating.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: The SPE website offers a wealth of technical resources, articles, and research papers related to well completion and its various aspects.
  • Schlumberger website: Schlumberger's website provides detailed information about their oilfield services, including completion technologies and equipment, with dedicated sections on casing, cementing, and perforation.
  • Halliburton website: Halliburton's website offers technical resources and information about their well completion services, including details about casing, cementing, and perforation techniques.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "CCP," "well completion," "casing," "cementing," and "perforating" for targeted search results.
  • Include industry terms: Add terms like "oil and gas," "production," and "reservoir" to refine your searches to industry-specific content.
  • Explore specific companies: Search for resources from major oilfield service companies like Schlumberger, Halliburton, and Baker Hughes.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "Completion, Casing, Cementing, and Perf" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Utilize filters: Use Google's search filters to narrow down your results by date, source, and other criteria.
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