Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Casing Liner

Casing Liner

Revêtements de tubage : Une solution rentable et polyvalente dans les puits de pétrole et de gaz

Dans le monde de l'exploration et de la production de pétrole et de gaz, la construction efficace et efficiente des puits est primordiale. Le tubage, le tuyau d'acier protecteur qui tapisse un puits, joue un rôle crucial pour garantir des opérations sûres et productives. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsqu'une colonne de tubage complète n'est pas la solution la plus pratique ou la plus rentable ? Entrez le **revêtement de tubage**.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un revêtement de tubage ?**

Un revêtement de tubage est essentiellement une section de tubage plus courte qui s'étend d'un point spécifique du puits jusqu'à un point à l'intérieur de la colonne de tubage précédemment installée, mais n'atteint généralement pas la surface. Cette conception unique offre plusieurs avantages par rapport à une colonne de tubage complète, ce qui en fait un choix populaire pour divers scénarios de puits.

**Principaux avantages de l'utilisation de revêtements de tubage :**

  • **Économies de coûts :** Les revêtements de tubage utilisent moins de matériau que les colonnes de tubage complètes, ce qui entraîne des réductions de coûts significatives. Ceci est particulièrement bénéfique dans les environnements difficiles ou les puits à budgets limités.
  • **Diamètre intérieur (DI) plus grand :** En utilisant un revêtement au lieu d'une colonne de tubage complète, les opérateurs peuvent maintenir un DI plus grand dans le puits, offrant plus d'espace pour les équipements, les outils et le tubage en fond de trou. Ceci est crucial pour une production et une maintenance efficaces.
  • **Prévention de l'espace annulaire piégé :** Les revêtements de tubage peuvent éliminer la création d'un espace annulaire piégé, ce qui peut constituer un risque pour la sécurité et entraver les opérations futures.
  • **Isolation sélective :** Les revêtements peuvent être utilisés pour isoler des zones spécifiques dans le puits, empêchant la migration de fluides ou isolant les zones à problèmes.
  • **Intégrité du puits améliorée :** Les revêtements de tubage peuvent contribuer à renforcer et à protéger les sections du puits qui sont sensibles à l'effondrement ou aux dommages.

**Applications des revêtements de tubage :**

Les revêtements de tubage sont couramment utilisés dans divers scénarios, notamment :

  • **Puits peu profonds :** Les revêtements sont une solution rentable pour les puits peu profonds où les colonnes de tubage complètes sont inutiles.
  • **Zones de production :** Les revêtements peuvent être utilisés pour isoler les zones de production et optimiser les débits.
  • **Réaménagement des puits :** Lors de la réentrée et de l'achèvement d'un puits existant, les revêtements peuvent être utilisés pour isoler les anciennes zones de production et cibler de nouvelles formations.
  • **Intervention dans les puits :** Les revêtements peuvent être utilisés pour isoler les zones à problèmes dans le puits et faciliter des interventions telles que le colmatage ou la stimulation.

**Types de revêtements de tubage :**

Les revêtements de tubage sont disponibles dans différentes tailles, qualités et matériaux, chacun étant adapté aux exigences spécifiques des puits. Les types courants comprennent :

  • **Revêtements en acier :** Le type le plus courant, offrant une excellente résistance et durabilité.
  • **Revêtements composites :** Fabriqués à partir d'une combinaison de matériaux, offrant des propriétés légères et résistantes à la corrosion.

**Conclusion :**

Les revêtements de tubage sont un outil essentiel dans l'industrie du pétrole et du gaz, offrant des avantages importants en termes de coût, d'efficacité et d'intégrité du puits. En comprenant leurs avantages et leurs applications, les opérateurs peuvent tirer parti de cette technologie polyvalente pour optimiser les performances des puits et minimiser les risques opérationnels.

Test Your Knowledge

Casing Liners Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a casing liner?

a) A full casing string that runs from the surface to the bottom of the well.


Incorrect. This describes a full casing string, not a casing liner.

b) A shorter section of casing that runs from a specific point in the wellbore up to a point within the previously set casing string.

Correct. This is the definition of a casing liner.

c) A type of tubing used to transport oil and gas from the well to the surface.

Incorrect. This describes tubing, not casing liners.

d) A tool used to clean and maintain the wellbore.

Incorrect. This describes a wellbore cleaning tool, not casing liners.

2. What is a key advantage of using casing liners?

a) They are always more expensive than full casing strings.


Incorrect. Casing liners are generally more cost-effective than full casing strings.

b) They create a trapped annular space, which is beneficial for well integrity.

Incorrect. Trapped annular space can be a safety concern and hinder operations.

c) They can help to reduce the inner diameter of the wellbore, making it easier to run equipment.

Incorrect. Casing liners generally increase the inner diameter of the wellbore.

d) They can be used to isolate specific zones within the wellbore, preventing fluid migration.

Correct. This is a key advantage of using casing liners.

3. Which of the following is NOT a common application of casing liners?

a) Shallow wells


Incorrect. Casing liners are commonly used in shallow wells.

b) Production zones

Incorrect. Casing liners are often used to isolate production zones.

c) Well recompletion

Incorrect. Casing liners can be used during well recompletion.

d) Installing new surface equipment

Correct. Casing liners are not used for installing surface equipment.

4. What are the two most common types of casing liners?

a) Steel and plastic


Incorrect. While plastic liners exist, they are not as common as steel and composite liners.

b) Steel and composite

Correct. These are the most common types of casing liners.

c) Aluminum and fiberglass

Incorrect. While these materials are used in other oil and gas applications, they are not as common for casing liners.

d) Concrete and rubber

Incorrect. These materials are not typically used for casing liners.

5. What is the main benefit of using casing liners compared to full casing strings?

a) Increased wellbore stability


Correct. Casing liners can enhance wellbore integrity and stability.

b) Easier to install

Incorrect. Installing casing liners can be more complex than installing full casing strings.

c) They are always cheaper

Incorrect. While often more cost-effective, there can be situations where full casing strings are cheaper.

d) They can be used in deeper wells

Incorrect. While casing liners can be used in deeper wells, it's not the primary benefit.

Casing Liners Exercise


You are working on a well that has encountered a zone of unstable rock formation. The existing casing string has been damaged, and you need to isolate this zone to prevent further damage and maintain well integrity.


  1. Explain how casing liners can be used to solve this problem.
  2. Describe the specific advantages of using casing liners in this situation.
  3. Outline the potential risks associated with using casing liners in this scenario and how to mitigate them.

Exercice Correction

1. Using Casing Liners:

Casing liners can be used to isolate the unstable rock zone by running a liner from a point above the damaged casing string down to a point below the unstable zone. This liner will essentially create a new, isolated section of wellbore, preventing further damage to the existing casing and isolating the unstable zone.

2. Advantages:

  • Isolation: The liner effectively isolates the unstable zone, preventing fluid migration and further damage to the wellbore.
  • Well Integrity: The liner reinforces the damaged section of the wellbore, improving stability and preventing collapse.
  • Cost-Effective: Using a liner instead of a full casing string reduces the amount of material needed, leading to cost savings.

3. Risks and Mitigation:

  • Liner Installation: Running the liner can be challenging, especially in damaged wellbores. Careful planning and specialized tools are needed. Mitigation: Use experienced personnel and appropriate equipment.
  • Liner Cementing: Proper cementing of the liner is crucial for isolating the unstable zone and preventing fluid migration. Mitigation: Use quality cementing materials and techniques to ensure a strong bond.
  • Wellbore Stability: The unstable zone may still pose a risk during liner installation. Mitigation: Use appropriate downhole tools and techniques to stabilize the wellbore during the operation.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions" by John A. Spath: This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of drilling and well completion techniques, including sections on casing and liner design.
  • "Drilling Engineering" by Robert C. Earlougher Jr.: Another standard textbook in the field, covering drilling operations and wellbore design, including casing and liner applications.
  • "Well Construction: A Handbook for Oil and Gas Engineers" by R.A. Kemp: This handbook focuses on the practical aspects of well construction, with chapters on casing, liners, and wellbore integrity.


  • "Casing Liner Design Considerations for Enhanced Oil Recovery" by J.M. Dutton et al. (SPE Journal): This article analyzes the technical considerations for designing casing liners in enhanced oil recovery operations.
  • "Cost-Effective Use of Casing Liners in the Barnett Shale" by J.A. Smith et al. (SPE Production & Operations): This article discusses the benefits and applications of casing liners in unconventional shale plays.
  • "Casing Liner Performance Evaluation for Production Optimization" by S.K. Sharma et al. (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering): This article examines the performance of casing liners and their impact on production optimization.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast library of technical papers and publications related to drilling, completion, and production, including several on casing liners.
  • OnePetro: This online platform provides access to a wealth of industry publications, including technical papers, conference proceedings, and case studies related to casing liners.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API website offers standards and specifications for casing and liner design, testing, and installation.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This online journal publishes news and articles related to the oil and gas industry, including technical articles on well construction and casing liners.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "casing liner," "liner design," "liner applications," "casing liner performance," etc.
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: Add relevant terms such as "oil and gas," "drilling," "completion," "production," "shale," etc.
  • Filter by publication type: Use the "Tools" option in Google Search to filter results by publications, such as "articles," "books," or "websites."
  • Refine search with specific dates: Use the "tools" option to limit your search to publications within a specific timeframe.
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