Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Casing Head

Casing Head

Tête de tubage : Le lien crucial dans les puits de pétrole et de gaz

Dans le monde de la production pétrolière et gazière, chaque composant joue un rôle vital. Un tel composant, souvent négligé mais essentiel, est la **tête de tubage**. Cette pièce apparemment simple sert de pont crucial entre le puits et l'équipement de surface, assurant un écoulement sûr et efficace des hydrocarbures.

**Qu'est-ce qu'une tête de tubage ?**

Une tête de tubage est une pièce essentielle de l'équipement de tête de puits qui relie le tubage, le tuyau d'acier protecteur qui borde le puits, à l'équipement de surface appelé « arbre de Noël ». Elle constitue essentiellement le point de transition entre la structure interne du puits et l'infrastructure externe responsable du contrôle et de la gestion de la production de pétrole et de gaz.

**L'importance de la tête de tubage**

  • **Intégrité structurelle :** La tête de tubage sert de lien structurel solide et fiable, maintenant le tubage en place et assurant l'intégrité du puits.
  • **Contrôle de débit :** Elle offre une plate-forme pour la connexion de diverses vannes, jauges et raccords qui contrôlent le débit des hydrocarbures du puits.
  • **Sécurité :** En s'attachant solidement au tubage, elle empêche les fuites de fluides et de gaz, assurant la sécurité du personnel et de l'environnement.
  • **Accessibilité :** La tête de tubage permet un accès facile au puits, facilitant la maintenance, les inspections et les opérations d'intervention.

**Types de connexions de tête de tubage**

Les têtes de tubage sont généralement fixées au tubage à l'aide de diverses méthodes, notamment :

  • **Connexions filetées :** Traditionnelles et économiques, elles impliquent le filetage de la tête de tubage et du tubage pour un ajustement sûr.
  • **Soudure :** Fournit une connexion permanente et robuste, en particulier dans les environnements à haute pression.
  • **Mise en forme sous pression :** Cette méthode utilise la pression pour créer un joint étanche entre la tête de tubage et le tubage.
  • **Dispositifs à anneau de verrouillage/à vis :** Ces dispositifs offrent une connexion sécurisée et réutilisable, permettant un démontage et un remontage faciles.

**Considérations pour la sélection de la tête de tubage**

Le choix de la bonne tête de tubage dépend de divers facteurs :

  • **Conditions du puits :** La pression, la température et les environnements corrosifs influencent le choix des matériaux et des méthodes de connexion.
  • **Exigences de production :** Les débits, la configuration de la tête de puits et les techniques de production prévues doivent être pris en compte.
  • **Coût et disponibilité :** L'équilibre entre le coût et les performances est essentiel, en tenant compte de la rentabilité à long terme de la tête de tubage choisie.


La tête de tubage, bien qu'apparemment simple, joue un rôle essentiel dans le fonctionnement sûr et efficace des puits de pétrole et de gaz. Son intégrité structurelle, ses capacités de contrôle de débit et son accessibilité en font un composant essentiel de la conception et de la construction des têtes de puits. La compréhension des différents types de connexions de tête de tubage et la prise en compte des facteurs pertinents dans leur sélection assurent les performances optimales et la longévité des puits de pétrole et de gaz.

Test Your Knowledge

Casing Head Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a casing head?

a) To connect the casing string to the surface equipment.



b) To control the flow of hydrocarbons through the wellbore.

This is a function of the Christmas tree, not the casing head.

c) To prevent corrosion in the wellbore.

The casing string is primarily responsible for corrosion protection.

d) To measure the pressure inside the wellbore.

This is a function of pressure gauges, often attached to the casing head.

2. Which of these is NOT a common type of casing head connection?

a) Threaded Connections


This is a common type of connection.

b) Welding

This is a common type of connection.

c) Pressure Forming

This is a common type of connection.

d) Magnetic Locking

Correct! Magnetic locking is not a common method for casing head connections.

3. How does the casing head contribute to wellbore safety?

a) By providing a platform for the connection of safety equipment.


This is partially true, but not the primary safety function.

b) By preventing the leakage of fluids and gases.

Correct! This is a key safety function of the casing head.

c) By monitoring the wellbore pressure.

Pressure monitoring is important for safety but not the direct function of the casing head.

d) By controlling the flow of hydrocarbons.

Flow control is important for safety, but this is primarily done by the Christmas tree, not the casing head.

4. Which factor is LEAST important when selecting a casing head?

a) Wellbore conditions (pressure, temperature, corrosion)


These are critical factors for casing head selection.

b) Production requirements (flow rates, wellhead configuration)

These are essential factors for choosing the appropriate casing head.

c) Availability of spare parts

This is an important factor to consider for long-term maintenance.

d) Personal preference of the well engineer.

Correct! Personal preference should not be a deciding factor for such a critical component.

5. What is the main advantage of a welded casing head connection?

a) It's the most cost-effective option.


Welding is not always the most cost-effective option.

b) It's the easiest to dismantle and reassemble.

Welded connections are permanent and cannot be easily dismantled.

c) It provides a strong and permanent connection.

Correct! Welding creates a robust and durable connection.

d) It's suitable for low-pressure applications.

Welding is often preferred for high-pressure environments.

Casing Head Exercise

Scenario: You are working on an oil well with a high-pressure and corrosive environment. You need to choose a casing head connection that will ensure long-term performance and safety.


  1. List three factors to consider when selecting the connection method.
  2. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of threaded connections and welding for this scenario.
  3. Based on your analysis, recommend the most suitable connection method for this well.


Exercice Correction

**Factors to Consider:** 1. **Wellbore Pressure:** High pressure necessitates a robust connection that can withstand the forces. 2. **Corrosion Resistance:** The corrosive environment requires a material that can resist degradation. 3. **Long-term Durability:** The connection should be reliable and able to withstand the harsh conditions for the entire life of the well. **Threaded Connections:** * **Advantages:** Cost-effective, relatively easy to install and dismantle. * **Disadvantages:** May be prone to leakage under high pressure, potential for thread wear and damage. **Welding:** * **Advantages:** Creates a strong, permanent, and leak-proof connection, suitable for high-pressure and corrosive environments. * **Disadvantages:** More expensive than threaded connections, requires specialized equipment and expertise, cannot be easily dismantled. **Recommendation:** Based on the high-pressure and corrosive environment, **welding** is the most suitable connection method for this well. It offers the best combination of strength, leak resistance, and long-term durability.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions" by M.B. Standing (This comprehensive textbook covers wellhead equipment including casing heads in detail.)
  • "Well Completion Design and Practices" by G.A.C. Sawyer (Offers a detailed look at well completion practices, with a dedicated section on casing heads.)
  • "Oil Well Drilling and Production" by H.J. Gruy (A classic resource covering drilling and production operations, including casing head installations.)


  • "Casing Head Connections - An Overview" by Schlumberger (This article provides a general overview of different casing head connections and their advantages and disadvantages.)
  • "Understanding Casing Head Integrity in Oil & Gas Wells" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) (This article discusses the importance of casing head integrity in wellbore safety and efficiency.)
  • "Best Practices for Casing Head Selection and Installation" by Baker Hughes (This article focuses on practical considerations for selecting and installing the right casing head for specific well conditions.)

Online Resources

  • "Casing Head" on Wikipedia: (Provides a concise overview of casing heads, their functions, and types.)
  • "Wellhead Equipment" on Oilfield Glossary: (Offers definitions and explanations of various wellhead components, including casing heads.)
  • "Casing Head Systems" on Cameron: (This website provides information on Cameron's casing head systems, highlighting their features and benefits.)
  • "Casing Head Connections" on Baker Hughes: (This website provides a range of information on casing head connections, including their design and installation.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "casing head", "wellhead equipment", "casing string", "Christmas tree", "wellbore", "oil and gas production", "well completion", "casing head connection", "casing head selection", "casing head types".
  • Combine keywords with specific attributes: "casing head design", "casing head installation", "casing head problems", "casing head materials".
  • Use advanced search operators: " casing head", "filetype:pdf casing head", "" (to narrow your search).
  • Search for specific companies: "Baker Hughes casing head", "Schlumberger casing head", "Cameron casing head".
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