Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Cased Hole Gravel Pack

Cased Hole Gravel Pack

Emballage de gravier en puits tubé : Une solution de contrôle de sable pour la productivité des puits

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, la **production de sable de formation** est un problème courant. Cela se produit lorsque des particules de sable meuble de la formation sont entraînées dans le puits par les fluides en écoulement, ce qui entraîne divers problèmes tels que :

  • **Blocage du puits :** Le sable peut s'accumuler dans le puits, limitant le débit et réduisant la production.
  • **Dommages aux équipements :** Le sable peut éroder et endommager les équipements en fond de trou, entraînant des réparations coûteuses et des temps d'arrêt.
  • **Risques environnementaux :** La production de sable peut entraîner des déversements de sable et de la pollution, ce qui constitue un risque pour l'environnement.

Pour lutter contre ces défis, diverses **techniques de contrôle de sable** ont été développées. L'une des méthodes les plus utilisées est l'**emballage de gravier en puits tubé**.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un emballage de gravier en puits tubé ?**

Un emballage de gravier en puits tubé est un **achèvement de contrôle de sable** qui utilise un **écran** et un **emballage de gravier** pour empêcher la production de sable de formation. Il implique les étapes suivantes :

  1. **Tubage et cimentation :** Un tubage en acier est installé dans le puits et cimenté en place, fournissant un support structurel et isolant la formation du puits.
  2. **Installation de l'écran :** Un écran fendu est placé à l'intérieur du tubage, généralement au-dessus de la zone de production. Les fentes de l'écran permettent aux fluides de passer tout en empêchant le passage des particules de sable plus grosses.
  3. **Placement de l'emballage de gravier :** Une couche de gravier est placée autour de l'écran, formant un emballage de gravier. Les particules de gravier sont soigneusement sélectionnées pour être plus grosses que le sable de la formation, mais suffisamment petites pour permettre le passage des fluides.
  4. **Installation du packer :** Un packer est installé au-dessus de l'emballage de gravier, l'isolant du puits et garantissant que le gravier reste en place.

**Comment ça marche ?**

L'emballage de gravier sert de **filtre** qui piège les particules de sable avant qu'elles ne puissent pénétrer dans le puits. L'écran fournit une structure de support pour l'emballage de gravier et assure un débit de fluide adéquat.

**Avantages de l'emballage de gravier en puits tubé :**

  • **Contrôle de sable efficace :** Empêche la production de sable de formation, protège l'équipement et maximise la productivité des puits.
  • **Large applicabilité :** Convient à diverses conditions de réservoir et types de puits.
  • **Performance à long terme :** Offre un contrôle de sable fiable pour des périodes de production prolongées.
  • **Flexibilité :** Permet diverses conceptions d'achèvement et de personnalisation en fonction des conditions du réservoir.

**Limitations de l'emballage de gravier en puits tubé :**

  • **Coût initial plus élevé :** L'installation peut être plus coûteuse que d'autres méthodes de contrôle de sable.
  • **Complexité :** Nécessite une planification et une exécution minutieuses, impliquant plusieurs composants et procédures.
  • **Risque de dommage à l'emballage de gravier :** Les emballages de gravier peuvent être endommagés par des débits élevés ou des pressions excessives.

**Conclusion :**

L'emballage de gravier en puits tubé est une solution de contrôle de sable éprouvée et efficace qui joue un rôle crucial dans le maintien de la productivité des puits et la minimisation des risques associés à la production de sable de formation. Bien que les coûts initiaux puissent être plus élevés, les avantages à long terme et les performances fiables en font un investissement précieux pour les opérateurs pétroliers et gaziers.

Test Your Knowledge

Cased Hole Gravel Pack Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a cased hole gravel pack?

(a) To increase the flow rate of the well. (b) To prevent formation sand production. (c) To enhance the reservoir pressure. (d) To improve the quality of the produced oil.


The correct answer is **(b) To prevent formation sand production.**

2. Which of the following is NOT a component of a cased hole gravel pack system?

(a) Casing (b) Packer (c) Screen (d) Perforating gun


The correct answer is **(d) Perforating gun.** Perforating guns are used to create openings in the casing, allowing fluid flow from the formation, but are not part of the gravel pack itself.

3. How does the gravel pack prevent sand production?

(a) By trapping sand particles within the gravel layer. (b) By increasing the wellbore pressure, preventing sand from entering. (c) By dissolving the sand particles. (d) By diverting the flow of sand away from the wellbore.


The correct answer is **(a) By trapping sand particles within the gravel layer.** The gravel pack acts as a filter, preventing the smaller sand particles from entering the wellbore.

4. Which of the following is a potential limitation of a cased hole gravel pack system?

(a) It is only effective for low-pressure reservoirs. (b) It can increase the risk of wellbore collapse. (c) It can be susceptible to damage by high flow rates. (d) It requires frequent maintenance and replacement.


The correct answer is **(c) It can be susceptible to damage by high flow rates.** High flow rates can erode the gravel pack, leading to its failure.

5. Why is a cased hole gravel pack considered a valuable investment for oil and gas operators?

(a) It is a cost-effective alternative to other sand control methods. (b) It allows for the production of higher quality oil. (c) It increases the overall production efficiency of the well. (d) It requires minimal maintenance and has a long lifespan.


The correct answer is **(c) It increases the overall production efficiency of the well.** By preventing sand production, the gravel pack allows for more efficient oil extraction, increasing production output and reducing downtime.

Cased Hole Gravel Pack Exercise

Scenario: An oil well is experiencing severe sand production, causing damage to equipment and reducing production rates. The well has already been cased and cemented.


  1. Design a cased hole gravel pack system for this well.
  2. Explain the steps involved in installing the system.
  3. Describe the criteria for selecting the appropriate gravel size and screen type.
  4. Identify potential challenges and risks associated with installing and maintaining the gravel pack in this specific scenario.

Exercice Correction

Here is a possible approach to the exercise:

1. System Design:

  • Screen: Choose a slotted screen with appropriate slot size to allow fluid flow while preventing sand. Consider materials resistant to corrosion and wear.
  • Gravel pack: Select gravel size based on formation sand size and permeability. Use a gravel pack that is large enough to trap sand but allows sufficient fluid flow.
  • Packer: Install a packer above the gravel pack to isolate it and prevent movement.

2. Installation Steps:

  1. Screen Installation: Lower the screen into the casing, ensuring it is properly positioned above the production zone.
  2. Gravel Pack Placement: Inject the selected gravel around the screen, using a specialized gravel placement method.
  3. Packer Installation: Set the packer above the gravel pack, creating a seal to contain the gravel.

3. Gravel and Screen Selection Criteria:

  • Gravel size: Should be larger than the formation sand to act as a filter but small enough for fluid to flow freely.
  • Screen type: Should be compatible with the selected gravel and have slot sizes appropriate for the reservoir's permeability and fluid flow rate.

4. Challenges and Risks:

  • Potential for damage: High flow rates or excessive pressure can damage the gravel pack or screen.
  • Gravel pack bridging: Gravel can bridge over the screen, reducing fluid flow.
  • Packer failure: Packers can leak or fail, allowing gravel to move.
  • Complex installation: Requires specialized equipment and expertise.

Specific Considerations:

  • The severity of the sand production will dictate the type and size of the gravel pack and screen.
  • The formation permeability will impact the choice of gravel size and screen slot size.
  • The well's flow rate and pressure will influence the potential for gravel pack damage and the selection of appropriate materials.

Note: This is a simplified example. A real-world design would require a detailed analysis of the reservoir conditions and well characteristics, as well as the use of specialized software to optimize the system.


  • "Production Operations" by John A. Lee - A comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of oil and gas production, including sand control techniques like cased hole gravel pack.
  • "Sand Control: A Practical Approach" by G.S. L. Galloway - A detailed book dedicated to sand control methods, providing in-depth information on cased hole gravel pack design and implementation.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by William D. M. Van Rensburg - A reference guide covering all aspects of petroleum engineering, including a section on sand control with detailed information on cased hole gravel pack.


  • "Cased-Hole Gravel Pack Completions: Design and Applications" by SPE - A technical paper discussing the design and application of cased hole gravel pack for different reservoir conditions.
  • "Gravel Pack Design and Selection: A Review" by SPE - An article reviewing various factors influencing gravel pack design, including gravel size selection and installation methods.
  • "Optimization of Gravel Pack Design for Improved Sand Control in Oil and Gas Wells" by Elsevier - A research paper analyzing the influence of gravel pack design parameters on sand control efficiency.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - Website offering a wealth of resources on sand control, including technical papers, presentations, and research reports on cased hole gravel pack.
  • OnePetro - A platform offering access to technical papers and industry publications related to cased hole gravel pack, including case studies and best practices.
  • Schlumberger - Website providing technical information on various sand control technologies, including cased hole gravel pack, with details on design and implementation.
  • Halliburton - Website offering resources on sand control solutions, including cased hole gravel pack, with information on equipment and services.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "cased hole gravel pack," "sand control completion," "gravel pack design," "screen installation," "packer installation."
  • Combine keywords: "cased hole gravel pack" + "case study," "cased hole gravel pack" + "design guidelines."
  • Use quotation marks: "cased hole gravel pack" to search for the exact phrase.
  • Filter results by website: "cased hole gravel pack", "cased hole gravel pack"
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