Forage et complétion de puits

Breaking Down (drill string)

Décomposer la colonne de forage : Efficacité et sécurité dans les opérations de forage

Le processus de forage d'un puits implique l'assemblage et le déploiement d'une structure longue et complexe appelée colonne de forage. Cette colonne, qui est essentiellement l'épine dorsale de l'opération, est composée de plusieurs sections appelées "tiges". Chaque tige est composée de plusieurs "éléments" - des longueurs individuelles de tubes connectés entre eux.

L'acte de "décomposer" la colonne de forage fait référence au processus de **séparation de ces tiges en éléments individuels**. Cette tâche apparemment simple est un aspect crucial des opérations de forage, jouant un rôle essentiel dans l'efficacité et la sécurité.

**Pourquoi est-il nécessaire de décomposer la colonne de forage ?**

  • Transport et stockage : Une fois le processus de forage terminé ou qu'une section spécifique du puits doit être inspectée ou réparée, la colonne de forage doit être démontée pour le transport et le stockage. La décomposition en éléments individuels rend la tâche gérable, permettant un transport efficace et un stockage compact.
  • Maintenance et réparation : Les éléments individuels peuvent être inspectés et réparés plus facilement lorsqu'ils sont séparés. Cela permet une identification et une résolution rapides des problèmes, minimisant les temps d'arrêt et garantissant l'intégrité de la colonne de forage.
  • Outils et équipements : Certains outils et équipements sont spécifiquement conçus pour manipuler des éléments individuels. La décomposition de la colonne de forage permet l'utilisation de ces outils spécialisés, facilitant des tâches comme la connexion des éléments, l'inspection des filetages et la manipulation des tuyaux.
  • Considérations de sécurité : Un élément individuel est beaucoup plus léger et plus facile à manipuler qu'une tige complète. Cela rend la manipulation et le transport plus sûrs pour le personnel impliqué dans le processus.

Le processus de décomposition :

  • Déconnexion des tiges : Cela se fait généralement en desserrant les connexions entre les éléments individuels, à l'aide de clés spécialisées et d'équipements hydrauliques.
  • Séparation des éléments : Une fois déconnectées, les tiges sont démontées en éléments individuels. Cela peut impliquer de soulever et de manœuvrer soigneusement les éléments à l'aide de grues ou d'autres équipements de levage.
  • Stockage et transport : Les éléments individuels sont ensuite stockés ou transportés conformément aux réglementations de sécurité et aux meilleures pratiques de l'industrie.

Conclusion :

La décomposition de la colonne de forage est une étape cruciale dans les opérations de forage, assurant une manipulation, une maintenance et une sécurité efficaces. En séparant les tiges en éléments individuels, les opérateurs peuvent gérer efficacement la colonne de forage, minimiser les temps d'arrêt et garantir l'intégrité de ce composant essentiel du processus de forage.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Breaking Down the Drill String

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of breaking down the drill string?

a) To add new joints to the string. b) To inspect and repair individual joints. c) To increase the weight of the drill string. d) To make the drilling process faster.


b) To inspect and repair individual joints.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of breaking down the drill string?

a) Easier transportation and storage. b) Reduced risk of accidents. c) Increased drilling speed. d) Use of specialized equipment for handling individual joints.


c) Increased drilling speed.

3. What is the typical unit of measurement for a single joint in the drill string?

a) Meters b) Feet c) Kilometers d) Miles


b) Feet

4. What type of equipment is typically used to disconnect stands in the drill string?

a) Hand tools b) Cranes c) Hydraulic equipment d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. Why is safety a primary concern when breaking down the drill string?

a) Individual joints can be heavy and difficult to handle. b) The process involves working at heights. c) There's a risk of damaging the drill string. d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Exercise: Drill String Breakdown Scenario


You are working on a drilling rig. The drilling process has been completed, and the drill string needs to be broken down for transport. You are responsible for overseeing the breakdown process.


  1. Outline the steps involved in breaking down the drill string. Be sure to include safety considerations and any necessary equipment.
  2. Imagine a situation where you need to inspect a specific joint for potential damage. Describe how you would approach this task, including the necessary tools and safety precautions.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

1. Steps Involved in Breaking Down the Drill String:

  • Safety First: Ensure all personnel are wearing appropriate safety gear, including hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, and steel-toe boots.
  • Secure the Area: Clear the work area around the drill string to prevent obstruction and potential accidents.
  • Disconnecting Stands: Use hydraulic wrenches to loosen the connections between individual joints, working from the bottom of the string upwards.
  • Lifting and Separating Joints: Employ a crane or other lifting equipment to carefully lift and separate each joint from the stand.
  • Inspection: Visually inspect each joint for any signs of damage, wear, or corrosion.
  • Storage and Transport: Store the individual joints in a designated area, ensuring proper stacking and securing. Transport the joints using appropriate trailers and securing methods to prevent movement during transport.

2. Inspecting a Specific Joint:

  • Identify the Joint: Use the drilling log or markings on the joints to identify the specific joint needing inspection.
  • Isolation: Carefully isolate the joint from the rest of the string by disconnecting the connections above and below the target joint.
  • Equipment: Utilize a combination of tools for inspection, including:
    • Measuring Tape: To measure the diameter of the joint and check for any deformation.
    • Magnifying Glass: For a detailed visual inspection of the thread and pipe surface for any cracks, wear, or corrosion.
    • Calipers: To measure the thickness of the pipe wall and detect any thinning or irregularities.
  • Safety: Ensure a safe work area, using barricades and warning signs if necessary.
  • Documentation: Record the findings of the inspection, noting any damage or discrepancies.


  • "Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Approach" by M.E. Economides and K.G. Nolte: This comprehensive textbook covers a wide range of drilling topics, including detailed explanations of drill string operations and safety procedures.
  • "Drilling Operations" by R.E. Reed: Provides a thorough overview of drilling operations, including sections on drill string management, maintenance, and safety protocols.
  • "Modern Well Construction: Drilling, Completion, and Workover" by R.J. Reynolds: A detailed guide to modern well construction practices, including specific chapters on drill string handling and maintenance.
  • "Drilling Engineering Handbook" by G.P. King: A comprehensive handbook covering a wide range of drilling engineering topics, with sections dedicated to drill string design, operations, and safety.


  • "Drill String Management in Offshore Drilling Operations" by S.L. Smith (Journal of Petroleum Technology): This article focuses on the specific challenges and best practices associated with drill string management in offshore drilling.
  • "Breaking Down the Drill String: A Guide to Efficient and Safe Operations" by J.M. Jones (Drilling Contractor Magazine): Provides practical guidelines for efficient and safe drill string breaking down procedures.
  • "Safety Considerations for Drill String Handling Operations" by A.B. Williams (SPE Journal): This article explores safety concerns related to drill string handling and provides best practices for minimizing risks.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE offers numerous resources, including technical papers, webinars, and online courses, related to drilling engineering and operations.
  • Oilfield Glossary: A comprehensive glossary of oilfield terms, including definitions and explanations for "breaking down the drill string" and related concepts.
  • DrillingInfo: A leading provider of oil and gas data, with insights and analysis on drilling operations, including drill string technology and safety.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "drill string breakdown," "drill string handling," "drilling operations safety," "drill string maintenance," "drilling rig operations."
  • Include relevant location: Adding terms like "offshore drilling," "land drilling," or specific geographical locations can refine your search results.
  • Specify document types: Use the "filetype:" modifier to search for specific document types, such as PDFs, articles, or presentations. For example, "drill string breakdown filetype:pdf."
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use "AND," "OR," "NOT," and quotation marks to refine your search and find more relevant results.


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