Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Bent Sub

Bent Sub

Sous-marins courbes : Naviguer sur les chemins moins fréquentés du forage

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, forer en ligne droite est souvent l'exception, et non la règle. Atteindre des réservoirs d'hydrocarbures peut nécessiter de naviguer à travers des formations géologiques complexes, ce qui oblige souvent le puits à dévier de sa trajectoire verticale initiale. C'est là que le modeste **sous-marin courbé** joue un rôle crucial.

**Explication d'un sous-marin courbé :**

Un sous-marin courbé est essentiellement une courte section de tuyau ou d'outil qui est intentionnellement courbée à un angle spécifique. Cette courbure permet à la colonne de forage d'être dirigée hors de la trajectoire verticale, permettant le forage de puits déviés ou horizontaux.

**Au-delà des lignes droites : l'importance des sous-marins courbés :**

  • **Atteindre des réservoirs éloignés :** Les sous-marins courbés permettent d'accéder à des réservoirs qui seraient inaccessibles avec un forage vertical. Ceci est particulièrement important dans les zones aux formations géologiques difficiles, telles que les régions montagneuses ou lorsque le réservoir cible est situé à une certaine distance de l'emplacement de surface.
  • **Optimisation du contact avec le réservoir :** Les sous-marins courbés permettent au puits d'être positionné pour un contact maximal avec le réservoir, maximisant la production et minimisant le risque de coning d'eau ou de gaz.
  • **Naviguer dans des formations complexes :** En permettant à la colonne de forage de changer de direction, les sous-marins courbés peuvent aider à naviguer dans des formations complexes, y compris des failles, des couches de schiste et d'autres caractéristiques géologiques.

**Deux principaux types de sous-marins courbés :**

  • **Sous-marins pré-courbés :** Ces sous-marins sont fabriqués avec l'angle souhaité déjà en place. Ils sont généralement utilisés pour des déviations de puits relativement simples.
  • **Sous-marins courbés en fond de trou :** Ces sous-marins sont modifiés en fond de trou à l'aide d'un moteur en fond de trou. Cela permet un contrôle plus précis de l'angle et de la direction de la courbure, permettant la création de trajectoires de puits complexes.

**Outil de choix pour le forage dévié et horizontal :**

Les sous-marins courbés sont des outils indispensables dans l'exploration pétrolière et gazière moderne. Ils offrent la flexibilité d'atteindre des réservoirs éloignés, d'optimiser le positionnement des puits et de naviguer dans des formations complexes. En permettant le forage de puits déviés et horizontaux, les sous-marins courbés ont considérablement étendu la portée et l'efficacité de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, ouvrant de nouvelles possibilités et maximisant la récupération des ressources.

**Remarque :** Bien que l'article fournisse un aperçu de base des sous-marins courbés, il est important de se rappeler que l'application et la conception spécifiques de ces outils peuvent varier considérablement en fonction du projet de forage et des formations géologiques impliquées.

Test Your Knowledge

Bent Subs Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a bent sub in drilling? a) To increase the drilling speed. b) To stabilize the drill string. c) To change the direction of the wellbore. d) To prevent wellbore collapse.


c) To change the direction of the wellbore.

2. What is the main advantage of using a bent sub to reach a reservoir? a) It allows for faster drilling. b) It makes the drilling process more economical. c) It enables access to reservoirs that are inaccessible with vertical drilling. d) It reduces the risk of wellbore collapse.


c) It enables access to reservoirs that are inaccessible with vertical drilling.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a bent sub in drilling? a) Optimizing reservoir contact for increased production. b) Navigating complex geological formations. c) Reducing the risk of blowouts. d) Reaching remote reservoirs.


c) Reducing the risk of blowouts.

4. What is the difference between a pre-bent sub and a downhole bent sub? a) Pre-bent subs are cheaper to manufacture. b) Downhole bent subs offer greater flexibility in controlling the bend angle. c) Pre-bent subs are used for horizontal drilling only. d) Downhole bent subs are more efficient in reaching deep reservoirs.


b) Downhole bent subs offer greater flexibility in controlling the bend angle.

5. Bent subs are crucial in modern oil and gas exploration because they: a) Allow for faster drilling rates. b) Reduce the overall cost of drilling. c) Enable the drilling of deviated and horizontal wells, expanding reach and efficiency. d) Make drilling safer by preventing wellbore collapse.


c) Enable the drilling of deviated and horizontal wells, expanding reach and efficiency.

Bent Subs Exercise

Problem: Imagine you are a drilling engineer tasked with accessing a reservoir located 2km from the surface location and 1km below the surface. The geological formations are complex, with several shale layers and a fault zone.

Task: 1. Explain how bent subs could be utilized in this scenario to reach the target reservoir. 2. Discuss the potential challenges you might encounter and how bent subs could help overcome them. 3. Briefly explain the type of bent sub (pre-bent or downhole) that might be more suitable for this project and why.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution:

1. **Utilizing Bent Subs:** Bent subs would be crucial in this scenario to deviate the wellbore from its initial vertical path and navigate through the complex formations. First, a bent sub could be used to create a gradual directional change to reach the horizontal plane at a specific depth. Subsequently, additional bent subs could be employed to adjust the wellbore trajectory, navigating around the shale layers and the fault zone, finally reaching the reservoir target located 1km below the surface and 2km horizontally from the surface location.

2. **Potential Challenges and Solutions:** * **Navigating Complex Formations:** The shale layers and fault zone could pose significant challenges to directional drilling. Bent subs, with their ability to adjust the wellbore trajectory, can help steer the drill string around these obstacles, ensuring a controlled path towards the reservoir. * **Maintaining Trajectory Control:** Accurate control over the wellbore trajectory is critical, especially when navigating complex formations. Downhole bent subs, with their flexibility to adjust the bend angle, can provide the precise control necessary to maintain the intended path. * **Maintaining Hole Stability:** Drilling through complex formations could increase the risk of wellbore collapse. Utilizing bent subs strategically could help maintain hole stability by adjusting the drilling direction and reducing the pressure on the surrounding rock formations.

3. **Suitable Bent Sub:** In this scenario, **downhole bent subs** would be more suitable. They offer superior flexibility in controlling the wellbore trajectory, allowing for precise adjustments as the drill string encounters complex formations. This adaptability is crucial for navigating the shale layers and the fault zone while maintaining the desired wellbore path towards the reservoir.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by Bourgoyne Jr., et al. (2011): This comprehensive textbook covers all aspects of drilling, including a detailed section on deviated drilling and the role of bent subs.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by Economides, et al. (2013): Another well-regarded book that delves into the mechanics and applications of deviated wellbore drilling, including the use of bent subs.


  • "Bent Sub Technology: A Key Enabler for Complex Wellbores" by Schlumberger: This article provides a detailed overview of bent sub technology, its applications, and the advancements in its design and functionality.
  • "Downhole Motor Technology for Directional Drilling" by Halliburton: This article focuses on the use of downhole motors in conjunction with bent subs for precise directional control in drilling.
  • "Evolution of Directional Drilling Techniques" by Society of Petroleum Engineers: This article traces the historical development of directional drilling, highlighting the crucial role of bent subs in this evolution.

Online Resources

  • "Directional Drilling and Wellbore Placement" by SPE: The Society of Petroleum Engineers offers a vast library of resources, including technical papers, presentations, and training materials on directional drilling and the use of bent subs.
  • "Bent Sub: Design & Applications" by Baker Hughes: This website provides detailed information about bent sub design, functionality, and its applications in different drilling scenarios.
  • "Directional Drilling" by Chevron: Chevron's website offers an overview of directional drilling, including explanations of bent subs and other related technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "bent sub," "directional drilling," "deviated wellbore," "downhole motor," "wellbore placement," "reservoir access."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks will provide results that contain those specific terms together. For example, "bent sub technology."
  • Filter by source: Use filters in Google Search to narrow down results by source type, like "PDF," "News," "Images," or "Videos."
  • Explore related searches: Google offers suggestions for related search terms at the bottom of the search results page, which can lead you to more relevant information.
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