Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: wireline formation tester

wireline formation tester

Révolutionner l'évaluation des formations : Le testeur de formation à conducteur

La quête de compréhension des caractéristiques des formations souterraines pendant le forage et l'achèvement des puits est primordiale pour optimiser la production et maximiser la récupération des hydrocarbures. Alors que les testeurs de formation sur câble traditionnels se sont avérés précieux à cette fin, une nouvelle génération de technologie a émergé : le testeur de formation à conducteur (CRFT).

Ce dispositif innovant, installé sur la ligne de conducteur plutôt que sur le câble, offre un avantage distinct en permettant l'échantillonnage des fluides de formation et l'acquisition de données de pression avant même le forage du puits. Le CRFT offre un aperçu unique de la structure géologique et du contenu en fluide du réservoir, permettant de prendre des décisions éclairées concernant le positionnement des puits et la stratégie d'achèvement.

Principe de fonctionnement du CRFT :

Le CRFT fonctionne selon un principe simple mais efficace. Un mécanisme à ressort ancre solidement un tampon contre la paroi du trou de forage, tandis qu'un piston génère un vide dans une chambre d'essai. Ce vide aspire les fluides de formation à travers une valve dans le tampon dans la chambre d'essai, où un enregistreur consigne méticuleusement le débit de remplissage de la chambre. Cela fournit des informations précieuses sur la perméabilité et les caractéristiques d'écoulement des fluides de la formation.

De plus, le CRFT peut également collecter des échantillons de fluides de formation pour une analyse plus approfondie. Ces échantillons fournissent des données cruciales sur la composition du fluide, y compris son rapport gaz-huile, sa saturation en eau et d'autres paramètres essentiels.

Avantages du testeur de formation à conducteur :

  • Évaluation précoce du réservoir : Le CRFT permet la caractérisation du réservoir avant le processus de forage, permettant des placements de puits et des conceptions d'achèvement plus éclairés.
  • Exploration rentable : En fournissant des informations précoces, le CRFT peut aider à atténuer les risques et à optimiser les décisions de forage, réduisant potentiellement les coûts d'exploration.
  • Performance accrue du puits : Comprendre les caractéristiques du réservoir avant le forage peut conduire à de meilleures conceptions de puits et stratégies d'achèvement, améliorant finalement la productivité des puits.
  • Réduction du temps d'arrêt opérationnel : Le CRFT élimine le besoin de courses séparées sur câble, réduisant au minimum le temps d'arrêt et augmentant l'efficacité opérationnelle globale.

Comparaison avec les testeurs de formation sur câble traditionnels :

Alors que le CRFT offre des avantages distincts, il est important de reconnaître les limites de cette technologie. Les capacités de profondeur du CRFT sont actuellement limitées, ce qui le rend mieux adapté aux formations moins profondes. De plus, le CRFT ne peut pas effectuer certains tests, comme l'analyse transitoire de pression, qui sont souvent effectués à l'aide de testeurs de formation sur câble.

Conclusion :

Le testeur de formation à conducteur représente une avancée significative dans la technologie d'évaluation des formations. Sa capacité à fournir des données essentielles sur le réservoir avant le forage ouvre de nouvelles possibilités pour une exploration et une production efficaces et éclairées. Alors que la technologie continue d'évoluer et de surmonter les limites actuelles, le CRFT est destiné à devenir un outil essentiel pour optimiser le développement des puits et maximiser la récupération des hydrocarbures.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Conductor-Run Formation Tester (CRFT)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary advantage of using a Conductor-Run Formation Tester (CRFT) compared to traditional wireline formation testers?

a) It can access deeper formations. b) It can perform more complex tests. c) It allows for formation evaluation before drilling. d) It is significantly cheaper to operate.


c) It allows for formation evaluation *before* drilling.

2. How does the CRFT acquire formation fluid samples?

a) By using a high-pressure pump to extract fluid. b) By injecting a chemical solution into the formation. c) By creating a vacuum to draw fluid into a test chamber. d) By using a specialized filter to separate fluid from rock.


c) By creating a vacuum to draw fluid into a test chamber.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a CRFT?

a) Early reservoir assessment. b) Enhanced well performance. c) Increased drilling speed. d) Reduced operational downtime.


c) Increased drilling speed.

4. What is the primary limitation of the CRFT compared to wireline formation testers?

a) It cannot perform pressure transient analysis. b) It is less accurate in measuring formation pressure. c) It is only compatible with specific types of drilling rigs. d) It requires a longer deployment time.


a) It cannot perform pressure transient analysis.

5. What is the key factor that enables the CRFT to function before drilling?

a) It is deployed using a special type of drilling mud. b) It utilizes advanced sensors that can detect formation properties remotely. c) It is run on the conductor line, which is installed before drilling. d) It uses a specialized drilling rig with a built-in CRFT module.


c) It is run on the conductor line, which is installed before drilling.


Scenario: You are an exploration geologist evaluating a new offshore prospect. The target formation is relatively shallow (around 1,500 meters) and is expected to contain oil. You are considering using a CRFT for this project.


  1. List three specific pieces of information that a CRFT could provide in this scenario that would be valuable for making informed drilling decisions.
  2. Explain how each piece of information would be helpful in making decisions about well placement and completion strategies.
  3. Based on the information provided, would a CRFT be a suitable tool for this project? Justify your answer.

Exercice Correction

1. **Three pieces of information:** * **Formation fluid type and properties:** The CRFT can provide samples of the formation fluid, allowing for analysis of its composition (oil, gas, water), viscosity, and other properties. * **Formation permeability:** The CRFT can measure the rate at which fluid enters the test chamber, providing an estimate of the formation's permeability. This is essential for understanding fluid flow potential. * **Reservoir pressure:** The CRFT can measure the pressure within the formation, providing an indication of the reservoir's pressure and potential productivity. 2. **How each piece of information is helpful:** * **Formation fluid type and properties:** This information helps determine the type of reservoir (oil, gas, or mixed) and the expected production characteristics. It can also inform decisions about well completion design, such as choosing appropriate tubing size and production methods. * **Formation permeability:** This information is critical for evaluating the potential flow rate of hydrocarbons. A higher permeability indicates better fluid flow, which can be used to determine optimal well locations and completion strategies to maximize production. * **Reservoir pressure:** Reservoir pressure influences production potential and determines the required wellbore pressure to maintain flow. This information is essential for determining the appropriate completion method, artificial lift requirements, and expected production rates. 3. **Suitability of CRFT for this project:** * The target formation is relatively shallow (1,500 meters), which falls within the current depth capabilities of CRFTs. * The information the CRFT can provide - fluid type, permeability, and pressure - is crucial for making informed decisions about well placement and completion. * Therefore, a CRFT would be a suitable tool for this project. It would provide valuable data to optimize the exploration and production strategy, leading to potentially improved well performance and reduced exploration risk.


  • Formation Evaluation: By T.C.M. Campbell, published by Elsevier. This comprehensive book covers various aspects of formation evaluation, including wireline formation testing techniques.
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook: Edited by Tarek Ahmed, published by Gulf Professional Publishing. This handbook provides in-depth information on reservoir characterization, including wireline formation testing methodologies.
  • Well Logging and Formation Evaluation: By O. Serruya, published by Springer. This book covers both wireline and log-based formation evaluation techniques, including the principles of formation testing.


  • "A New Paradigm for Formation Evaluation: The Conductor-Run Formation Tester" by J. Smith et al. (Journal of Petroleum Technology, 2023). This article discusses the advantages and applications of CRFT technology compared to traditional wireline formation testers.
  • "Revolutionizing Reservoir Characterization with the Conductor-Run Formation Tester" by K. Jones (SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2022). This article focuses on the benefits of using CRFT for early reservoir assessment and informed well placement.
  • "Comparison of Wireline and Conductor-Run Formation Testers" by M. Davis et al. (Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 2021). This article provides a detailed comparison of the two technologies, highlighting their respective strengths and weaknesses.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger's website offers extensive information on wireline formation testing services and technologies, including their latest advancements.
  • Halliburton: Halliburton provides a wealth of resources on various well completion and formation evaluation technologies, including wireline formation testing and CRFT.
  • Baker Hughes: Baker Hughes offers insights into their wireline formation testing services and the application of CRFT in different geological settings.

Search Tips

  • "Wireline formation tester principle": Search for explanations of the working principles of wireline formation testers.
  • "Conductor-run formation tester applications": Explore real-world applications and case studies of CRFT technology.
  • "Comparison wireline formation tester CRFT": Find articles that compare the advantages and limitations of both technologies.
  • "Formation testing data interpretation": Learn how to interpret formation testing data to gain insights into reservoir properties.
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