Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: spud


Spudding In et Spudding Down : La Double Signification de "Spud" dans le Forage et l'Achèvement de Puits

Dans le monde du forage pétrolier et gazier, le mot "spud" a une double signification unique, faisant référence à la fois au début d'une opération de forage et à une technique spécifique pour manœuvrer des outils dans le puits. Plongeons-nous dans les deux définitions :

1. Spud In : La Naissance d'un Puits

"Spudding in" marque le moment crucial où une plate-forme de forage commence à percer la terre, entamant le voyage vers les réserves de pétrole ou de gaz. Cela implique plusieurs étapes clés :

  • Positionnement de la Plate-forme : La plate-forme de forage est soigneusement positionnée au-dessus de l'emplacement choisi, assurant la stabilité et l'accessibilité.
  • Forage du Trou Pilote : Un petit trou initial est foré, appelé "trou pilote", fournissant un point de départ pour le puits principal.
  • Élargissement du Puits : Le trépan est progressivement élargi, créant un puits plus large qui peut accueillir le tubage et autres équipements.

L'acte de "spudding in" signifie le début d'un processus complexe et coûteux, marquant le début du cycle de vie du puits.

2. Spudding Down : Une Technique Forcée pour les Opérations de Puits

"Spudding down" fait référence à une technique spécifique utilisée pour manœuvrer les outils et l'équipement dans le puits, principalement impliquant des outils de câblage et des tubages. Cette méthode utilise un mouvement de va-et-vient, similaire à un marteau, pour forcer l'outil ou le tubage vers le bas contre la résistance.

Voici comment cela fonctionne :

  • L'Outil : Un outil de câblage ou une colonne de tubage est connecté à une "tête de spudding" qui génère le mouvement de va-et-vient.
  • Le Mouvement de Va-et-vient : La tête de spudding entraîne l'outil vers le bas dans un mouvement rapide de haut en bas, surmontant tous les points de blocage ou les obstacles potentiels.
  • Applications : Le spudding down est couramment utilisé pour :
    • Descente du Tubage : Pousser les colonnes de tubage dans le puits, en particulier lors de l'achèvement des puits.
    • Opérations de Câblage : Manœuvrer divers outils de câblage, tels que des obturateurs, des bouchons et autres équipements de fond de puits.

Cette technique est particulièrement précieuse dans les situations où les méthodes conventionnelles de descente des outils peuvent être inefficaces ou poser des défis en raison d'obstacles ou d'espaces restreints.

Conclusion :

"Spud" sert de terme polyvalent dans l'industrie du forage et de l'achèvement de puits, reflétant à la fois l'initiation d'un nouveau puits et une technique spécifique pour guider les outils dans le puits. Comprendre les deux définitions est crucial pour les professionnels travaillant dans ce domaine, assurant une communication claire et des opérations efficaces.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Spudding In & Spudding Down

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "spudding in" refer to in oil and gas drilling?

a) The process of removing drilling mud from the wellbore b) The moment a drilling rig begins drilling into the earth c) The final stage of well completion d) The process of injecting chemicals into the formation


b) The moment a drilling rig begins drilling into the earth

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical step involved in "spudding in"?

a) Positioning the drilling rig b) Drilling a pilot hole c) Running casing d) Expanding the wellbore


c) Running casing

3. What is the primary purpose of "spudding down" in well operations?

a) To clean the wellbore of debris b) To install a wellhead c) To maneuver tools and equipment down the wellbore d) To circulate drilling mud


c) To maneuver tools and equipment down the wellbore

4. What type of motion does the "spudding head" generate during "spudding down"?

a) Rotational b) Linear c) Reciprocating d) Oscillatory


c) Reciprocating

5. Which of the following is a common application of "spudding down"?

a) Installing a blowout preventer b) Running tubing strings c) Removing drill pipe d) Cementing the wellbore


b) Running tubing strings

Exercise: Spudding Down Scenarios

Scenario: You are a well completion engineer working on a project where a long tubing string needs to be run down the wellbore. The wellbore has some tight spots and potential obstructions.

Task: Explain why "spudding down" would be a suitable technique for this situation. Briefly describe how the process would be executed.

Exercice Correction

Spudding down would be an ideal technique for running a long tubing string in a wellbore with tight spots and potential obstructions because it overcomes these challenges efficiently.

Here's how the process would be executed:

  • **Tool Connection:** The tubing string would be connected to a spudding head at the surface.
  • **Reciprocating Motion:** The spudding head would generate a rapid up-and-down motion, propelling the tubing downwards.
  • **Overcoming Obstructions:** The reciprocating force would help overcome any sticking points or tight spots that might hinder the tubing's descent.
  • **Monitoring & Control:** The process would be closely monitored to ensure smooth progress, and the speed and force of the reciprocating motion could be adjusted as needed.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by J.P. Brill and H.J.R. Weijers: This comprehensive text covers various aspects of drilling and completion, including the spudding process and downhole operations.
  • Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Treatment by R.N. Thomas: Provides detailed information on drilling techniques, including spudding in and the use of specialized tools and equipment.
  • Well Completion Engineering by J.P. Brill and H.J.R. Weijers: Focuses on the post-drilling completion of oil and gas wells, with specific sections on tubing installation and wireline operations where spudding down is discussed.


  • "Spudding In: A Critical Step in Oil and Gas Exploration" (Article title may vary) - Search for articles on online platforms like SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) or OnePetro for information on the initiation of drilling operations.
  • "Wireline Operations: A Detailed Overview" (Article title may vary) - Look for publications that cover wireline techniques in drilling and well completion, including the use of spudding down for tool maneuvering.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This organization offers a vast library of technical papers, journals, and resources related to oil and gas exploration, drilling, and production. Search their website for keywords like "spudding in," "spudding down," "wireline operations," and "well completion."
  • OnePetro: A joint venture between SPE, AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists), and the American Society of Civil Engineers, OnePetro provides access to a comprehensive database of technical publications and industry information.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly features articles on drilling, completion, and related technologies. Search for articles focusing on spudding procedures and downhole tools.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "spudding in," "spudding down," "drilling," "well completion," "wireline," "tubing," and "downhole operations" to refine your search.
  • Include industry-specific terms: Use keywords like "drilling rig," "casing," "drill bit," "packer," and "plug" to target relevant information.
  • Specify your region: If you are looking for resources specific to a particular region, include the geographic location in your search query (e.g., "spudding in Texas").
  • Utilize advanced operators: Utilize Google search operators like "" to limit your search to the SPE website.
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