Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: saver sub

saver sub

Sauver la mise : Le héros méconnu du forage - les sous-marins de sauvetage

Dans le monde exigeant du forage pétrolier et gazier, l'efficacité et la rentabilité sont primordiales. Un composant souvent négligé, mais qui contribue de manière significative aux deux, est le **sous-marin de sauvetage**. Cette pièce d'équipement modeste joue un rôle crucial dans la minimisation des temps d'arrêt et la maximisation des performances de forage.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un sous-marin de sauvetage ?**

Un sous-marin de sauvetage, essentiellement un dispositif de remplacement jetable, est intégré à la tige de forage. Il est conçu pour absorber une grande partie de l'usure qui se produit à l'interface critique entre les joints fréquemment cassés. Ces joints, généralement situés entre le kelly ou l'entraînement supérieur et le train de tiges de forage, sont sujets aux dommages en raison de la rotation constante et des charges lourdes qu'ils subissent.

**Pourquoi les sous-marins de sauvetage sont-ils importants ?**

Imaginez un scénario où la connexion entre le kelly et le train de tiges de forage est endommagée. Cela nécessiterait un voyage à la surface pour réparer ou remplacer le composant endommagé, ce qui entraînerait des temps d'arrêt et des coûts importants. C'est là que le sous-marin de sauvetage brille.

Voici comment cela fonctionne :

  • **Protection des connexions critiques :** Le sous-marin de sauvetage agit comme un élément sacrificiel, absorbant le plus gros de l'usure. Cela protège les composants plus chers et moins facilement disponibles, comme le kelly et le train de tiges de forage, contre les dommages.
  • **Minimisation des temps d'arrêt :** En empêchant les dommages aux points de connexion primaires, les sous-marins de sauvetage réduisent la fréquence des voyages à la surface pour les réparations ou les remplacements. Cela se traduit par moins de temps d'arrêt et une efficacité de forage accrue.
  • **Économies de coûts :** L'utilisation de sous-marins de sauvetage réduit considérablement les coûts associés aux réparations, aux remplacements et aux temps d'arrêt.

**Types de sous-marins de sauvetage :**

Il existe plusieurs types de sous-marins de sauvetage disponibles, chacun étant adapté à des conditions de forage et à des équipements spécifiques :

  • **Sous-marins de protection des filets :** Ils sont conçus pour protéger les filets du train de tiges de forage ou du kelly contre l'usure.
  • **Sous-marins de sauvetage boîte et broche :** Ils sont utilisés pour protéger les connexions boîte et broche entre le train de tiges de forage et le kelly.
  • **Sous-marins de sauvetage à plaque d'usure :** Ils comportent des plaques résistantes à l'usure qui absorbent l'impact et l'abrasion du processus de forage.

**Au-delà des bases :**

Les sous-marins de sauvetage intègrent souvent des fonctionnalités qui améliorent leur efficacité :

  • **Remplissage de graisse :** Certains sous-marins de sauvetage sont remplis de graisse pour minimiser encore davantage la friction et l'usure.
  • **Revêtements anti-usure :** Des revêtements avancés comme le carbure de tungstène peuvent être appliqués sur les surfaces d'usure pour une durabilité accrue.

**Conclusion :**

Le modeste sous-marin de sauvetage n'est peut-être pas le composant le plus glamour d'un derrick de forage, mais sa contribution à un forage efficace et rentable est indéniable. En protégeant les connexions critiques, en minimisant les temps d'arrêt et en réduisant les coûts, les sous-marins de sauvetage jouent un rôle crucial dans la maximisation des performances de forage. Leur présence passe souvent inaperçue, mais leur impact sur le processus de forage est significatif, ce qui en fait de véritables héros méconnus de l'industrie.

Test Your Knowledge

Saver Sub Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a saver sub?

a) To increase drilling speed. b) To protect critical connections from wear and tear. c) To improve the quality of the drilled hole. d) To reduce the amount of drilling fluid used.


b) To protect critical connections from wear and tear.

2. Which of the following is NOT a type of saver sub?

a) Thread Saver Sub b) Box and Pin Saver Sub c) Wear Plate Saver Sub d) Drill Bit Saver Sub


d) Drill Bit Saver Sub

3. How do saver subs help minimize downtime?

a) By reducing the need for frequent drilling fluid changes. b) By preventing damage to critical connections, reducing the need for repairs. c) By increasing drilling speed, allowing for faster completion of the well. d) By automating some of the drilling process.


b) By preventing damage to critical connections, reducing the need for repairs.

4. Which of the following is an additional feature that can be incorporated into saver subs to enhance their effectiveness?

a) Integrated GPS tracking system b) Anti-wear coatings c) Remote control functionality d) Built-in drilling fluid filters


b) Anti-wear coatings

5. Why are saver subs considered "unsung heroes" in the drilling industry?

a) Because they are expensive and require specialized training to use. b) Because their contribution to efficient drilling often goes unnoticed. c) Because they are typically only used in challenging drilling environments. d) Because their technology is constantly evolving and improving.


b) Because their contribution to efficient drilling often goes unnoticed.

Saver Sub Exercise


You are working on a drilling rig and have been tasked with inspecting the saver sub before a new drilling run. You notice some significant wear and tear on the wear plate.


Based on the information you learned about saver subs, what would your next steps be? Explain your reasoning and consider the potential consequences of ignoring the wear and tear.

Exercice Correction

Your next steps should be as follows: 1. **Report the wear and tear:** Immediately notify your supervisor or the drilling engineer about the condition of the saver sub. This is crucial to ensure that the proper action is taken. 2. **Assess the severity of the wear:** Determine the extent of the wear on the wear plate. If the wear is significant, it may indicate a potential failure point. 3. **Consider replacement options:** Depending on the severity of the wear, you may need to replace the saver sub entirely or just the worn wear plate. 4. **Consult the manufacturer:** If uncertain about the best course of action, consult the manufacturer's guidelines for the specific saver sub model. **Reasoning:** Ignoring the wear and tear on the saver sub could have serious consequences: * **Damage to critical connections:** A worn-out saver sub may not be able to adequately protect the kelly and drill pipe connections, leading to damage and costly repairs. * **Downtime:** If the saver sub fails during drilling operations, it could result in a trip to the surface to replace it, leading to significant downtime and lost productivity. * **Safety hazards:** A compromised saver sub could pose a safety hazard to the drilling crew if it fails unexpectedly. **Conclusion:** It is essential to address the wear and tear on saver subs promptly to ensure the safety and efficiency of the drilling operation. Replacing or repairing the saver sub as needed will prevent potential issues and maintain optimal drilling performance.


  • Drilling Engineering: This comprehensive textbook by John A. Dotson provides detailed information on drilling operations, including sections on drill string components and tools like saver subs.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: Edited by William C. Lyons, this handbook offers a detailed overview of various drilling practices and technologies, including sections on drill string design and the use of saver subs.
  • Drilling and Completion Fundamentals: This book by Robert E. Whitson and Michael J. Brons provides an introduction to drilling operations, covering topics such as drill string components and their functionalities, including saver subs.


  • "Saver Sub: A Cost-Effective Solution for Reducing Downtime" by [Author name], [Journal name] ([Year]) - Search for articles specifically discussing the benefits and usage of saver subs in drilling operations.
  • "Optimizing Drill String Performance through the Use of Saver Subs" by [Author name], [Journal name] ([Year]) - Focus on articles that analyze the impact of saver subs on drill string performance and efficiency.
  • "The Role of Saver Subs in Minimizing Drilling Costs" by [Author name], [Journal name] ([Year]) - Search for articles that quantify the cost savings and economic benefits associated with using saver subs.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: This professional organization offers a wealth of resources on drilling engineering, including technical papers and presentations related to saver subs. Search the SPE website using keywords like "saver sub," "drill string," and "downtime."
  • Oilfield Wiki: This online platform provides information on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including sections on drilling tools and techniques. Look for articles on saver subs and their application.
  • Manufacturer websites: Several companies specialize in the manufacturing of saver subs. Explore their websites for technical specifications, product catalogs, and application guides.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use combinations like "saver sub drilling," "saver sub benefits," "saver sub types," "saver sub applications."
  • Include relevant terms: Add terms like "drill string," "kelly," "downtime," "cost-effectiveness" to refine your search.
  • Filter by source: Focus on websites from reputable sources like industry publications, professional organizations, and manufacturers.
  • Use quotation marks: Use quotation marks around specific phrases like "saver sub" to find exact matches.
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