Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: rotary table

rotary table

La Table Tournante : Un Composant Essentiel dans le Forage et l'Achèvement des Puits

La table tournante, un composant crucial des plateformes de forage, est le cœur de l'opération de forage. Elle sert d'interface entre l'assemblage de forage et la source d'énergie de la plateforme, permettant la rotation du train de tiges et supportant le poids considérable de l'équipement de forage.

Comprendre le Fonctionnement de la Table Tournante :

La fonction principale de la table tournante est de fournir une plateforme sécurisée et contrôlée pour la rotation du train de tiges pendant les opérations de forage et d'achèvement des puits. Elle accomplit cela grâce à une combinaison de composants mécaniques :

  • Engrenage conique : Cet arrangement transmet la puissance de rotation du moteur principal de la plateforme (généralement un moteur diesel) à l'arbre central de la table tournante. Cet arbre, à son tour, entraîne le train de tiges.
  • Douille : Un composant essentiel, la douille est un insert en acier trempé monté dans l'ouverture de la table tournante. Elle fournit une connexion sécurisée et sans friction pour le train de tiges, transmettant la force de rotation et supportant le poids de l'assemblage de forage.
  • Roulements à rouleaux : Situés à l'intérieur de la table tournante, ces roulements minimisent la friction pendant la rotation, assurant un fonctionnement fluide et efficace.
  • Pivot : Le pivot, relié à la table tournante, permet le mouvement vertical du train de tiges tout en maintenant une connexion sécurisée à la table tournante. Ceci est crucial pour ajuster la profondeur du train de tiges pendant les opérations de forage et d'achèvement des puits.

Avantages de l'Utilisation d'une Table Tournante :

La table tournante offre plusieurs avantages dans les opérations de forage :

  • Vitesse de rotation élevée : Permet un forage efficace en coupant efficacement les formations terrestres.
  • Contrôle précis du couple : Permet un forage contrôlé, empêchant un couple excessif et des dommages potentiels au train de tiges ou au puits.
  • Construction robuste : Conçue pour résister au poids immense de l'assemblage de forage et au couple élevé généré pendant le forage.
  • Sécurité et fiabilité : Fournit une plateforme sécurisée pour la rotation du train de tiges, minimisant le risque d'accidents ou de pannes d'équipement.

Types de Tables Tournantes :

Les tables tournantes existent dans différentes tailles et configurations, adaptées à des applications de forage spécifiques. Les types courants comprennent :

  • Table tournante standard : Le type le plus courant, utilisé dans les opérations de forage générales.
  • Table tournante à couple élevé : Conçue pour le forage dans des formations difficiles nécessitant un couple plus élevé.
  • Table tournante portable : Plus petite et plus compacte, adaptée aux plateformes de forage plus petites ou aux applications spécialisées.

En Conclusion :

La table tournante est un composant fondamental dans les opérations de forage et d'achèvement des puits. Sa capacité à faire tourner le train de tiges efficacement et en toute sécurité, combinée à sa construction robuste et à ses caractéristiques de sécurité, en fait un élément essentiel pour le développement réussi des puits. En comprenant le fonctionnement de la table tournante et son importance dans les opérations de forage, nous pouvons apprécier son rôle crucial dans l'exploration et la production sûres et efficaces des ressources pétrolières et gazières.

Test Your Knowledge

Rotary Table Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a rotary table in drilling operations?

a) To provide a platform for the drill string to rest. b) To control the depth of the drill string. c) To rotate the drill string. d) To connect the drill string to the wellhead.


c) To rotate the drill string.

2. Which component transmits rotational power from the rig's engine to the rotary table's shaft?

a) Bushing b) Roller bearings c) Swivel d) Beveled gear arrangement


d) Beveled gear arrangement

3. What is the role of the bushing in a rotary table?

a) To provide a secure connection for the drill string. b) To reduce friction during rotation. c) To adjust the drill string depth. d) To connect the rotary table to the swivel.


a) To provide a secure connection for the drill string.

4. Which type of rotary table is specifically designed for drilling in challenging formations requiring higher torque?

a) Standard Rotary Table b) High Torque Rotary Table c) Portable Rotary Table d) Hydraulic Rotary Table


b) High Torque Rotary Table

5. What is NOT a benefit of utilizing a rotary table in drilling operations?

a) High rotational speed b) Precise torque control c) Reduced drilling time d) Increased risk of accidents


d) Increased risk of accidents

Rotary Table Exercise

Scenario: You are working on a drilling rig and notice that the drill string is rotating erratically and the rotary table is making unusual noises. The drilling operation has been running smoothly until now.


  1. Identify three possible causes for the erratic rotation and unusual noises.
  2. Explain how each of these causes could lead to the observed problems.
  3. Suggest one course of action you would take to address the issue.

Exercice Correction

**Possible Causes:** 1. **Worn or damaged bushing:** This could cause a loose connection between the drill string and the rotary table, leading to erratic rotation and increased friction, resulting in unusual noises. 2. **Faulty roller bearings:** If the bearings are worn or damaged, they will not provide smooth rotation, causing uneven rotation and possibly loud grinding noises. 3. **Problem with the beveled gear arrangement:** A malfunctioning gear arrangement could result in inconsistent torque transmission, causing erratic rotation and unusual noises. **Course of Action:** Immediately stop the drilling operation and investigate the issue. Depending on the suspected cause, you might need to: * **Replace the bushing:** If the bushing is worn or damaged, replace it with a new one. * **Inspect and lubricate the roller bearings:** Check the bearings for wear and tear and lubricate them according to the manufacturer's recommendations. * **Inspect and repair the beveled gear arrangement:** If the gears are damaged or malfunctioning, they need to be repaired or replaced.


  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices by Robert E. Schlumberger (2011): This comprehensive text covers all aspects of drilling engineering, including detailed discussions on rotary tables and their role in drilling operations.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) (2007): A definitive reference for petroleum engineers, offering extensive chapters on drilling technology, including detailed information on rotary tables and their applications.
  • Drilling and Well Completion: A Practical Guide by Stephen W. Holditch and Charles R. M. Butler (2014): This practical guide provides a clear understanding of drilling and completion practices, with dedicated sections explaining the functionality of rotary tables.
  • Modern Drilling Engineering by Gary A. Jones (2009): Covers drilling engineering principles and practices, including in-depth discussions on rotary tables and their different types.


  • Rotary Tables: A Vital Component in Drilling Operations by [Author Name] (Published in [Journal Name]): This article provides an in-depth look at rotary table functionality, various types, and their significance in drilling operations.
  • The Rotary Table: Evolution and Design Considerations by [Author Name] (Published in [Journal Name]): Focuses on the historical development and key design aspects of rotary tables, highlighting advancements in technology.
  • Rotary Table Safety: A Comprehensive Guide by [Author Name] (Published in [Journal Name]): Discusses safety considerations related to rotary table operations, outlining best practices and potential hazards.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a wealth of information on drilling technologies, including technical papers, presentations, and industry news related to rotary tables.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly features articles and technical reports on drilling and completion technologies, often covering rotary table advancements and applications.
  • DrillingInfo: This online platform provides comprehensive data and analysis on the drilling industry, including insights into rotary table performance and trends.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Companies specializing in drilling equipment, such as National Oilwell Varco (NOV), Baker Hughes, and Schlumberger, offer detailed information on their rotary table products and technical specifications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "rotary table" with "drilling", "well completion", "types", "applications", "design", "safety", "manufacturers" to refine your search.
  • Include search operators: Use "site:" to search within specific websites (e.g., " rotary table"), or "filetype:" to find specific document formats (e.g., "rotary table filetype:pdf").
  • Utilize advanced search tools: Utilize Google's advanced search operators (e.g., "+", "-", "OR", "AND") to create more precise search queries.
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