Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: rotary shoe

rotary shoe

Chaussures Rotatives : Les Héros Méconnus du Secours dans les Puits

Dans le monde à haute pression du forage pétrolier et gazier, les choses ne se déroulent pas toujours comme prévu. Le blocage du tubage, du tuyau ou des conduites est un problème courant qui peut retarder considérablement les opérations et faire grimper les coûts. Lorsque les méthodes conventionnelles échouent à libérer l'objet bloqué, la cavalerie arrive sous la forme d'un outil spécialisé : la **Chaussure Rotative**.

Qu'est-ce qu'une Chaussure Rotative ?

Une Chaussure Rotative est essentiellement une longueur de tuyau avec une torsion unique. Son bord inférieur est soit dentelé, soit recouvert d'un matériau dur et tranchant, ce qui en fait un puissant outil de fraisage. Lorsqu'elle est descendue dans le puits autour de l'objet bloqué, la Chaussure Rotative utilise sa surface de coupe agressive pour broyer progressivement l'obstruction, libérant l'équipement piégé.

Comment ça marche ?

La Chaussure Rotative est fixée à un train de tiges et descendue dans le puits. Elle est ensuite mise en rotation, engageant l'obstruction avec ses dents de coupe spécialement conçues. La rotation crée de la friction, générant de la chaleur qui aide à ramollir la formation environnante et favorise le processus de fraisage. Ce processus progressif permet à la chaussure de couper à travers le matériau bloqué, libérant l'équipement et rétablissant l'intégrité du puits.

Les avantages de l'utilisation d'une Chaussure Rotative :

  • Solution efficace : Les Chaussures Rotatives sont une méthode éprouvée pour libérer les équipements bloqués dans les puits. Elles offrent une alternative fiable à des mesures plus drastiques comme le tirage de l'ensemble du train de tiges, ce qui peut être long et coûteux.
  • Polyvalence : Elles peuvent être utilisées dans divers scénarios, allant du déblocage du tubage au dégagement d'obstructions dans les conduites ou les tuyaux.
  • Rentabilité : Bien qu'il s'agisse d'un outil spécialisé, les Chaussures Rotatives constituent souvent une solution plus rentable que les autres méthodes de déblocage des équipements.

Types de Chaussures Rotatives :

Il existe plusieurs types de Chaussures Rotatives, chacune conçue pour des applications spécifiques :

  • Chaussures Rotatives Standard : Ce sont les types les plus courants et présentent une surface de coupe dentelée.
  • Chaussures Rotatives à Diamant : Ces chaussures sont équipées de dents de coupe recouvertes de diamant, offrant une dureté et une résistance à l'abrasion exceptionnelles pour les formations difficiles.
  • Chaussures de Fraisage : Ces chaussures utilisent un mécanisme de fraisage plus complexe, permettant une coupe agressive et un retrait plus rapide des obstructions.

Au-delà de l'Outil :

L'application réussie d'une Chaussure Rotative nécessite des connaissances et une expérience expertes. Le choix du type de chaussure adapté à la situation particulière est crucial. De plus, une planification et une exécution minutieuses de l'opération sont essentielles pour garantir la sécurité et l'efficacité.

Conclusion :

Les Chaussures Rotatives jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière en offrant une solution puissante et rentable pour libérer les équipements bloqués dans les puits. Ces outils modestes sont essentiels pour garantir le bon déroulement des opérations et minimiser les temps d'arrêt coûteux. Avec les progrès de la technologie, nous pouvons nous attendre à de nouvelles innovations dans la conception et l'application des Chaussures Rotatives, les rendant encore plus efficaces et performantes à l'avenir.

Test Your Knowledge

Rotary Shoe Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Rotary Shoe?

a) To connect different sections of drill pipe.


Incorrect. That is the function of a drill collar.

b) To stabilize the drill string during drilling operations.


Incorrect. That is the function of stabilizers.

c) To mill away obstructions in the wellbore, freeing stuck equipment.


Correct! Rotary Shoes are designed for this specific purpose.

d) To measure the depth of the wellbore.


Incorrect. That is the function of a depth gauge.

2. What makes a Rotary Shoe effective in freeing stuck equipment?

a) Its smooth, frictionless surface.


Incorrect. The opposite is true; its cutting surface is what makes it effective.

b) Its ability to expand and contract, gripping the stuck object.


Incorrect. This is not a characteristic of Rotary Shoes.

c) Its aggressive cutting surface, designed to mill away the obstruction.


Correct! This is the core principle of its operation.

d) Its ability to generate strong magnetic forces that pull the stuck object free.


Incorrect. Rotary Shoes work mechanically, not magnetically.

3. Which of these is NOT a type of Rotary Shoe?

a) Standard Rotary Shoe


Incorrect. This is a common type.

b) Diamond-Dressed Rotary Shoe


Incorrect. This type offers superior durability and cutting power.

c) Milling Shoe


Incorrect. This is a specialized type for aggressive cutting.

d) Hydraulic Rotary Shoe


Correct! While hydraulic systems are used in drilling, there is no such thing as a hydraulic Rotary Shoe.

4. What is a key benefit of using a Rotary Shoe to free stuck equipment?

a) It eliminates the need for any other wellbore rescue techniques.


Incorrect. Rotary Shoes are part of a range of wellbore rescue techniques.

b) It is always the fastest and most cost-effective solution.


Incorrect. While often cost-effective, it may not always be the fastest solution.

c) It avoids the need to pull the entire drill string, saving time and money.


Correct! This is a major advantage of using Rotary Shoes.

d) It requires no specialized knowledge or experience to operate.


Incorrect. Proper knowledge and experience are crucial for safe and effective use.

5. What is the role of heat generated during Rotary Shoe operation?

a) To burn away the stuck object.


Incorrect. The heat does not burn away the object.

b) To increase the viscosity of the drilling fluid.


Incorrect. While drilling fluid viscosity is important, the heat doesn't directly increase it.

c) To soften the surrounding formation, aiding the milling process.


Correct! Heat softens the formation, making it easier to cut.

d) To prevent the Rotary Shoe from overheating and failing.


Incorrect. While heat management is important, this is not the primary role of the heat generated.

Rotary Shoe Exercise


Imagine you are a drilling engineer working on a well that has experienced a stuck pipe. The stuck pipe is located at a depth of 8,500 feet. You have evaluated the situation and determined that a Rotary Shoe is the most suitable solution to free the pipe.


  1. Describe the specific type of Rotary Shoe you would select for this situation, considering the depth and potential formation challenges.
  2. Explain your reasoning for choosing that specific type.
  3. Outline the steps you would take to prepare for and execute the Rotary Shoe operation, ensuring safety and efficiency.

Exercise Correction

Here is a possible solution, keeping in mind that the specific type of Rotary Shoe and the exact steps will vary based on the actual well conditions and available equipment:

1. Type of Rotary Shoe:

For a stuck pipe at 8,500 feet, it's likely that the formation is relatively hard and abrasive. In this case, I would choose a **Diamond-Dressed Rotary Shoe**. The diamond-coated teeth offer exceptional hardness and abrasion resistance, making them ideal for challenging formations.

2. Reasoning:

The depth and potential hardness of the formation suggest that a standard Rotary Shoe might not have the cutting power needed to effectively free the pipe. Diamond-Dressed shoes are known for their ability to cut through tough materials, ensuring a more efficient and successful operation.

3. Steps for Operation:

a) **Safety Briefing:** Conduct a thorough safety briefing with the crew, emphasizing the risks involved and the importance of following procedures.

b) **Equipment Preparation:** Ensure the Rotary Shoe is properly inspected, lubricated, and prepared for operation. Check all related equipment, including the drill string, for proper function and compatibility.

c) **Rig Setup:** Configure the rig for the Rotary Shoe operation, ensuring sufficient torque and weight capacity.

d) **Running the Rotary Shoe:** Carefully lower the Rotary Shoe into the wellbore, guided by the drill string.

e) **Rotation and Milling:** Slowly rotate the Rotary Shoe, allowing the cutting teeth to engage the stuck pipe. Monitor the progress and adjust rotation speed as necessary.

f) **Monitoring and Evaluation:** Regularly monitor the wellbore conditions, drilling fluid pressure, and the Rotary Shoe's performance. This helps to ensure the operation is progressing effectively and safely.

g) **Freeing the Pipe:** Continue the milling process until the pipe is fully freed.

h) **Post-Operation Inspection:** Carefully inspect the Rotary Shoe and wellbore conditions after the operation. Make necessary repairs or adjustments as required.

Remember, this is a general outline. The specific details and procedures will need to be adapted based on the specific well conditions, available equipment, and safety regulations.


  • "Wellbore Completion Operations" by Howard L. Pennington: A comprehensive resource covering wellbore completion procedures, including sections on stuck pipe removal and the use of specialized tools like rotary shoes.
  • "Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Approach" by Tarek Ahmed: Discusses various drilling challenges, including stuck pipe and wellbore rescue, providing insights into the role of rotary shoes in resolving these issues.
  • "Petroleum Production Systems" by D.R. Matthews: Offers a detailed explanation of wellbore operations and the utilization of specialized tools, including rotary shoes, for tackling drilling complications.


  • "Rotary Shoe: A Versatile Tool for Wellbore Rescue" by [Author Name], [Journal Name]: A specific article focusing on rotary shoes, their working mechanisms, types, and applications in various wellbore rescue scenarios.
  • "Stuck Pipe Removal: A Review of Techniques and Technologies" by [Author Name], [Journal Name]: An article exploring various techniques for freeing stuck pipe, including the use of rotary shoes, their advantages, and limitations.
  • "The Evolution of Rotary Shoes for Wellbore Rescue" by [Author Name], [Journal Name]: An article focusing on the historical development and technological advancements in rotary shoe design and their impact on wellbore rescue operations.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website houses a vast library of technical papers and presentations related to wellbore operations, including topics on stuck pipe removal and the use of rotary shoes. Search for keywords like "rotary shoe," "stuck pipe," "wellbore rescue," and "completion operations."
  • OnePetro (formerly IADC): OnePetro offers a comprehensive online platform with technical resources, including articles, case studies, and technical papers focusing on drilling operations, wellbore rescue, and the application of specialized tools like rotary shoes.
  • Oilfield Glossary: This online glossary provides definitions and explanations of various oilfield terms, including "rotary shoe," "stuck pipe," and other related concepts.

Search Tips

  • Specific Keywords: Combine keywords like "rotary shoe," "stuck pipe," "wellbore rescue," and "drilling" to refine your search results.
  • Site Specific Search: Use " rotary shoe" or " rotary shoe" to restrict your search to specific websites like SPE or OnePetro.
  • Advanced Operators: Utilize Google's advanced operators like "filetype:pdf" to search for PDF documents or "intitle:rotary shoe" to find documents with "rotary shoe" in the title.
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