Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Distributed Control Systems (DCS): rotary hose

rotary hose

Le héros méconnu du forage : comprendre le tuyau rotatif

Au cœur de la terre, là où les secrets de la planète se cachent, se déroule un monde de forage incessant. Au cœur de cette opération, un élément crucial travaille sans relâche, reliant le sang vital du processus de forage - le fluide de forage. Il s'agit du **tuyau rotatif**, un composant apparemment simple mais vital qui garantit le fonctionnement fluide et efficace d'un derrick de forage rotatif.

**Un pipeline de puissance :**

Le tuyau rotatif, également connu sous le nom de tuyau de boue ou de tuyau kelly, est un tuyau flexible renforcé d'acier qui sert de conduit pour le fluide de forage. Ce fluide vital, pompé par la pompe à boue et stocké dans le standpipe, est transporté à travers le tuyau rotatif jusqu'au swivel et au kelly. Le swivel, un composant essentiel qui permet au kelly de tourner tout en permettant simultanément à la colonne de forage d'être abaissée et relevée, reçoit le fluide de forage du tuyau rotatif.

**Plus qu'il n'y paraît :**

Le tuyau rotatif n'est pas simplement un tube, mais un assemblage complexe conçu pour résister aux pressions immenses et aux environnements difficiles du forage. Le renforcement en acier à l'intérieur du tuyau lui donne la résistance nécessaire pour gérer les hautes pressions générées par la pompe à boue. La nature flexible du tuyau lui permet de se plier et de se déplacer avec le kelly en rotation, assurant un flux continu du fluide de forage.

**Rôles clés du tuyau rotatif :**

  • **Transport du fluide de forage :** Le rôle principal du tuyau rotatif est de fournir le fluide de forage au trépan, permettant un forage efficace et l'élimination des cuttings du trou.
  • **Maintien de la pression :** Le tuyau maintient la pression du fluide de forage, assurant une circulation adéquate et empêchant les blowouts ou les problèmes de contrôle du puits.
  • **Protection du système de forage :** Le tuyau rotatif agit comme une barrière de pression, empêchant les fuites et minimisant le risque d'accidents.

**Choisir le bon tuyau rotatif :**

Le choix du tuyau rotatif approprié est crucial pour l'opération de forage. Des facteurs tels que les propriétés du fluide de forage, les exigences de pression et les spécifications du derrick doivent être pris en compte. Le diamètre du tuyau, l'épaisseur de la paroi et la composition du matériau jouent un rôle crucial pour garantir sa longévité et son fonctionnement efficace.

**Au-delà de la surface :**

Bien qu'il soit souvent négligé, le tuyau rotatif est une partie vitale du processus de forage. Son travail silencieux et constant garantit le fonctionnement sans faille du derrick de forage, permettant en fin de compte l'exploration et l'extraction de ressources précieuses sous la surface de la terre. Comprendre le rôle du tuyau rotatif et son importance met en lumière les aspects complexes et souvent cachés du monde du forage.

Test Your Knowledge

Rotary Hose Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the Rotary Hose? a) To transport drilling fluid to the drill bit. b) To connect the drill string to the kelly. c) To lubricate the drill bit. d) To monitor drilling fluid pressure.


a) To transport drilling fluid to the drill bit.

2. What is another name for the Rotary Hose? a) Mud hose b) Kelly hose c) Drill pipe d) Both a) and b)


d) Both a) and b)

3. What is the main purpose of the steel reinforcement within the Rotary Hose? a) To provide flexibility. b) To increase the hose's diameter. c) To withstand high pressures. d) To improve the hose's insulation.


c) To withstand high pressures.

4. Which of the following is NOT a key role of the Rotary Hose? a) Transporting drilling fluid. b) Maintaining pressure. c) Controlling the drill bit's speed. d) Protecting the drilling system.


c) Controlling the drill bit's speed.

5. What factor is NOT considered when selecting the right Rotary Hose for a drilling operation? a) The drilling fluid's properties. b) The rig's specifications. c) The type of drill bit used. d) Pressure requirements.


c) The type of drill bit used.

Rotary Hose Exercise:


A drilling operation is being planned for a new well. The drilling fluid being used has a maximum pressure of 5000 psi. The rig specifications require a Rotary Hose with a minimum burst pressure of 6000 psi.

Problem: You have two Rotary Hose options:

  • Option A: A 4-inch diameter hose with a burst pressure of 5500 psi.
  • Option B: A 4-inch diameter hose with a burst pressure of 6500 psi.


  1. Which option is the most suitable for this drilling operation?
  2. Explain your reasoning based on the information provided.

Exercice Correction

The most suitable option is **Option B**.

Reasoning: While both options are 4-inch diameter hoses, Option B has a higher burst pressure of 6500 psi, which exceeds the required minimum burst pressure of 6000 psi. This ensures a safety margin and protects the system from potential pressure surges. Option A, with a burst pressure of 5500 psi, would fall short of the required minimum and could pose a safety risk in case of pressure fluctuations.


  • "Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices" by Robert E. "Bob" Schlumberger: This comprehensive book provides an in-depth understanding of drilling operations, including the role of rotary hoses.
  • "Rotary Drilling Handbook" by J.C. Long: This handbook, intended for drilling engineers and operators, covers various aspects of rotary drilling, including detailed information on rotary hoses.
  • "Oil Well Drilling Technology" by William C. Lyons: This book provides a broad overview of drilling technology, including sections on drilling equipment and the importance of rotary hoses in the process.


  • "Rotary Hose: A Critical Component in Drilling Operations" by [Author Name] (Search online for articles with this title).
  • "The Role of Rotary Hoses in Preventing Blowouts" by [Author Name] (Search online for articles with this title).
  • "Selection and Maintenance of Rotary Hoses" by [Author Name] (Search online for articles with this title).
  • "Rotary Hose Failure Analysis and Prevention" by [Author Name] (Search online for articles with this title).

Online Resources

  • Oilfield Wiki: This online resource provides a wealth of information on various aspects of oil and gas drilling, including articles on rotary hoses and their applications.
  • DrillingInfo: This platform offers comprehensive drilling data and insights, including technical information on rotary hoses.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This professional organization provides access to numerous technical papers and presentations related to drilling, including those discussing the role and significance of rotary hoses.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Rotary Hose", "Mud Hose", "Kelly Hose", "Drilling Hose", "Rotary Drilling", "Drilling Fluid".
  • Combine keywords: "Rotary Hose selection", "Rotary Hose maintenance", "Rotary Hose failure analysis".
  • Use quotation marks: "Rotary Hose" will search for the exact phrase, providing more specific results.
  • Filter results: Use "filetype:pdf" or "filetype:doc" to find specific file types, like articles and technical documents.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use "site:" to limit searches to specific websites, like SPE or Oilfield Wiki.
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