Dans le monde de la production pétrolière et gazière, la performance des puits peut décliner au fil du temps en raison de divers facteurs tels que :
Lorsque la production d'un puits descend en dessous d'un niveau acceptable ou s'arrête complètement, il faut procéder à une refonte. La refonte est un processus crucial dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits qui vise à restaurer la production d'une formation existante.
Voici un résumé des techniques de refonte courantes :
1. Stimulation :
2. Interventions dans le puits :
3. Modifications de l'achèvement :
4. Gestion du réservoir :
Avantages de la refonte :
Choisir la bonne technique de refonte :
La sélection des techniques de refonte appropriées dépend de facteurs tels que :
Conclusion :
La refonte joue un rôle essentiel dans la maximisation du potentiel de production des puits existants. Elle offre un moyen rentable de relancer une production en déclin, d'améliorer l'efficacité et d'assurer la rentabilité à long terme de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. En évaluant soigneusement l'état du puits, les caractéristiques du réservoir et les considérations économiques, les exploitants peuvent choisir les techniques de refonte les plus adaptées pour restaurer et améliorer la production à partir des formations existantes.
Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.
1. Which of the following is NOT a primary reason for well production decline?
a) Depletion of reservoir pressure b) Equipment failure c) Increased demand for oil and gas d) Production issues like blockages
c) Increased demand for oil and gas
2. What is the main goal of rework in oil and gas production?
a) To explore new oil and gas deposits b) To permanently seal off unproductive wells c) To restore production from an existing formation d) To transport oil and gas to processing facilities
c) To restore production from an existing formation
3. Which of the following is an example of a stimulation technique?
a) Fishing b) Packer installation c) Fracturing d) Downhole completion
c) Fracturing
4. What is the purpose of waterflooding in reservoir management?
a) To remove impurities from the oil b) To maintain pressure and displace oil c) To increase the viscosity of the oil d) To prevent gas leakage
b) To maintain pressure and displace oil
5. Which factor is LEAST important when choosing a rework technique?
a) Well condition b) Reservoir characteristics c) Economic viability d) Market price of oil and gas
d) Market price of oil and gas
Scenario: A well has been experiencing declining production due to a combination of factors:
Task: Suggest a rework strategy that addresses both issues. Consider the following:
A possible rework strategy could include: **1. Stimulation:** * **Acidizing:** Injecting acid into the formation would dissolve the mineral deposits, improving permeability and enhancing production. * **Sand Fracturing:** If acidizing alone is not sufficient, sand fracturing could be used to create larger, more stable fractures, further improving flow. **2. Wellbore Interventions:** * **Tubing Repair or Replacement:** The damaged tubing would need to be repaired or replaced with a new section to ensure proper fluid flow and prevent further pressure loss. **Economic considerations:** * The feasibility of each technique needs to be evaluated based on the estimated cost and potential return on investment. * In some cases, a simpler approach like acidizing and tubing repair might be more economical than a more complex procedure like sand fracturing. * The operator should carefully analyze the well's potential, remaining reservoir life, and available budget to determine the most cost-effective rework strategy.