Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: monkeyboard


Le Monosouris : Un Rôle Vital Mais Périlleux dans le Forage et l'Achèvement des Puits

Dans le monde exigeant du forage pétrolier et gazier, le terme "monosouris" peut paraître étrange, mais il décrit un rôle vital joué par un membre hautement qualifié de l'équipe de forage : le dérickman. Ce surnom, bien qu'utilisé souvent de manière légère, met en lumière la nature exigeante et physiquement difficile du travail du dérickman.

En Haut dans les Airs, Manipulant du Métal Lourd

Lorsque des tuyaux ou des tubages sont introduits ou retirés du puits, le dérickman est responsable de la manipulation de l'extrémité supérieure des tuyaux, atteignant souvent des hauteurs de 27 mètres ou plus dans le derrick ou le mât. Cette plateforme précaire, construite en acier et étayée par des câbles, devient leur espace de travail temporaire.

Un Équilibre entre Force et Compétence

Le travail du dérickman est un délicat équilibre entre force et précision. Il doit :

  • Manœuvrer les tuyaux : En utilisant des équipements spécialisés, le dérickman guide les tuyaux dans et hors du derrick, en veillant à ce qu'ils s'alignent correctement avec la table tournante ou la tête de puits.
  • Sécurise les tuyaux : Une fois les tuyaux en place, le dérickman les sécurise à l'aide de pinces, en s'assurant qu'ils restent stables et sûrs.
  • Maintenir le contrôle : Tout au long du processus, le dérickman doit constamment surveiller le mouvement des tuyaux, en apportant des ajustements pour maintenir le contrôle et prévenir les accidents.

La Plateforme du Derrickman : Un Espace de Travail Unique

L'espace de travail du dérickman est aussi unique que son rôle. Ils travaillent sur une plateforme suspendue haut au-dessus du plancher du chantier, avec seulement une étroite passerelle la reliant au pont principal. Cette plateforme, généralement construite en acier et en grillage, offre un environnement de travail précaire avec un espace limité et une exposition constante aux éléments.

La Sécurité est Primordiale

Travailler à de telles hauteurs, manipuler des équipements lourds et être exposé à des conditions potentiellement dangereuses exige un haut niveau de conscience de la sécurité. Des protocoles de sécurité rigoureux sont en place, notamment :

  • Systèmes de harnais et de longe : Les dérickmans sont toujours tenus de porter des harnais et des longes, les connectant à des lignes de sécurité pour éviter les chutes.
  • Inspections du gréement : Des inspections régulières assurent l'intégrité structurelle du derrick et la sécurité de la plateforme.
  • Procédures d'urgence : Des protocoles clairs sont en place pour les urgences, y compris les procédures de sauvetage si un travailleur tombe ou est blessé.

Le Monosouris : Plus Qu'un Simple Titre

Si le terme "monosouris" peut être léger, il reflète les défis et les risques réels associés au travail du dérickman. Il faut un individu spécial, doté de force, de dextérité et d'une concentration inébranlable, pour assumer ce rôle crucial. Leurs compétences et leur engagement sont essentiels au fonctionnement sûr et efficace des plates-formes de forage, ce qui fait d'eux des acteurs véritablement vitaux dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Monkeyboard

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary job of a derrickhand, also known as a monkeyboard?

a) Operating the drilling rig's engine b) Handling the pipe going into and out of the wellbore c) Monitoring the mud flow and pressure d) Managing the crew's safety and logistics


b) Handling the pipe going into and out of the wellbore

2. What is the main workspace of a derrickhand?

a) The drill floor b) The mud pit c) A platform suspended above the rig floor d) The engine room


c) A platform suspended above the rig floor

3. Which of these is NOT a key responsibility of a derrickhand?

a) Maneuvering the pipe using specialized equipment b) Securing the pipe with tongs c) Maintaining constant monitoring of the pipe's movement d) Analyzing the geological data from the wellbore


d) Analyzing the geological data from the wellbore

4. Why is the term "monkeyboard" often used to describe a derrickhand?

a) Because they are typically very quiet and focused on their work b) Because their job requires them to climb and swing from ropes c) Because their work is physically demanding and often takes place at great heights d) Because they are always looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the drilling operation


c) Because their work is physically demanding and often takes place at great heights

5. What is the most important safety measure for a derrickhand working at height?

a) Wearing a hard hat b) Using a safety harness and lanyard c) Having a buddy system in place d) Regularly inspecting the drilling equipment


b) Using a safety harness and lanyard

Exercise: The Monkeyboard's Challenge

Scenario: A derrickhand is preparing to run a new section of pipe into the wellbore. The pipe is 40 feet long and weighs 2000 pounds. The derrickhand needs to lift the pipe from the ground, move it to the derrick, and then guide it into the wellhead.

Task: Describe the steps the derrickhand would take to safely complete this task. Be sure to include the equipment they would use and the safety measures they would follow.

Exercice Correction

Here is a possible solution:

  1. Preparation: The derrickhand would first check the rigging and ensure the safety of the platform. They would also use tongs to inspect the pipe for any damage or defects.
  2. Lifting the Pipe: Using a crane or hoist, the derrickhand would lift the pipe off the ground and carefully maneuver it towards the derrick. They would use signal hand signals to communicate with the crane operator.
  3. Moving to the Derrick: Once the pipe is above the derrick, the derrickhand would use guide lines or ropes to carefully guide it onto the derrick's platform.
  4. Securing the Pipe: Once the pipe is in position, the derrickhand would use tongs to secure it to the derrick. They would ensure the pipe is properly aligned with the rotary table or wellhead.
  5. Running the Pipe: The derrickhand would then communicate with the driller to begin running the pipe into the wellbore. Throughout the process, they would monitor the pipe's movement and adjust the lowering speed as needed.
  6. Safety Measures: Throughout the entire process, the derrickhand would be wearing a safety harness and lanyard connected to a safety line. They would also adhere to all safety procedures outlined by the company.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John A. Spath, Robert E. Glover, and Thomas E. Bourgoyne Jr. - This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of drilling, including the role of the derrickhand.
  • "The Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by William D. Lacy - This handbook provides a broad overview of petroleum engineering, including information about drilling operations and the roles of different crew members.
  • "Drilling and Well Completion" by S. P. Agarwal - This book delves into the technical aspects of drilling and well completion, which would include information about derrickhand responsibilities.


  • *"The Role of the Derrickhand in Drilling" - *This article, if it exists, would provide a detailed account of the derrickhand's responsibilities and challenges. You can search for this title or similar phrases using online databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar.
  • Industry publications like "Oil & Gas Journal" and "World Oil" - These magazines often publish articles on various aspects of drilling and well completion, which might include content on the role of the derrickhand.

Online Resources

  • "Rigzone" and "Oil & Gas IQ" - These websites provide news, articles, and industry resources related to the oil and gas sector. Search for "derrickhand" or "monkeyboard" on these platforms.
  • Online forums for drilling and well completion professionals - These forums can be valuable sources of information and insights into the practical realities of the derrickhand's job.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching for "monkeyboard," try terms like "derrickhand duties," "derrickhand responsibilities," "derrickhand training," or "derrickhand safety."
  • Include industry-specific keywords: Combine your search terms with keywords like "oil and gas," "drilling," or "well completion" to narrow your results.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks ("") ensures that Google searches for the exact phrase you entered, leading to more relevant results.
  • Filter your results: Google allows you to filter search results by date, language, and region, which can help you find the most recent and relevant information.
  • Explore image search: Google Images can be helpful for visualizing the derrickhand's workspace and the equipment they use.
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