Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Mast


Maîtriser le Mât : Un Élément Crucial dans le Forage et l'Achèvement des Puits

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, le terme "mât" revient souvent dans les discussions sur le forage et l'achèvement des puits. Bien qu'il puisse sembler être un terme nautique, dans ce contexte, il fait référence à un équipement vital : une **grue portative**.

Cet article se penche sur les subtilités des mâts et leur rôle crucial dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un Mât ?**

Un mât, dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits, est une structure imposante qui sert de colonne vertébrale à diverses opérations. Il s'agit essentiellement d'une grue portative, capable d'être érigée en une seule unité. Cela le différencie d'une grue standard, qui ne peut pas être élevée en position de travail en une seule pièce.

**Caractéristiques clés d'un Mât :**

  • Portabilité : Les mâts sont conçus pour être facilement transportés et assemblés sur site. Cela permet une flexibilité et un déploiement rapide dans des endroits éloignés ou difficiles.
  • Durabilité : Construits pour résister à des charges lourdes et à des conditions météorologiques difficiles, les mâts sont généralement fabriqués en acier haute résistance.
  • Polyvalence : Ils peuvent être utilisés pour une large gamme de tâches de forage et d'achèvement de puits, notamment :
    • Opérations de forage : Levage et abaissement des tiges de forage, des tubages et d'autres équipements.
    • Achèvement du puits : Installation et manipulation d'outils de fond de trou, tels que des obturateurs et des tubages.
    • Opérations de travaux de réparation : Entretien et réparation des puits existants.

**Types de Mâts :**

Les mâts existent en différentes tailles et configurations, répondant à des besoins spécifiques de forage et d'achèvement. Parmi les types courants, on trouve :

  • Mâts montés sur camion : Ils sont compacts et facilement transportables, parfaits pour les petites plateformes de forage.
  • Mâts montés sur chenilles : Ils offrent une plus grande stabilité et une capacité de levage supérieure, adaptés aux grandes opérations de forage.
  • Mâts auto-érectibles : Ils peuvent être levés et abaissés hydrauliquement, simplifiant la mise en place et le démontage.

**Avantages de l'utilisation de Mâts :**

  • Rentabilité : La portabilité et la facilité d'assemblage se traduisent par des coûts de transport et d'installation réduits.
  • Efficacité : Les temps de mise en place et de démontage rapides permettent des opérations de forage et d'achèvement de puits plus rapides.
  • Flexibilité : Les mâts peuvent être facilement déplacés entre les sites de forage, s'adaptant aux exigences opérationnelles changeantes.

**Conclusion :**

Le mât joue un rôle crucial dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits, permettant des opérations efficaces et polyvalentes. Sa portabilité, sa durabilité et sa polyvalence en font un équipement indispensable pour les activités d'exploration et de production. Comprendre les différents types de mâts et leurs avantages est essentiel pour toute personne impliquée dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Mastering the Mast

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a mast in drilling and well completion?

a) To provide a platform for workers to stand on. b) To house the drilling equipment. c) To serve as a lifting and lowering mechanism for drilling and completion equipment. d) To generate power for drilling operations.


c) To serve as a lifting and lowering mechanism for drilling and completion equipment.

2. What is the main difference between a mast and a standard derrick?

a) A mast is taller than a derrick. b) A mast is more durable than a derrick. c) A mast can be erected as a single unit, while a derrick cannot. d) A mast is used for drilling, while a derrick is used for well completion.


c) A mast can be erected as a single unit, while a derrick cannot.

3. Which type of mast is best suited for smaller drilling rigs due to its portability?

a) Crawler-mounted mast b) Self-erecting mast c) Truck-mounted mast d) Derrick


c) Truck-mounted mast

4. What is NOT an advantage of using a mast in drilling and well completion?

a) Cost-effectiveness b) Increased risk of equipment failure c) Efficiency d) Flexibility


b) Increased risk of equipment failure

5. Which of the following is a common application of a mast in well completion?

a) Installing and manipulating downhole tools, such as packers and tubing. b) Transporting drilling fluids. c) Mixing cement slurry. d) Providing power to the drilling rig.


a) Installing and manipulating downhole tools, such as packers and tubing.

Exercise: Mast Selection

Scenario: You are tasked with selecting a mast for a new drilling project in a remote location with challenging terrain. The project requires a large drilling rig with a high lifting capacity.


  1. List the three main types of masts discussed in the article.
  2. Based on the project requirements, identify the most suitable type of mast and explain your reasoning.
  3. Identify at least one potential challenge associated with the chosen mast type in the given scenario.

Exercice Correction

1. The three main types of masts discussed in the article are: * Truck-mounted masts * Crawler-mounted masts * Self-erecting masts 2. Considering the project requirements of a large drilling rig with high lifting capacity in a remote location with challenging terrain, a **Crawler-mounted mast** would be the most suitable option. Here's why: * **High Lifting Capacity:** Crawler-mounted masts are designed for larger drilling operations and offer higher lifting capacity compared to truck-mounted masts. * **Stability:** Their crawler tracks provide superior stability in challenging terrain, making them ideal for remote locations. 3. A potential challenge with a crawler-mounted mast in this scenario could be **transportation difficulties.** Due to their size and weight, transporting them to the remote location might require specialized transportation equipment and careful planning to navigate challenging terrain.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by J.C. Addis: This comprehensive book covers the fundamentals of drilling engineering, including detailed sections on drilling equipment and operations. It provides valuable insights into the role of masts in drilling and well completion.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" edited by William J. Dake: This extensive handbook offers a wealth of information on various aspects of petroleum engineering, including a dedicated chapter on drilling and well completion. It discusses the different types of masts and their applications.
  • "The Petroleum Industry: A Comprehensive Overview" by A.A. Al-Hussaini: This book provides a broad overview of the oil and gas industry, including detailed descriptions of drilling and completion operations. It highlights the importance of masts in these processes.


  • "Drilling Rigs and Equipment" by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This technical paper explores different types of drilling rigs and associated equipment, including masts. It provides insights into the construction, operation, and advantages of various mast designs.
  • "The Role of Portable Derrick Masts in Oil and Gas Exploration" by Oil and Gas Journal: This article focuses on the significance of portable masts in the exploration and production of oil and gas. It discusses the benefits of using masts for drilling and completion operations in remote locations.
  • "Drilling and Completion Technology: An Overview" by Offshore Technology: This technical paper provides a comprehensive overview of drilling and well completion technologies, including the use of masts. It explores the various applications and advantages of masts in modern drilling operations.

Online Resources

  • "Drilling Rigs" by the U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE): This webpage provides detailed information on drilling rigs and equipment, including different types of masts and their specifications. It offers valuable insights into the safety and environmental considerations associated with mast operation.
  • "Drilling and Completion" by Schlumberger: This section on the Schlumberger website provides comprehensive information on drilling and well completion technologies, including the use of masts. It explores various applications and innovations related to mast design and operation.
  • "Oil & Gas Industry Glossary" by the American Petroleum Institute (API): This glossary defines industry-specific terms, including "mast" and other drilling and completion equipment. It provides a clear understanding of the terminology used in the industry.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms like "drilling mast", "portable derrick", "self-erecting mast" to refine your search.
  • Combine terms like "mast types" or "mast advantages" to discover various types of masts and their benefits.
  • Use operators like "" to limit your search to government websites (e.g., BSEE) or "" for academic resources.
  • Include keywords like "drilling operations", "well completion", or "workover" to target relevant information.
  • Explore advanced search options like "filetype:pdf" to find specific document formats like PDF reports.
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