Forage et complétion de puits

journal bearing

Les paliers lisses dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits : les héros méconnus des opérations en fond de trou

Les paliers lisses, souvent appelés paliers lisses, sont des composants essentiels de divers équipements de forage et d'achèvement des puits. Ces pièces mécaniques apparemment simples jouent un rôle crucial dans la facilitation d'opérations fluides et efficaces, assurant la longévité et la fiabilité des outils critiques en fond de trou.

Qu'est-ce qu'un palier lisse ?

Un palier lisse est un élément mécanique fondamental conçu pour supporter et guider les arbres rotatifs, appelés tourillons. Ils se composent essentiellement d'un palier fixe avec une surface interne lisse et d'un arbre rotatif avec une surface externe correspondante. L'arbre, ou tourillon, tourne à l'intérieur du palier, soutenu par une fine couche de lubrifiant séparant les deux surfaces.

Fonctionnement des paliers lisses :

Les paliers lisses fonctionnent sur le principe de la lubrification hydrodynamique. Lorsque le tourillon tourne, il génère un film de lubrifiant en forme de coin entre lui-même et le palier fixe. Ce film agit comme une barrière, empêchant le contact direct entre les surfaces métalliques, minimisant ainsi le frottement et l'usure. Le lubrifiant, généralement de l'huile, est fourni par diverses méthodes, notamment les bagues d'huile, les graisseurs ou les systèmes pressurisés.

Les paliers lisses dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits :

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, les paliers lisses trouvent des applications étendues dans une large gamme d'équipements, notamment :

  • Plates-formes de forage :

    • Tables tournantes : La table tournante, responsable de la rotation du train de tiges de forage, s'appuie sur des paliers lisses pour supporter son poids massif et faciliter une rotation fluide.
    • Treuil : Les paliers lisses supportent les tambours rotatifs du treuil, qui gèrent le levage et l'abaissement des tiges de forage et du tubage.
    • Pompes à boue : Les paliers lisses sont essentiels au bon fonctionnement des pompes à boue, permettant un mouvement efficace des fluides de forage.
  • Achèvement des puits :

    • Systèmes de levage artificiel : Les paliers lisses facilitent le fonctionnement des pompes et autres équipements utilisés pour extraire le pétrole et le gaz du puits.
    • Moteurs en fond de trou : Les paliers lisses sont des composants essentiels des pompes submersibles électriques (PSE) et autres moteurs en fond de trou, permettant un fonctionnement fiable dans des environnements difficiles.
    • Équipement de tête de puits : Les paliers lisses assurent le bon fonctionnement des vannes, des étrangleurs et autres composants de tête de puits, contrôlant le débit et la pression.

Avantages des paliers lisses :

  • Conception et construction simples : Les paliers lisses ont une conception relativement simple, nécessitant des processus et des matériaux de fabrication minimes.
  • Capacité de charge élevée : Les paliers lisses peuvent supporter des charges radiales importantes, ce qui les rend adaptés aux applications exigeantes de forage et d'achèvement des puits.
  • Faible entretien : Bien conçus et lubrifiés, les paliers lisses nécessitent un minimum d'entretien, ce qui contribue à des économies de coûts et à une efficacité opérationnelle.
  • Relativement peu coûteux : Comparés à d'autres types de paliers, les paliers lisses offrent une solution économique pour diverses applications.

Conclusion :

Les paliers lisses, bien que souvent négligés, jouent un rôle crucial dans la réussite des opérations de forage et d'achèvement des puits. Leur conception simple mais robuste et leurs performances fiables en font des composants essentiels pour assurer le fonctionnement efficace et à long terme des équipements critiques. Alors que l'industrie continue de repousser les limites de la technologie et d'explorer des environnements de plus en plus difficiles, les paliers lisses resteront sans aucun doute partie intégrante du succès des futures initiatives d'exploration et de production.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Journal Bearings in Drilling & Well Completion

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a journal bearing?

a) To transmit power between rotating shafts. b) To support and guide rotating shafts. c) To reduce vibration in machinery. d) To seal against fluid leaks.


b) To support and guide rotating shafts.

2. How do journal bearings work?

a) Using a series of rolling elements like balls or rollers. b) Relying on magnetic forces to create levitation. c) Generating a hydrodynamic film of lubricant. d) Utilizing a combination of mechanical and hydraulic principles.


c) Generating a hydrodynamic film of lubricant.

3. Which of the following is NOT a common application of journal bearings in drilling and well completion?

a) Rotary tables b) Drawworks c) Mud pumps d) Hydraulic fracturing equipment


d) Hydraulic fracturing equipment.

4. Which of these is NOT an advantage of journal bearings?

a) Simple design and construction b) High load capacity c) Extremely high speed capabilities d) Relatively inexpensive


c) Extremely high speed capabilities.

5. Why are journal bearings considered "unsung heroes" in downhole operations?

a) They are often overlooked due to their simple design. b) They operate in harsh environments and are often neglected. c) Their performance is often taken for granted. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.


Scenario: A drilling rig is experiencing excessive wear on the journal bearings supporting the rotary table. The rig supervisor suspects a lubrication issue.


  1. Identify three possible causes for lubrication problems in journal bearings on a rotary table.
  2. Suggest three actions the rig supervisor can take to investigate and potentially resolve the lubrication issue.

Exercice Correction

**Possible causes for lubrication problems:** 1. **Insufficient lubricant supply:** The oil ring or lubrication system may be malfunctioning, leading to inadequate lubricant reaching the bearing surfaces. 2. **Contaminated lubricant:** Dirt, debris, or water contamination can reduce the effectiveness of the lubricant and increase wear. 3. **Incorrect lubricant type:** Using the wrong type of oil for the operating conditions can lead to premature wear and failure. **Actions to investigate and resolve:** 1. **Inspect the lubrication system:** Check for any blockages, leaks, or malfunctions in the oil supply lines, pumps, or filters. 2. **Analyze the lubricant:** Take samples of the lubricant and send them for analysis to determine if it is contaminated or has degraded. 3. **Adjust lubrication settings:** If necessary, adjust the lubricant flow rate or change the type of oil based on the operating conditions and recommendations for the specific bearing type.


  • Machinery's Handbook: A comprehensive reference covering various mechanical engineering topics, including journal bearings, lubrication, and bearing design.
  • Tribology: Friction, Lubrication and Wear: A more detailed textbook on the principles of tribology, covering the science behind bearing operation and lubrication.
  • Oilfield Equipment: Design, Installation and Operation: This book specifically addresses equipment used in oil and gas drilling and well completion, including sections on bearings and their applications.


  • "Journal Bearing Design and Analysis" by A.K. Majumdar, this article offers a comprehensive overview of journal bearing design and operation, including considerations for load capacity and lubrication.
  • "The Effect of Lubricant Viscosity on Journal Bearing Performance" by J.F. Booker, this article explores the relationship between lubricant viscosity and bearing performance, particularly in terms of friction and wear.
  • "Journal Bearing Applications in Drilling and Well Completion" by M.A. Khan, this article specifically focuses on the use of journal bearings in oil and gas operations, covering their advantages and challenges.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website provides access to numerous technical papers, presentations, and industry publications related to drilling, well completion, and oilfield equipment.
  • API (American Petroleum Institute): API develops industry standards for oil and gas operations, including standards related to drilling and completion equipment. Their website offers access to technical specifications and standards.
  • SKF Bearing Journal: SKF, a leading bearing manufacturer, publishes a journal with articles covering various bearing technologies, lubrication techniques, and industry applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "journal bearing," "oil and gas," "drilling," "well completion," "rotary table," "drawworks," and "downhole motor" to narrow down your search results.
  • Refine by year: Use the "Tools" option in Google Search to filter results by publication date, ensuring you get the most up-to-date information.
  • Explore "filetype" search: Search for specific file types like PDF or DOCX to find technical documents and white papers.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "hydrodynamic lubrication" or "journal bearing design" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Combine keywords: Use "AND" or "+" between keywords to find results that include both terms, e.g., "journal bearing AND drilling rig."


Chapter 1: Techniques

Journal Bearing Design and Construction

This chapter delves into the intricate details of journal bearing design and construction. Understanding these aspects is crucial for optimizing performance, maximizing efficiency, and ensuring longevity in challenging downhole environments.

Types of Journal Bearings:

  • Radial Bearings: These are the most common type and support radial loads, perpendicular to the shaft axis.
  • Thrust Bearings: These bearings withstand axial loads, parallel to the shaft axis.
  • Combined Bearings: These handle both radial and thrust loads.


  • Bearing Housing: Materials like cast iron, bronze, steel, or composites are chosen based on load capacity, corrosion resistance, and operating conditions.
  • Bearing Liner: The inner surface of the bearing housing can be lined with materials like Babbitt, bronze, or PTFE for reduced friction and increased wear resistance.
  • Journal: Materials like steel, stainless steel, or alloys are used for the rotating shaft, ensuring durability and resistance to stress.

Lubrication Methods:

  • Hydrodynamic Lubrication: The most common method, it relies on the relative motion between the journal and bearing surfaces to generate a lubricating film.
  • Hydrostatic Lubrication: This method uses pressurized oil to create a lubricating film, independent of shaft rotation.
  • Boundary Lubrication: This occurs when hydrodynamic lubrication fails, and direct contact between metal surfaces is imminent.

Key Design Parameters:

  • Bearing Clearance: The space between the journal and bearing housing, influencing lubricant film thickness and friction.
  • Bearing Length: The length of the bearing, impacting load capacity and friction.
  • Bearing Diameter: The diameter of the bearing, determining its ability to support radial loads.

Design Considerations:

  • Load Capacity: Determining the maximum load the bearing can handle.
  • Speed: Considering the rotational speed of the journal, influencing lubricant film thickness and heat generation.
  • Operating Environment: Considering factors like temperature, pressure, and corrosive fluids.

Understanding these factors is essential for designing and selecting the appropriate journal bearing for specific downhole applications, optimizing their performance and ensuring their reliable operation in harsh conditions.

Chapter 2: Models

Understanding Journal Bearing Behavior

This chapter explores the mathematical models used to understand the behavior of journal bearing systems. These models help predict performance, optimize design, and improve the lifespan of bearings in downhole applications.

Mathematical Models:

  • Reynolds Equation: This fundamental equation describes the pressure distribution within the lubricating film, considering factors like viscosity, speed, and clearance.
  • Sommerfeld Number: This dimensionless number simplifies bearing calculations, relating load, speed, viscosity, and dimensions.
  • Bearing Capacity Equation: This equation determines the load-carrying capacity of the bearing based on its geometry, lubricant viscosity, and operating speed.

Numerical Methods:

  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA): This powerful tool simulates the behavior of complex bearing geometries and complex operating conditions, providing detailed insights into pressure distribution, stresses, and deformations.
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): This method simulates the flow of lubricant within the bearing gap, providing insights into film thickness, temperature distribution, and cavitation effects.

Analytical and Numerical Model Applications:

  • Predicting Performance: Models predict load capacity, friction losses, and temperature rise.
  • Optimizing Design: Models aid in selecting optimal bearing dimensions, lubricant properties, and operating conditions.
  • Understanding Failure Modes: Models identify potential failure mechanisms, like cavitation, wear, and fatigue.

By utilizing these models and methods, engineers can gain a deeper understanding of journal bearing behavior, improving design choices, ensuring reliable operation, and extending the lifespan of critical downhole equipment.

Chapter 3: Software

Software Tools for Journal Bearing Design and Analysis

This chapter highlights the software tools used for designing, analyzing, and simulating journal bearing behavior, simplifying the process and ensuring accurate and efficient results.

Popular Software Packages:

  • ANSYS: This comprehensive FEA software package offers specialized modules for bearing analysis, including hydrodynamic, hydrostatic, and elastohydrodynamic lubrication.
  • COMSOL: This multiphysics software package offers advanced features for simulating journal bearing behavior, considering various factors like heat transfer, fluid flow, and material deformation.
  • ABAQUS: This FEA software package excels in analyzing complex bearing geometries and non-linear material behavior, particularly relevant for high-load and high-temperature applications.
  • Bearinx: This specialized bearing analysis software focuses on hydrodynamic lubrication, offering tools for bearing selection, design optimization, and performance prediction.
  • KISSsoft: This software focuses on rolling element bearings but also includes modules for journal bearing analysis, simplifying the process for combined bearing systems.

Software Capabilities:

  • Geometry Modeling: Creating detailed models of bearing geometries.
  • Material Property Definition: Specifying material properties for bearing components and lubricant.
  • Boundary Conditions: Defining operating conditions like speed, load, and temperature.
  • Lubrication Model Selection: Choosing the appropriate lubrication regime for the application.
  • Simulation and Analysis: Performing numerical simulations and generating reports on pressure distribution, stresses, temperature, and other performance metrics.

Benefits of Software Tools:

  • Increased Accuracy and Efficiency: Software tools streamline the design process, reducing errors and improving efficiency.
  • Improved Design Optimization: Software enables exploring various design options and optimizing bearing performance for specific applications.
  • Reduced Development Time: Faster analysis and design cycles contribute to shorter development times.
  • Enhanced Understanding of Bearing Behavior: Software provides valuable insights into bearing behavior and performance under various operating conditions.

Software tools empower engineers to design and analyze journal bearings more efficiently and accurately, leading to optimized performance, improved reliability, and longer service life in challenging downhole environments.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Best Practices for Journal Bearing Operation and Maintenance

This chapter outlines best practices for operating and maintaining journal bearings in downhole applications, ensuring their reliable performance and extending their lifespan.

Operational Best Practices:

  • Proper Lubrication: Maintaining adequate lubrication is crucial. Use the recommended lubricant type and ensure proper flow rate and pressure.
  • Monitoring Lubricant Condition: Regularly monitor lubricant condition for signs of contamination, degradation, or depletion.
  • Temperature Control: Maintain optimal operating temperatures to minimize wear and prevent lubricant breakdown.
  • Load Control: Avoid exceeding the bearing's rated load capacity.
  • Speed Control: Ensure operating speed is within the recommended range.
  • Vibration Monitoring: Monitor vibration levels for early detection of potential problems.

Maintenance Best Practices:

  • Regular Inspections: Regularly inspect bearings for signs of wear, damage, or misalignment.
  • Lubricant Changes: Replace lubricant according to schedule or when contamination is detected.
  • Bearing Replacement: Replace bearings before they fail completely to minimize downtime and prevent catastrophic damage.
  • Cleanliness: Maintain a clean operating environment to minimize contamination.
  • Training: Ensure operators and maintenance personnel are properly trained on operating and maintaining journal bearings.

Implementing these best practices ensures optimal operation and maximizes the lifespan of journal bearings, reducing downtime, minimizing maintenance costs, and enhancing overall well performance.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Journal Bearing Applications and Success Stories

This chapter presents real-world case studies highlighting the successful application of journal bearings in various downhole operations, showcasing their reliability and effectiveness in challenging environments.

Case Study 1: High-Temperature Well Completion

  • Application: Downhole pump for producing oil from a high-temperature well.
  • Challenges: High temperatures, corrosive fluids, and abrasive particles.
  • Solution: Specialized journal bearings with high-temperature resistant materials and optimized lubrication systems.
  • Results: Successful operation for several years, achieving extended production life and minimizing downtime.

Case Study 2: Deepwater Drilling

  • Application: Rotary table in a deepwater drilling rig.
  • Challenges: High pressure, extreme depths, and harsh marine environment.
  • Solution: High-strength journal bearings with corrosion-resistant coatings and specialized lubrication systems.
  • Results: Reliable and efficient operation, contributing to successful drilling in challenging conditions.

Case Study 3: Artificial Lift Systems

  • Application: Submersible electric pumps (ESPs) for artificial lift in oil and gas wells.
  • Challenges: High downhole pressures, corrosive fluids, and sand production.
  • Solution: Durable journal bearings with robust materials and efficient lubrication systems.
  • Results: Extended pump lifespan, improved production rates, and reduced maintenance costs.

These case studies demonstrate the versatility and reliability of journal bearings in demanding downhole applications. Their successful performance contributes to the efficient and cost-effective exploration and production of oil and gas resources.


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