Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: intermediate casing string

intermediate casing string

Le Héros Méconnu des Puits Profonds : Comprendre les Colonnes de Tubage Intermédiaires

Dans le monde de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière, le forage de puits profonds est une entreprise complexe et difficile. La pression immense des formations terrestres, combinée au risque de roches instables, exige une approche stratégique pour garantir la stabilité du puits et éviter les échecs catastrophiques. Un élément vital de cette stratégie est la **colonne de tubage intermédiaire**.

Qu'est-ce qu'une Colonne de Tubage Intermédiaire ?

Une colonne de tubage intermédiaire est un élément crucial du processus de construction d'un puits. Il s'agit d'une colonne de tubes en acier, généralement de plus grand diamètre que le tubage de surface, qui est placée dans le puits après le tubage de surface mais avant le tubage de production.

Pourquoi est-elle nécessaire ?

La fonction principale d'une colonne de tubage intermédiaire est de :

  • Protéger le puits contre l'effondrement : Au fur et à mesure que le forage progresse en profondeur, la pression exercée par les formations environnantes peut entraîner l'effondrement des parois du puits. Le tubage intermédiaire agit comme un support structurel, empêchant cet effondrement et assurant un passage stable pour les opérations de forage.
  • Isoler les formations : En fonction des conditions géologiques, certaines formations rencontrées lors du forage peuvent contenir des fluides ou des gaz indésirables qui doivent être isolés de la zone de production. Le tubage intermédiaire contribue à créer une barrière, empêchant ces fluides de migrer dans le puits et de contaminer le flux de production.
  • Faciliter le forage et l'achèvement : La mise en place du tubage intermédiaire permet à l'équipe de forage de se concentrer sur le forage à travers les formations restantes jusqu'à la zone cible, sachant que la partie supérieure du puits est protégée et isolée.

Quand est-elle nécessaire ?

Dans les puits relativement peu profonds, un tubage de surface et un tubage de production peuvent suffire. Cependant, dans les puits profonds, où la pression et la complexité des formations augmentent, **une ou plusieurs colonnes de tubage intermédiaires peuvent être nécessaires**. Le nombre et le placement des colonnes intermédiaires sont soigneusement planifiés en fonction du profil géologique du puits, des pressions et des risques attendus, et de la stratégie globale de construction du puits.

Caractéristiques clés des Colonnes de Tubage Intermédiaires :

  • Diamètre plus grand : Les colonnes de tubage intermédiaires sont généralement de plus grand diamètre que le tubage de surface afin de fournir un support structurel plus important et de faciliter l'installation des équipements en fond de puits.
  • Matériaux à haute résistance : Le tubage est généralement fabriqué en acier de haute qualité, capable de résister aux immenses pressions et contraintes rencontrées dans les puits profonds.
  • Connexions spécialisées : Des connexions spéciales entre les joints de tubage individuels sont utilisées pour garantir une étanchéité solide et sans fuite sous haute pression.
  • Cimentage : Après la mise en place du tubage, une boue de ciment est pompée dans l'espace annulaire (l'espace entre le tubage et la paroi du puits) pour sceller le tubage aux formations environnantes.

Conclusion :

La colonne de tubage intermédiaire joue un rôle crucial pour garantir le succès des opérations de forage et de production de puits profonds. Sa capacité à stabiliser le puits, à isoler les formations indésirables et à faciliter le forage et l'achèvement en fait un élément indispensable de la construction du puits. En comprenant son objectif et son importance, nous pouvons apprécier la complexité et la sophistication de l'ingénierie impliquée dans l'exploration et l'extraction réussies des ressources pétrolières et gazières.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Unsung Hero of Deep Wells

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of an intermediate casing string?

a) To prevent blowouts during drilling. b) To hold the drill bit in place during drilling. c) To protect the wellbore from caving and isolate formations. d) To transport oil and gas to the surface.


c) To protect the wellbore from caving and isolate formations.

2. When is an intermediate casing string most likely to be used?

a) In shallow wells with low pressure. b) In deep wells with complex formations and high pressure. c) Only during the initial stages of drilling. d) Only during the production phase.


b) In deep wells with complex formations and high pressure.

3. What is a key feature of intermediate casing strings?

a) They are always made of plastic. b) They are typically smaller in diameter than the surface casing. c) They are designed to withstand high pressures and stresses. d) They are only used in wells with a single production zone.


c) They are designed to withstand high pressures and stresses.

4. How is an intermediate casing string secured in the wellbore?

a) By using a special type of glue. b) By pressing it against the wellbore walls. c) By using a cement slurry to seal it to the formations. d) By relying on the pressure of the surrounding formations.


c) By using a cement slurry to seal it to the formations.

5. Why is the intermediate casing string considered an "unsung hero" of deep wells?

a) It is a very expensive component of well construction. b) It is not as visible as other parts of the drilling process. c) Its importance is often overlooked by the general public. d) It is not actually necessary for successful drilling.


c) Its importance is often overlooked by the general public.

Exercise: Understanding Intermediate Casing Placement

Scenario: A drilling crew is preparing to drill a deep well in an area with multiple complex formations. They need to decide where to place their intermediate casing strings.


  • Identify the factors the crew should consider when deciding where to place the intermediate casing strings.
  • Suggest potential locations for the intermediate casing strings based on the information provided.

For example: The crew should consider the depth of each formation, the pressure within each formation, and the potential for instability in each formation. They should then place the intermediate casing string at strategic points within the well to protect the wellbore and isolate formations as needed.

Exercice Correction

**Factors to consider:** * **Depth of formations:** Casing should be placed below formations with high risk of instability or that need to be isolated. * **Pressure within formations:** Higher pressure zones require stronger casing and potentially multiple intermediate strings. * **Potential for instability:** Formations with known instability issues should be isolated with casing. * **Wellbore size:** Larger diameter casing may be needed to facilitate future operations. * **Production strategy:** Casing placement might need to accommodate multiple production zones. **Potential locations:** * **Below a formation known to have high pressure and potential for instability.** * **Between two potentially unstable formations.** * **Above the production zone to isolate it from unwanted fluids or gases.** **Justification:** * Placing the casing at these strategic points ensures wellbore stability, prevents the mixing of undesirable fluids, and protects the production zone, contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of the drilling operation.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by Robert N. Schlumberger: This comprehensive textbook covers all aspects of well construction, including casing design and installation.
  • Drilling Engineering by John A. Edwards: Provides detailed information on drilling practices, including casing design and cementing.
  • Oil and Gas Production Operations by T. P. Hughes: Covers the production phase of oil and gas wells, with a section dedicated to casing design and maintenance.


  • "Casing Design and Installation" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This article provides a detailed overview of casing design principles, installation techniques, and best practices.
  • "Intermediate Casing: The Unsung Hero of Deep Well Drilling" by Oilfield Technology Magazine: This article explores the importance of intermediate casing in deep well drilling, highlighting its role in wellbore stability and safety.
  • "Cementing of Intermediate Casing Strings" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: This article focuses on the cementing process for intermediate casing strings, discussing its importance for wellbore integrity and production efficiency.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): - This website provides access to a vast library of technical papers, articles, and publications related to oil and gas exploration and production, including information on casing design and installation.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): - This organization provides resources and training materials for drilling contractors, including information on wellbore stability, casing design, and drilling safety.
  • Schlumberger: - This global oilfield services company offers a range of technical resources and information on well construction, including casing design and installation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "intermediate casing string," "casing design," "wellbore stability," "cementing."
  • Include relevant industry terms: "oilfield," "drilling," "production," "well construction."
  • Combine keywords with phrases: "importance of intermediate casing," "intermediate casing design considerations."
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases: "intermediate casing string design"
  • Use site filters: " intermediate casing string" to search specifically within the SPE website.
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