Forage et complétion de puits

float shoe

Chausse-flotteur : Un Composant Essentiel dans le Forage et l'Achèvement des Puits

Dans le monde complexe du forage et de l'achèvement des puits, chaque composant joue un rôle crucial. Un tel composant, souvent négligé mais essentiel, est la **chausse-flotteur**. Cette pièce d'équipement apparemment simple est bien plus qu'un simple guide pour le tubage ; c'est un élément d'ingénierie sophistiqué, contribuant à l'achèvement sûr et efficace des puits.

**Qu'est-ce qu'une Chausse-flotteur ?**

Une chausse-flotteur est une courte section cylindrique en acier, lourde, avec un fond arrondi, attachée au bas de la colonne de tubage. Sa fonction principale est double :

  1. **Guidage :** Elle sert de **chausse de guidage**, dirigeant la colonne de tubage pendant sa descente dans le puits. Cela garantit une insertion stable et contrôlée, minimisant le risque de déviation ou de blocage du tubage.

  2. **Contrôle des Fluides :** La chausse-flotteur contient un **clapet anti-retour**, qui empêche la boue de forage de remonter la colonne de tubage lorsque le train de tiges est retiré du trou. Cela isole efficacement le puits de la surface, permettant une circulation efficace du fluide de forage et le maintien du contrôle de la pression.

**Comment Fonctionne une Chausse-flotteur ?**

La conception de la chausse-flotteur est spécifiquement conçue pour atteindre ces fonctions critiques.

  • **Fond Arrondi :** Le fond arrondi de la chausse-flotteur facilite l'entrée en douceur dans le puits, réduisant les frottements et minimisant le risque de dommages au tubage.
  • **Clapet Anti-retour :** Le clapet anti-retour, généralement un clapet à ressort, permet au fluide de s'écouler vers le bas dans le puits mais l'empêche de remonter. Cela garantit que la boue de forage reste dans le puits, maintenant la pression et la stabilité.
  • **Construction Lourde :** La chausse-flotteur est fabriquée en acier épais et durable pour résister aux pressions et aux contraintes élevées rencontrées pendant les opérations de forage.

**Pourquoi une Chausse-flotteur est-elle Importante ?**

La chausse-flotteur joue un rôle crucial dans de nombreux aspects du forage et de l'achèvement des puits :

  • **Insertion Sûre du Tubage :** Elle garantit une installation contrôlée et stable du tubage, minimisant le risque de déviation ou de dommages du tubage.
  • **Contrôle de la Pression :** Le clapet anti-retour empêche le reflux de boue, maintenant le contrôle de la pression et minimisant le risque d'éruptions.
  • **Forage Efficace :** En isolant le puits, la chausse-flotteur permet une circulation efficace de la boue de forage et minimise le risque de contamination du fluide de forage.

**Conclusion :**

La chausse-flotteur est un composant essentiel dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits, travaillant souvent en silence dans les coulisses. Sa conception apparemment simple offre des fonctions cruciales, contribuant à la construction de puits sûrs, efficaces et rentables. Alors que l'industrie continue d'innover, la chausse-flotteur reste un élément d'équipement essentiel, garantissant le bon fonctionnement des activités de forage et d'achèvement des puits.

Test Your Knowledge

Float Shoe Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a float shoe? a) To connect the casing string to the drill string. b) To provide a seal between the casing and the wellbore. c) To guide the casing string during installation and control fluid flow. d) To support the weight of the drilling rig.


c) To guide the casing string during installation and control fluid flow.

2. Which component of the float shoe prevents drilling mud from flowing back up the casing string? a) The rounded bottom. b) The check valve. c) The heavy construction. d) The guide shoe.


b) The check valve.

3. How does the rounded bottom of the float shoe contribute to its function? a) It strengthens the casing string. b) It helps to control fluid flow. c) It facilitates smooth entry into the wellbore. d) It prevents the casing from collapsing.


c) It facilitates smooth entry into the wellbore.

4. What is a potential risk if the float shoe fails to function correctly? a) The casing may become stuck in the wellbore. b) The drilling mud may contaminate the wellbore. c) The well may experience a blowout. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Why is the float shoe considered a crucial component in well completion? a) It ensures the safe and efficient installation of the casing. b) It helps maintain pressure control during drilling operations. c) It allows for efficient circulation of drilling mud. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Float Shoe Exercise:


A drilling crew is preparing to run a casing string into a wellbore. The crew notices that the float shoe has a damaged check valve.


Explain the potential consequences of using the float shoe with the damaged check valve. What steps should the crew take to address this issue?

Exercice Correction

Using a float shoe with a damaged check valve can have several serious consequences:

  • Loss of Pressure Control: The damaged check valve won't be able to effectively prevent the drilling mud from flowing back up the casing string. This can lead to loss of pressure control in the wellbore, potentially causing a blowout or other safety hazards.
  • Contamination of Wellbore: The flow of drilling mud back up the casing string can contaminate the wellbore with fluids from the surface, compromising the integrity of the well and potentially impacting future production.
  • Inefficient Drilling: The loss of pressure control and contamination can make drilling operations inefficient and difficult to manage, potentially leading to delays and increased costs.

The crew should immediately address this issue:

  • Replace the Float Shoe: The safest course of action is to replace the damaged float shoe with a new one.
  • Inspect Other Equipment: Check other critical components of the casing string and drilling equipment for potential damage or wear.
  • Consult with Experts: If unsure about the extent of the damage or appropriate actions, consult with experienced engineers or drilling supervisors for guidance.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John A. Burgess - Provides a comprehensive overview of drilling techniques and equipment, including detailed explanations of the float shoe.
  • "Well Completion Engineering" by J.P. Brill - Covers various aspects of well completion, including the function and importance of the float shoe.
  • "The Complete Well Logging Handbook" by J.G. McLean - Includes sections on casing design and well completion techniques, touching upon the role of the float shoe.


  • "Float Shoe - Design and Function" by Schlumberger - A detailed explanation of the design and operation of different float shoe types.
  • "The Importance of Float Shoes in Well Completion" by Baker Hughes - Highlights the significance of the float shoe in achieving safe and efficient well completion.
  • "Understanding and Selecting Float Shoes" by Halliburton - Provides insights into the various float shoe options and their suitability for specific drilling scenarios.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: Provides comprehensive definitions and explanations of oilfield terminology, including "float shoe". (
  • Baker Hughes Technical Library: Offers technical articles and resources related to drilling and completion, including information on float shoes. (
  • Halliburton Technical Library: Provides access to a vast collection of technical publications and presentations covering various aspects of well construction, including float shoe applications. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Float shoe," "well completion," "drilling," "casing," "check valve," "guide shoe."
  • Combine keywords: "float shoe design," "float shoe function," "float shoe types," "float shoe selection."
  • Include specific brands or companies: "Schlumberger float shoe," "Baker Hughes float shoe," "Halliburton float shoe."
  • Utilize search operators: " float shoe," " float shoe," " float shoe."
  • Search for technical articles or publications: "float shoe technical paper," "float shoe research," "float shoe journal article."


Chapter 1: Techniques

Float Shoe Installation Techniques

The successful installation of a float shoe is critical to the overall success of a drilling operation. Proper installation techniques ensure that the float shoe functions correctly and does not hinder the drilling process. Here are some common techniques employed for float shoe installation:

1. Casing String Assembly:

  • Pre-installation Inspection: Before attaching the float shoe to the casing string, it's crucial to inspect both components for any damage or defects.
  • Secure Connection: The float shoe is usually attached to the casing string using a threaded connection. This connection must be strong and secure to withstand the forces during drilling.
  • Torqueing: Tightening the connection using appropriate torque values is essential for a reliable seal and preventing leaks.

2. Lowering the Casing String:

  • Controlled Descent: The casing string, with the float shoe attached, is lowered into the wellbore in a controlled manner.
  • Guidance Systems: Using appropriate drilling guides or centralizers ensures that the casing remains centered within the wellbore.
  • Mud Flow Control: During descent, the drilling mud is circulated to ensure a stable and lubricated descent of the casing.

3. Seating the Float Shoe:

  • Precise Positioning: The float shoe needs to be seated securely at the bottom of the wellbore, ensuring a good seal.
  • Pressure Control: Maintaining appropriate pressure during seating is crucial to prevent leaks or unwanted flow.
  • Verification: Confirming the correct positioning of the float shoe using various methods, such as downhole cameras or pressure readings, is vital.

4. Float Shoe Testing:

  • Pressure Testing: After installation, it's essential to perform pressure testing to verify the integrity of the float shoe and its check valve.
  • Leak Detection: Testing ensures the float shoe is properly sealed and that the check valve functions as designed, preventing mud from flowing back up the casing.

5. Maintenance and Inspection:

  • Periodic Inspections: Regular inspections of the float shoe are essential, especially after each run.
  • Wear and Tear: Monitoring for signs of wear and tear, such as damage to the check valve or corrosion, is crucial for maintaining safety and efficiency.
  • Replacement: When a float shoe shows signs of damage or failure, prompt replacement is necessary to avoid complications in the drilling process.


Proper installation techniques and ongoing maintenance play a vital role in the successful operation of the float shoe. Implementing these practices minimizes the risk of complications and ensures the safety and efficiency of the entire drilling operation.

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