Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Lifting & Rigging: drive-in unit

drive-in unit

L'unité mobile : un outil polyvalent et performant pour le forage et l'achèvement des puits

Dans le monde exigeant de l'exploration et de la production pétrolières et gazières, l'efficacité et la mobilité sont primordiales. Entrez l'unité mobile, un équipement unique et polyvalent qui joue un rôle crucial dans les opérations de forage et d'achèvement des puits.

Qu'est-ce qu'une unité mobile ?

Essentiellement, une unité mobile est un derrick de service ou de re-forage portable qui se caractérise par son autopropulsion, ce qui en fait un outil hautement mobile et flexible pour diverses tâches. Contrairement aux derricks traditionnels qui nécessitent un transport spécialisé, une unité mobile utilise ses propres moteurs de levage pour alimenter son mouvement, lui permettant de se déplacer facilement sur le site du puits.

Caractéristiques et avantages clés :

  • Autopropulsée : La capacité de l'unité mobile à se déplacer indépendamment à l'aide de ses moteurs de levage élimine le besoin de transport externe, réduisant considérablement le temps et le coût de la mobilisation.
  • Compacte et maniable : Conçue avec un encombrement réduit et la cabine du conducteur située au niveau du support du mât, l'unité peut être conduite tout droit, permettant un positionnement précis près du puits, même dans des espaces restreints.
  • Applications polyvalentes : Les unités mobiles sont utilisées pour diverses opérations, notamment :
    • Service de puits : Exécution de la maintenance, des réparations et des travaux de remise en état sur les puits existants.
    • Forage : Forage de puits peu profonds ou de déviations, en particulier dans des endroits éloignés.
    • Opérations de production : Aide aux activités de production telles que l'injection de fluides ou la stimulation des puits.

Fonctionnement :

L'unité mobile fonctionne grâce à une combinaison de :

  • Moteurs de levage : La principale source d'énergie responsable du levage et du déplacement de l'unité.
  • Mécanisme de conduite : Généralement un système de chaîne ou de chenilles, connecté aux moteurs de levage, permettant à l'unité de se déplacer vers l'avant ou vers l'arrière.
  • Direction : Le volant est intégré dans la cabine du conducteur, permettant une manœuvre précise autour du site du puits.

Avantages de l'utilisation d'unités mobiles :

  • Efficacité accrue : Temps et coût de mobilisation réduits grâce à l'autopropulsion.
  • Sécurité améliorée : Un positionnement précis près du puits minimise les risques associés aux mouvements des derricks traditionnels.
  • Productivité accrue : Une installation rapide et efficace permet une exécution plus rapide des tâches, augmentant la productivité globale.
  • Rentabilité : La polyvalence et la portabilité de l'unité en font une solution rentable pour répondre aux divers besoins de forage et d'achèvement des puits.

Conclusion :

Les unités mobiles sont un atout précieux dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, offrant une combinaison unique de mobilité, de polyvalence et de rentabilité. Leur capacité à se déplacer indépendamment, à naviguer dans des espaces restreints et à effectuer diverses opérations en fait des éléments essentiels pour des opérations de puits efficaces et sécuritaires. Alors que l'industrie continue de se concentrer sur l'optimisation et la réduction des coûts, les unités mobiles sont prêtes à jouer un rôle encore plus important dans l'avenir du forage et de l'achèvement des puits.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Drive-In Unit

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary advantage of a drive-in unit compared to traditional rigs? a) It can be easily transported to remote locations. b) It has a larger drilling capacity. c) It is self-propelled and does not require external transportation. d) It is designed for deepwater drilling operations.


c) It is self-propelled and does not require external transportation.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of a drive-in unit? a) Compact and maneuverable design b) Powerful drilling capacity for deep wells c) Hoisting engines for lifting and movement d) Steering mechanism for precise maneuvering


b) Powerful drilling capacity for deep wells

3. What is the main purpose of a drive-in unit? a) To transport heavy equipment around the well site. b) To perform maintenance and workover activities on existing wells. c) To extract oil and gas from deepwater reservoirs. d) To transport personnel to and from the well site.


b) To perform maintenance and workover activities on existing wells.

4. What is the advantage of having the driver's cab located at the mast support end? a) It allows for better visibility during transportation. b) It provides a more comfortable working environment. c) It allows for precise positioning near the wellhead. d) It reduces the overall weight of the unit.


c) It allows for precise positioning near the wellhead.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a drive-in unit? a) Increased efficiency due to reduced mobilization time. b) Enhanced productivity due to quick and efficient setup. c) Improved safety due to its ability to drill deep wells. d) Cost-effectiveness due to its versatility and portability.


c) Improved safety due to its ability to drill deep wells.


Scenario: You are a drilling engineer overseeing a well workover operation in a remote location. The existing rig has malfunctioned, and you need to quickly mobilize a new unit for the operation. You are considering a drive-in unit and a traditional rig.


  1. List 3 advantages of using a drive-in unit in this scenario.
  2. List 3 disadvantages of using a drive-in unit in this scenario.
  3. Based on your analysis, would you recommend using a drive-in unit or a traditional rig for this specific operation? Explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

**Advantages of using a drive-in unit:**

  • **Faster Mobilization:** A drive-in unit can be quickly deployed to the remote location without the need for specialized transport, saving time and resources.
  • **Ease of Positioning:** Its maneuverability allows for precise positioning near the wellhead, even in tight spaces, which can be beneficial in a remote location with limited space.
  • **Cost-effectiveness:** Drive-in units are generally more cost-effective for workover operations due to reduced mobilization costs and potentially lower rental fees compared to traditional rigs.

**Disadvantages of using a drive-in unit:**

  • **Limited Lifting Capacity:** Drive-in units typically have lower lifting capacity compared to traditional rigs. If heavy equipment is required for the workover, a traditional rig might be more suitable.
  • **Less Versatility:** Drive-in units are designed primarily for well servicing and may not be as versatile as traditional rigs in terms of drilling capabilities or performing complex operations.
  • **Potential Terrain Restrictions:** The drive-in unit's movement might be restricted by terrain features or obstacles, which could delay operations.

**Recommendation:** Considering the need for quick mobilization and the remote location, a drive-in unit would be a good choice if the workover operation does not require significant lifting capacity and complex drilling operations. However, if the job requires heavy equipment or involves complex operations, a traditional rig might be a better option, despite the longer mobilization time and potential higher cost.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John A. Davies - This comprehensive book covers various aspects of drilling, including equipment and rig types, and might offer information on drive-in units.
  • "Well Completion Engineering" by Richard L. Smith - A good source for understanding well completion operations, which often involve drive-in units.
  • "Oil Well Drilling Technology" by William C. Lyons - A detailed book on drilling technology, including rig systems and equipment.


  • "Drive-In Units: A Versatile Workhorse in Drilling and Well Completion" (this article) - This article is a good starting point for understanding the basic concepts of drive-in units.
  • "Drive-in Units for Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity in Well Servicing" - Search for articles with this keyword to find case studies and technical details on drive-in unit applications in well servicing.
  • "The Evolution of Drilling Rigs: From Conventional to Compact" - Look for articles discussing the history and evolution of drilling equipment, as drive-in units represent a shift towards compact and mobile rigs.

Online Resources

  • Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ): This reputable industry publication often features articles on drilling and well completion technologies, including drive-in units. Search for articles related to "drive-in units", "workover rigs", or "mobile drilling rigs".
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE offers a vast library of technical papers and articles on various aspects of oil and gas exploration and production. Search their online database for papers mentioning "drive-in units" or related equipment.
  • Manufacturer websites: Look for websites of companies specializing in manufacturing and supplying drive-in units. Examples include:
    • National Oilwell Varco (NOV): A major provider of drilling and well completion equipment.
    • Weatherford: Another leading provider of oilfield services and equipment.
    • Halliburton: Offers a wide range of services and technologies, including drilling and completion solutions.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "drive-in unit", try "drive-in unit drilling", "drive-in unit workover", "drive-in unit well servicing" etc.
  • Include company names: Search for "drive-in unit NOV", "drive-in unit Weatherford", or "drive-in unit Halliburton" to find information about specific manufacturers and their products.
  • Combine keywords with "PDF" or "PDF download": This helps narrow down your search results to technical papers and brochures with detailed information.
  • Use quotation marks: For specific phrases like "drive-in unit applications" or "drive-in unit advantages", use quotation marks in your search query to ensure Google finds results containing the exact phrase.
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