Forage et complétion de puits

crooked hole

Trous de forage déviés : Naviguer les défis des puits déviés dans le forage et l'achèvement des puits

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, le forage vertical n'est pas toujours le moyen le plus efficace de parvenir au réservoir cible. Souvent, les formations géologiques, les obstacles ou les exigences de production nécessitent le forage d'un **trou de forage dévié**, également connu sous le nom de **puits dévié**.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un trou de forage dévié ?**

Un trou de forage dévié désigne un puits qui a été foré dans une direction autre que la verticale. Cette déviation par rapport à la verticale peut se produire à différents degrés et directions, résultant en une trajectoire incurvée ou angulaire.

**Pourquoi forer des trous de forage déviés ?**

Il existe plusieurs raisons impérieuses de forer des trous de forage déviés :

  • **Atteindre des cibles dans des formations complexes :** Les puits déviés peuvent accéder à des réservoirs situés sous des obstacles comme des montagnes, des zones urbaines ou des masses d'eau. Ils peuvent également traverser des formations géologiques complexes comme des failles ou des dômes de sel pour atteindre des cibles inaccessibles par des puits verticaux.
  • **Accéder à plusieurs réservoirs :** Un seul puits dévié peut être dirigé pour intercepter plusieurs réservoirs à différentes profondeurs, maximisant la production à partir d'un seul puits.
  • **Améliorer l'accès au réservoir :** Le forage directionnel permet un meilleur contact avec le réservoir et une productivité accrue du puits en atteignant les zones les plus productives du réservoir.
  • **Minimiser l'impact environnemental :** Les trous de forage déviés peuvent aider à éviter de forer dans des zones sensibles sur le plan environnemental en permettant l'accès aux réservoirs à partir d'un emplacement plus favorable.

**Défis du forage de trous déviés :**

Bien qu'offrant de nombreux avantages, le forage de trous de forage déviés présente des défis uniques :

  • **Complexité accrue :** Le forage directionnel nécessite des équipements spécialisés et une expertise pour contrôler avec précision la trajectoire du puits.
  • **Coûts plus élevés :** L'utilisation de technologies de pointe et d'équipements spécialisés peut augmenter les coûts globaux de forage.
  • **Instabilité du puits :** La forme incurvée d'un trou de forage dévié peut augmenter le risque d'instabilité et d'effondrement du puits, nécessitant une conception de puits et des stratégies de tubage minutieuses.
  • **Défis liés aux équipements de fond de trou :** Le déploiement et l'exploitation d'équipements de fond de trou comme les mèches de forage et les outils de diagraphie dans un puits dévié peuvent être plus complexes et nécessiter des adaptations spéciales.

**Considérations relatives à l'achèvement du puits :**

L'achèvement d'un trou de forage dévié présente également des défis uniques :

  • **Tubage et cimentation :** L'installation du tubage et la cimentation dans un puits dévié nécessitent une planification et une exécution précises pour garantir l'intégrité du puits.
  • **Production et stimulation :** La production de pétrole et de gaz à partir d'un trou de forage dévié peut nécessiter des outils et des techniques spéciales pour maximiser les débits et minimiser les problèmes de production.

**Naviguer les défis :**

Malgré les défis, les avantages du forage de trous de forage déviés surpassent les risques lorsqu'ils sont appliqués stratégiquement. Les progrès de la technologie de forage, notamment les outils de forage directionnel, les systèmes avancés de navigation des puits et les logiciels de modélisation sophistiqués, ont considérablement amélioré la faisabilité et l'efficacité du forage de trous de forage déviés.

**Conclusion :**

Les trous de forage déviés sont un outil essentiel dans l'exploration et la production modernes de pétrole et de gaz. La compréhension des avantages, des défis et des progrès technologiques liés aux puits déviés est cruciale pour maximiser la production et minimiser l'impact environnemental. À mesure que la technologie continue d'évoluer, nous pouvons nous attendre à voir des applications encore plus innovantes du forage de trous de forage déviés dans les années à venir.

Test Your Knowledge

Crooked Holes Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary reason for drilling a crooked hole?

a) To reach targets in complex formations b) To drill faster and cheaper c) To avoid drilling in sensitive areas d) To create a more visually appealing wellbore


a) To reach targets in complex formations

2. Which of the following is NOT a challenge associated with crooked hole drilling?

a) Increased complexity b) Lower drilling costs c) Wellbore instability d) Downhole equipment challenges


b) Lower drilling costs

3. What is a major consideration when completing a crooked hole?

a) Choosing the right drill bit b) Casing and cementing c) Using a specific type of mud d) Installing a downhole pump


b) Casing and cementing

4. Which technology has significantly improved the feasibility of crooked hole drilling?

a) High-pressure drilling techniques b) Advanced wellbore navigation systems c) Improved drilling mud formulations d) Remote controlled drilling rigs


b) Advanced wellbore navigation systems

5. Which of these statements accurately describes crooked holes?

a) They are always drilled horizontally. b) They are always drilled vertically. c) They are always drilled in a curved trajectory. d) They can be drilled in various directions, including vertical, horizontal, and angled.


d) They can be drilled in various directions, including vertical, horizontal, and angled.

Crooked Hole Exercise


An oil company wants to reach a reservoir beneath a mountain range using a deviated wellbore. They need to choose between two drilling methods:

  • Method A: A conventional vertical well followed by a horizontal section drilled through the mountain to reach the reservoir.
  • Method B: A single deviated wellbore drilled directly to the reservoir, passing under the mountain.


  1. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Consider factors like drilling time, cost, environmental impact, and risk of wellbore instability.
  2. Which method would you recommend and why?

Exercice Correction

**Method A - Advantages:** * Simpler to execute, proven technology * Potentially lower initial drilling costs * Reduced risk of wellbore instability in the vertical section * Easier access for well completion **Method A - Disadvantages:** * Longer drilling time to reach the reservoir * Higher risk of wellbore instability in the horizontal section through the mountain * Potentially higher environmental impact due to the extended footprint * Requires additional infrastructure for horizontal drilling and well completion **Method B - Advantages:** * Faster and more efficient drilling to the reservoir * Reduced environmental impact due to a smaller footprint * Lower risk of wellbore instability as the deviation is controlled * Easier well completion due to a single wellbore **Method B - Disadvantages:** * Requires specialized equipment and expertise for deviated drilling * Higher initial drilling costs * Potential for increased wellbore complexity and risk **Recommendation:** Method B is likely the better option for this scenario. While it has higher initial costs, the faster drilling time, reduced environmental impact, and lower risk of wellbore instability outweigh the cost difference. However, the company must carefully assess the risks and costs associated with deviated drilling and ensure they have the necessary expertise and equipment for successful execution.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion by J.J. Miskimins (This comprehensive textbook covers directional drilling and well completion techniques in detail.)
  • Wellbore Trajectory Design: Theory and Practice by Robert A. Watkins (Focuses specifically on the planning and execution of deviated wellbores.)
  • Drilling Engineering by Robert E. Baker (Offers a broader overview of drilling operations, including directional drilling techniques.)
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (Provides insights into well completion and production from deviated wells in the context of reservoir performance.)


  • "Directional Drilling: A Comprehensive Review" by T. A. Kamel and S. K. Mohapatra (A detailed review of directional drilling technology and applications.)
  • "Wellbore Trajectory Design and Optimization for Enhanced Oil Recovery" by S. R. S. Rao and K. S. Rao (Explores the use of directional drilling to improve recovery from existing reservoirs.)
  • "Challenges and Solutions in Horizontal and Extended Reach Drilling" by J. D. Miller and A. J. Harms (Examines the specific difficulties associated with highly deviated wellbores.)
  • "The Impact of Wellbore Trajectory on Completion Design and Production Optimization" by M. A. Rahman and M. R. Islam (Discusses the interplay between wellbore trajectory and well completion choices.)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): (Offers a wide range of publications, technical papers, and conferences related to drilling and production, including directional drilling.)
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC): (Provides industry news, best practices, and resources related to drilling operations.)
  • Schlumberger: (A leading oilfield services company, offering technical articles and case studies on various drilling and completion technologies.)
  • Halliburton: (Another major oilfield services company, providing information on their directional drilling capabilities and technologies.)

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords: Instead of just "crooked hole," try "deviated wellbore," "directional drilling," or "horizontal well."
  • Combine keywords: Search for phrases like "deviated wellbore design," "challenges of directional drilling," or "well completion for crooked holes."
  • Specify target audience: Include terms like "oil and gas industry," "petroleum engineering," or "drilling technology."
  • Explore related terms: Use Google's "related searches" feature to discover relevant terms and resources.


Crooked Holes: Navigating the Challenges of Deviated Wellbores in Drilling & Well Completion

Chapter 1: Techniques

This chapter delves into the techniques employed in drilling crooked holes, exploring the tools, methodologies, and principles behind achieving controlled wellbore deviation.

1.1 Directional Drilling Tools

  • Motorized Bottom Hole Assemblies (BHA): These tools, attached to the drill string, provide directional control by rotating the drill bit while applying torque and weight.
  • Measurement While Drilling (MWD): MWD systems measure downhole conditions (e.g., inclination, azimuth, depth) and transmit data to the surface in real-time, allowing for precise wellbore trajectory monitoring and adjustments.
  • Rotary Steerable Systems (RSS): RSS utilize a steerable motor within the BHA, enabling the drill bit to be steered along a pre-planned trajectory.
  • Bent Sub Assemblies: These specialized components in the drill string introduce a directional force on the drill bit, causing it to deviate from a vertical path.

1.2 Drilling Methods

  • Build-and-Hold: This method involves gradually increasing the wellbore angle to the target inclination and then maintaining it as drilling progresses.
  • Slide Drilling: This technique involves drilling at a constant inclination without significant build-up or hold phases.
  • Walking Drilling: This method combines build-and-hold and slide drilling to navigate complex formations and achieve specific directional goals.

1.3 Wellbore Navigation Systems

  • Gyroscopic Surveys: These surveys measure wellbore deviation using gyroscopes that sense Earth's rotation.
  • Magnetic Surveys: This method utilizes magnetic compasses to determine the direction of the wellbore.
  • Combination Surveys: These surveys combine gyroscopic and magnetic measurements for increased accuracy and reliability.

1.4 Wellbore Planning and Design

  • Geosteering: This process involves integrating real-time wellbore data with geological models to optimize wellbore placement and maximize reservoir contact.
  • Trajectory Planning Software: Sophisticated software programs are used to design the optimal wellbore trajectory, considering geological constraints, target objectives, and drilling limitations.

1.5 Hole Cleaning and Mud Management

  • Circulation Systems: Specialized circulation systems are required to effectively remove cuttings from the wellbore, especially in deviated wells where gravity-assisted cleaning is less efficient.
  • Mud Additives: Specific mud additives are used to optimize the drilling fluid properties and minimize wellbore instability and formation damage.

1.6 Challenges and Considerations

  • Wellbore Instability: Deviated wellbores are more prone to instability due to increased stress and changes in formation pressures.
  • Dogleg Severity: Excessive wellbore curvature can pose challenges to drill string and casing operations.
  • Torque and Drag: Higher torque and drag forces are experienced in deviated wells, requiring careful drill string design and management.


The techniques presented in this chapter highlight the complexities and nuances of drilling crooked holes. Understanding these techniques is essential for achieving safe, efficient, and effective directional drilling operations.

Chapter 2: Models

This chapter focuses on the models used in crooked hole drilling, illustrating how they predict and simulate wellbore behavior, optimize drilling performance, and mitigate risks.

2.1 Wellbore Stability Models

  • Stress Analysis Models: These models predict the stress distribution within the wellbore and surrounding formations, helping identify zones of instability and optimize casing designs.
  • Fracture Modeling: This type of model assesses the potential for fracturing in the formation and helps predict the impact of drilling fluid on rock properties.
  • Yield Strength Models: These models determine the rock's resistance to deformation under pressure, allowing for estimations of wellbore stability and casing requirements.

2.2 Trajectory Simulation Models

  • Wellbore Trajectory Simulation Software: These programs use advanced algorithms to predict and visualize the wellbore path, enabling planners to design optimal trajectories and anticipate potential challenges.
  • Geosteering Models: Integrating real-time wellbore data with geological models, these models allow for adjustments in trajectory based on formation characteristics and target locations.

2.3 Drilling Performance Models

  • Torque and Drag Models: These models estimate the torque and drag forces acting on the drill string, providing insights into the drilling efficiency and potential for equipment failure.
  • Hole Cleaning Models: These models predict the flow patterns of drilling fluids and cuttings within the wellbore, helping optimize drilling fluid properties and circulation rates for effective hole cleaning.

2.4 Completion and Production Models

  • Reservoir Simulation Models: These models simulate the fluid flow within the reservoir and predict production rates based on wellbore placement and completion design.
  • Well Completion Models: These models simulate the performance of various well completion configurations, including wellbore flow patterns, pressure profiles, and production optimization strategies.

2.5 Challenges and Considerations

  • Model Accuracy: The accuracy of models is crucial for reliable predictions and informed decision-making.
  • Data Availability: Accurate data acquisition and input are essential for generating valid model outputs.
  • Model Complexity: Sophisticated models require specialized expertise for interpretation and utilization.


Models play a vital role in crooked hole drilling by providing valuable insights and predictions. Leveraging these models enhances drilling efficiency, optimizes wellbore placement, and minimizes risks, contributing to a safer and more profitable drilling operation.

Chapter 3: Software

This chapter delves into the software solutions utilized in crooked hole drilling, highlighting their capabilities, features, and impact on modern wellbore operations.

3.1 Wellbore Planning and Trajectory Design Software

  • Petrel (Schlumberger): This comprehensive software suite offers advanced capabilities for wellbore planning, trajectory design, and geosteering, integrating geological data with drilling parameters.
  • WellCAD (WellDynamics): This software provides tools for wellbore design, trajectory planning, and analysis, encompassing aspects like wellbore stability, torque and drag, and hole cleaning.
  • Compass (Baker Hughes): A powerful tool for wellbore trajectory design, wellbore stability analysis, and geosteering, incorporating advanced modeling and visualization features.

3.2 Measurement While Drilling (MWD) and Logging While Drilling (LWD) Software

  • GeoFrame (Halliburton): This software platform enables real-time data acquisition and analysis from MWD and LWD systems, providing insights into formation properties and wellbore conditions.
  • NavTrac (Schlumberger): This software assists in navigating the wellbore using real-time MWD data, facilitating precise wellbore trajectory control and geosteering.
  • LogIQ (Baker Hughes): A comprehensive LWD data processing and interpretation software, offering tools for wellbore image analysis, formation evaluation, and reservoir characterization.

3.3 Drilling Performance and Optimization Software

  • DrillPlan (Schlumberger): This software assists in planning and optimizing drilling operations, considering factors like torque and drag, hole cleaning, and wellbore stability.
  • Drilling Manager (Baker Hughes): This software provides real-time monitoring and analysis of drilling performance, enabling operators to identify potential issues and optimize drilling parameters.
  • WellWatch (Halliburton): This software platform integrates data from various drilling and well completion systems, offering comprehensive monitoring and analysis for improved efficiency and safety.

3.4 Completion and Production Simulation Software

  • Eclipse (Schlumberger): A powerful reservoir simulation software used for predicting reservoir performance, optimizing well placement, and evaluating different completion strategies.
  • Prosper (Baker Hughes): This software platform simulates well performance, including fluid flow, pressure profiles, and production rates, enabling optimization of completion designs and production strategies.
  • STARS (Halliburton): A comprehensive reservoir simulation software that assists in understanding reservoir behavior, optimizing production, and evaluating different development scenarios.

3.5 Challenges and Considerations

  • Software Integration: Seamless integration between different software solutions is crucial for efficient data flow and analysis.
  • Software Expertise: Effective utilization of these sophisticated software packages requires specialized expertise for training and implementation.
  • Data Quality: Accurate and reliable data input is essential for obtaining meaningful and reliable outputs from the software.


Software has revolutionized crooked hole drilling by providing advanced tools for planning, monitoring, and optimizing drilling and well completion operations. Leveraging these software solutions enables improved efficiency, safety, and profitability in modern wellbore operations.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

This chapter outlines best practices for successfully navigating the challenges associated with crooked hole drilling, ensuring safety, efficiency, and optimized production.

4.1 Planning and Design

  • Thorough Pre-Drilling Planning: Comprehensive planning, including detailed geological analysis, wellbore trajectory design, and risk assessment, is paramount for successful crooked hole drilling.
  • Accurate Wellbore Trajectory Design: Optimizing wellbore placement based on geological information, reservoir targets, and potential obstacles is essential for maximizing production and minimizing risks.
  • Realistic Drilling Parameters: Selecting appropriate drilling parameters, including mud weight, torque, and drag, considering wellbore stability and hole cleaning requirements, is crucial for efficient and safe drilling.

4.2 Drilling Operations

  • Effective Hole Cleaning: Maintaining efficient hole cleaning throughout the drilling process is critical for preventing wellbore instability, minimizing formation damage, and ensuring accurate wellbore surveys.
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Control: Constantly monitoring wellbore conditions, including inclination, azimuth, and depth, using MWD and LWD data enables adjustments in drilling parameters to maintain the desired trajectory and mitigate potential issues.
  • Wellbore Stability Management: Applying appropriate mud systems, casing strategies, and cementing techniques to mitigate wellbore instability and prevent collapses is crucial for wellbore integrity and safety.

4.3 Well Completion

  • Optimized Casing and Cementing: Proper casing and cementing practices, considering wellbore geometry, formation pressures, and potential for instability, are essential for wellbore integrity and production optimization.
  • Effective Stimulation Techniques: Choosing appropriate stimulation methods, such as fracturing or acidizing, to enhance reservoir production based on formation properties and wellbore design is essential for maximizing well productivity.
  • Efficient Production Monitoring and Management: Regularly monitoring well production, including flow rates, pressure gradients, and potential issues, allows for adjustments in production strategies to optimize reservoir recovery and maintain long-term well performance.

4.4 Safety and Environmental Considerations

  • Rigorous Safety Procedures: Adhering to stringent safety protocols and implementing emergency response plans are crucial for minimizing risks and ensuring the well-being of personnel.
  • Environmental Protection Measures: Implementing environmentally conscious practices throughout the drilling and completion process, minimizing waste generation and managing potential spills, is essential for responsible resource extraction and environmental sustainability.
  • Continuous Improvement: Implementing a culture of continuous improvement, evaluating operational performance, and adapting best practices based on lessons learned, promotes safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible operations.


By adhering to best practices, operators can mitigate the challenges associated with crooked hole drilling, maximizing production, and minimizing risks. Continuous improvement and a commitment to safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility are fundamental to achieving sustainable wellbore operations in complex geological formations.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

This chapter explores real-world case studies that showcase the successful application of crooked hole drilling techniques, showcasing the benefits and lessons learned in various scenarios.

5.1 Reaching Targets in Complex Formations

  • Case Study: Drilling through a Salt Dome: A case study from the Gulf of Mexico demonstrates how directional drilling allowed access to a reservoir located beneath a massive salt dome, inaccessible by vertical wells. The use of advanced directional drilling technology, including RSS and MWD systems, enabled the well to navigate the complex formation safely and efficiently, leading to successful production.

5.2 Accessing Multiple Reservoirs

  • Case Study: Multi-lateral Well in a Tight Gas Play: This case study highlights the use of a single deviated wellbore to access multiple tight gas reservoirs in a shale formation. By strategically directing the wellbore to intersect different zones, operators achieved a significant increase in production, demonstrating the benefits of multi-lateral drilling in complex formations.

5.3 Improving Reservoir Access

  • Case Study: Horizontal Well in a Shale Formation: This case study illustrates the effectiveness of horizontal drilling in maximizing contact with a shale reservoir. By drilling horizontally through the target zone, operators achieved significantly higher production rates compared to conventional vertical wells, highlighting the advantages of directional drilling in maximizing reservoir exposure.

5.4 Minimizing Environmental Impact

  • Case Study: Drilling Offshore in a Sensitive Area: This case study showcases the use of directional drilling to access a reservoir located offshore in a marine sanctuary. By drilling from a land-based location and deviating the wellbore to reach the target, operators minimized the environmental impact of drilling operations, demonstrating the benefits of directional drilling for responsible resource extraction.

5.5 Lessons Learned and Best Practices

  • Importance of Thorough Planning: Each case study highlights the importance of meticulous planning, considering geological data, reservoir characteristics, and potential challenges, for optimizing wellbore design and mitigating risks.
  • Advanced Technology is Key: The successful implementation of these projects relied on advanced drilling technology, including RSS, MWD, and LWD systems, enabling precise wellbore navigation and real-time monitoring for safe and efficient operations.
  • Continuous Improvement and Innovation: These case studies showcase the continuous evolution of drilling technology and techniques, leading to improved efficiency, safety, and environmental performance in crooked hole drilling.


These case studies demonstrate the wide range of applications for crooked hole drilling, highlighting the effectiveness and benefits of this technology in addressing various challenges and optimizing production in complex geological formations. By understanding the lessons learned and adapting best practices, operators can continue to leverage directional drilling to enhance resource recovery and achieve sustainable wellbore operations.

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