Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: circulation valve

circulation valve

Vannes de Circulation : Un Composant Essentiel dans le Forage et l'Achèvement des Puits

Dans le monde complexe de l'exploration et de la production de pétrole et de gaz, une circulation efficace des fluides est primordiale. Cela implique de déplacer efficacement la boue de forage, les boues de ciment et les fluides de production dans tout le puits. Pour gérer ces écoulements de fluides, les ingénieurs s'appuient sur divers équipements spécialisés, parmi lesquels la **vanne de circulation** joue un rôle crucial.

**Qu'est-ce qu'une Vanne de Circulation ?**

Une vanne de circulation, souvent appelée **"vanne de dérivation"** ou **"vanne d'annulaire"**, est un accessoire essentiel utilisé **au-dessus d'un packer** dans un puits. Sa fonction principale est de **faciliter la circulation des fluides** entre l'**annulaire (l'espace entre le tubage et la paroi du puits)** et le **tubage (le tuyau descendant dans le puits jusqu'à la zone de production)**.

**Comment ça marche ?**

La vanne de circulation est essentiellement un **système de vannes** qui permet à l'opérateur d'**isoler ou de connecter** l'annulaire et le tubage. Ce contrôle du flux de fluide permet diverses opérations essentielles, telles que :

  • **Cimentage :** Lors de l'achèvement du puits, la vanne de circulation dirige la boue de ciment à travers le tubage jusqu'à la zone de production, où elle durcit pour sécuriser le puits.
  • **Circulation de la boue de forage :** Pendant le forage, la vanne permet la circulation de la boue de forage à travers l'annulaire, assurant un nettoyage correct du trou et l'évacuation des déblais.
  • **Débit de production :** Pendant la production, la vanne peut être utilisée pour isoler l'annulaire, empêchant le fluide d'entrer dans le tubage et assurant un écoulement efficace du pétrole ou du gaz vers la surface.

**Caractéristiques et types clés :**

  • **Isolation :** La vanne de circulation peut isoler complètement l'annulaire du tubage, permettant une circulation de fluide séparée dans chaque zone.
  • **Débit directionnel :** La vanne peut diriger le flux de l'annulaire vers le tubage ou vice versa, en fonction des besoins opérationnels.
  • **Types :** Plusieurs types de vannes de circulation sont disponibles, notamment :
    • **Vannes mécaniques :** Ces vannes utilisent un système mécanique avec un élément mobile pour contrôler le débit.
    • **Vannes à bille :** Ces vannes utilisent un élément en forme de bille pour contrôler le débit.
    • **Vannes à guillotine :** Ces vannes utilisent une vanne coulissante pour contrôler le débit.

**Importance et avantages :**

La vanne de circulation joue un rôle vital à différentes étapes du forage et de l'achèvement des puits :

  • **Efficacité :** Elle permet une circulation efficace des fluides et l'élimination des déblais, empêchant les blocages du puits et assurant un déroulement fluide du forage.
  • **Sécurité :** Elle isole différentes zones pendant les opérations critiques, assurant la sécurité du personnel et de l'équipement.
  • **Flexibilité :** Elle offre une flexibilité dans la gestion des fluides, permettant des opérations efficaces dans diverses conditions de puits.

**Conclusion :**

La vanne de circulation est un composant indispensable dans les opérations de forage et d'achèvement des puits. Sa capacité à contrôler le flux de fluide entre l'annulaire et le tubage permet des processus de forage, de cimentage et de production efficaces, assurant un fonctionnement sûr et productif du puits. En comprenant ses fonctions et ses applications, les opérateurs peuvent optimiser les performances du puits et maximiser le potentiel de production.

Test Your Knowledge

Circulation Valves Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a circulation valve?

a) To control the flow of fluids between the annulus and the tubing. b) To regulate the pressure within the wellbore. c) To prevent the formation of gas hydrates. d) To measure the flow rate of fluids.


a) To control the flow of fluids between the annulus and the tubing.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common name for a circulation valve?

a) Diverter valve b) Annulus valve c) Packer valve d) Choke valve


d) Choke valve

3. What is the main benefit of using a circulation valve during cementing operations?

a) It ensures the cement slurry flows evenly through the annulus. b) It prevents the cement slurry from flowing into the tubing. c) It helps control the setting time of the cement. d) It allows for the removal of excess cement slurry from the wellbore.


b) It prevents the cement slurry from flowing into the tubing.

4. Which type of circulation valve utilizes a ball-shaped component to control flow?

a) Mechanical valve b) Ball valve c) Gate valve d) Butterfly valve


b) Ball valve

5. What is a key advantage of using a circulation valve during drilling operations?

a) It allows for faster drilling rates. b) It improves the efficiency of the drilling mud circulation system. c) It eliminates the need for drilling fluid additives. d) It increases the wellbore's pressure tolerance.


b) It improves the efficiency of the drilling mud circulation system.

Circulation Valves Exercise

Scenario: You are the drilling engineer on a well site. You are preparing to cement the production casing. You have installed a circulation valve above the packer.

Task: Describe the steps you would take to ensure the circulation valve is properly functioning and ready for the cementing operation. Include the specific checks and procedures you would perform.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise:

1. **Visual Inspection:** Carefully inspect the circulation valve for any visible damage, leaks, or corrosion. 2. **Pressure Test:** Conduct a pressure test on the valve to verify its sealing capabilities. This can be done by applying pressure to the valve and checking for leaks. 3. **Flow Test:** Conduct a flow test to ensure the valve can effectively direct fluid flow between the annulus and the tubing. This can be done by circulating a known volume of fluid through the valve and measuring the time it takes to complete the circulation. 4. **Valve Operation:** Manually operate the valve to confirm it opens and closes smoothly and that there is no binding or sticking. 5. **Documentation:** Record the results of the checks and inspections in the well log. This provides a record of the valve's condition and functionality before the cementing operation.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the circulation valve is functioning correctly and is ready to safely and effectively facilitate the cementing operation.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by Adam R. D. Short - This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of drilling, including the use of circulation valves.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by William C. Lyons - This book provides a thorough overview of drilling and completion operations, including the role of circulation valves.
  • "Well Completion Design: A Practical Approach" by R.L. LeCompte - This book focuses on well completion design and includes discussions on the selection and application of circulation valves.


  • "Circulation Valve Technology: A Review of Recent Advancements and Applications" by [Author Name] - Search for recent articles in journals like "SPE Journal", "Journal of Petroleum Technology", and "Petroleum Engineering" to find reviews of modern circulation valve technology.
  • "The Importance of Circulation Valve Selection and Design in Well Completion Operations" by [Author Name] - Search for articles in industry publications and research databases that focus on the critical aspects of selecting and designing circulation valves.
  • "Field Experiences with Circulation Valve Performance in Challenging Well Environments" by [Author Name] - Look for articles that discuss the practical experiences of using circulation valves in specific well conditions.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Website: Search their extensive library and articles for content related to circulation valves and well completion.
  • OnePetro: This online platform offers a wealth of technical information, including articles, presentations, and case studies on well completion and circulation valve applications.
  • Schlumberger: Explore their website for information on their products, including circulation valves, and their application in drilling and completion.
  • Baker Hughes: Similar to Schlumberger, Baker Hughes provides detailed information on their circulation valve technology and its use in the oil and gas industry.
  • Halliburton: Visit their website to learn about their various well completion equipment, including circulation valves, and their application in different well scenarios.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "circulation valve", "diverter valve", "annulus valve", "well completion", "drilling operations", "cementing operations", "production operations".
  • Combine keywords: Use different combinations of keywords to refine your search and find relevant information.
  • Use quotation marks: Place keywords in quotes to find exact matches.
  • Specify file type: Use "filetype:pdf" to search for PDF documents, which often contain detailed technical information.
  • Filter by source: Filter your search results by website (e.g. "") or by publication (e.g. "") to focus on specific sources of information.
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