Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary

Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary

Deciphering the Blueprint: Work Breakdown Structure Dictionaries in Project Planning

The path to project success often starts with a meticulously crafted roadmap. This roadmap, commonly known as a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), breaks down the project into manageable tasks. While the WBS outlines the project's structure, the Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary (WBS Dictionary) provides the detailed narrative that brings the blueprint to life.

What is a WBS Dictionary?

Imagine the WBS as a skeletal outline. The WBS Dictionary fleshes out those bones, adding detailed descriptions, responsibilities, and resources for each task. This document serves as a comprehensive reference guide for everyone involved in the project, ensuring clarity and alignment throughout its lifecycle.

Key Elements of a WBS Dictionary:

  • Element Description: This section provides a clear, concise description of each WBS element, outlining its purpose and scope within the project.
  • Products/Deliverables: The dictionary identifies the specific outputs expected from each WBS element. These deliverables may be tangible, such as a report, or intangible, such as a completed training session.
  • Work Content: A detailed breakdown of the activities or tasks needed to complete each WBS element. This section outlines the steps involved, the tools and resources required, and any potential dependencies on other elements.
  • Unique Master Code Identifier: A unique identifier, typically a numerical or alphanumeric code, is assigned to each WBS element. This code allows for easy referencing and tracking throughout the project.
  • Responsibility: This section clarifies who is accountable for each WBS element, outlining the roles and responsibilities of individuals or teams.
  • Time Estimate: The dictionary may include estimated timeframes for completing each WBS element, contributing to accurate project scheduling.
  • Cost Estimate: Similar to time estimates, cost estimates for each element can be included, enabling budgeting and resource allocation.
  • Risk Assessment: Potential risks associated with each WBS element are outlined, along with mitigation strategies to minimize their impact.

Benefits of Using a WBS Dictionary:

  • Clear Communication: The WBS Dictionary ensures a shared understanding of the project scope and tasks among all stakeholders.
  • Enhanced Planning & Scheduling: Detailed information on each element allows for more accurate project planning, resource allocation, and scheduling.
  • Improved Cost Management: Cost estimates associated with each element help control project expenses and ensure resource optimization.
  • Enhanced Risk Management: By identifying potential risks early on, the dictionary facilitates proactive risk mitigation strategies.
  • Increased Project Control: The WBS Dictionary provides a framework for tracking progress, monitoring performance, and identifying deviations from the plan.


The Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary is an indispensable tool for project success. By providing comprehensive details about each task, it promotes clarity, coordination, and efficient execution. As a crucial element of project planning, it bridges the gap between the abstract outline of the WBS and the concrete reality of project implementation.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Deciphering the Blueprint: Work Breakdown Structure Dictionaries

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary (WBS Dictionary)?

a) To create a visual representation of the project timeline. b) To provide detailed information about each task in the project. c) To outline the project budget and resource allocation. d) To define the roles and responsibilities of project stakeholders.


The correct answer is **b) To provide detailed information about each task in the project.** The WBS Dictionary acts as a comprehensive reference guide for each task, including descriptions, deliverables, work content, responsibilities, and estimates.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key element of a WBS Dictionary?

a) Element Description b) Products/Deliverables c) Project Budget d) Responsibility


The correct answer is **c) Project Budget**. While the WBS Dictionary may include cost estimates for individual tasks, it doesn't define the entire project budget. The project budget is typically a separate document.

3. How does a WBS Dictionary contribute to improved communication within a project?

a) By creating a visual flowchart of the project. b) By providing a common reference point for all stakeholders. c) By facilitating online collaboration tools. d) By outlining the project's communication plan.


The correct answer is **b) By providing a common reference point for all stakeholders.** The detailed information in the WBS Dictionary ensures everyone understands the project scope, tasks, and responsibilities, leading to clearer communication and reduced confusion.

4. Which of the following benefits does a WBS Dictionary NOT provide?

a) Enhanced risk management b) Improved project control c) Automated project scheduling d) Enhanced planning and scheduling


The correct answer is **c) Automated project scheduling**. While the WBS Dictionary can contribute to accurate project scheduling, it does not automate the process. Scheduling tools and software are typically used for automation.

5. What is the relationship between a WBS and a WBS Dictionary?

a) The WBS Dictionary is a visual representation of the WBS. b) The WBS is a detailed description of the WBS Dictionary. c) The WBS Dictionary provides detailed information about the tasks outlined in the WBS. d) The WBS and WBS Dictionary are separate documents with no connection.


The correct answer is **c) The WBS Dictionary provides detailed information about the tasks outlined in the WBS.** The WBS provides the high-level structure, while the WBS Dictionary fleshes out the details of each task, making it a crucial companion document.

Exercise: Creating a WBS Dictionary

Scenario: You are tasked with organizing a company-wide team-building event.

Instructions: Create a basic WBS Dictionary for this event, including at least five key elements (e.g., venue selection, activity planning, budget allocation). Fill in the relevant information for each element, such as description, deliverables, work content, responsibility, time estimate, and potential risks.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible WBS Dictionary for a company-wide team-building event:

ElementDescriptionDeliverablesWork ContentResponsibilityTime EstimateRisk Assessment
1.0 Venue SelectionIdentify and select a suitable venue for the team-building event.Signed venue contract- Research and shortlist potential venues. - Contact venues for availability and pricing. - Negotiate terms and finalize contract.Event Coordinator2 weeks- Venue availability issues - Budget constraints
2.0 Activity PlanningDevelop a plan for engaging team-building activities.Activity schedule and list of materials- Brainstorm and choose team-building activities. - Determine activity timelines and resources required. - Develop a detailed activity plan and schedule.Activity Planning Team1 week- Lack of engagement from team members - Inadequate planning and coordination
3.0 Budget AllocationAllocate budget for various aspects of the event.Detailed budget breakdown- Determine budget constraints. - Allocate funds for venue rental, activities, catering, transportation, etc. - Track expenses and ensure budget compliance.Finance Team1 week- Budget overruns - Unexpected expenses
4.0 Catering & LogisticsArrange for catering, transportation, and other logistical requirements.Catering contract, transportation arrangements, and other logistical arrangements- Contact catering services for menu options and pricing. - Book transportation for team members. - Coordinate with venue for logistical support.Logistics Team2 weeks- Catering issues (quality, availability) - Transportation delays or cancellations
5.0 Communication and PromotionCommunicate event details to team members and promote participation.Event announcement, invitations, and promotional materials- Create event announcement and invitations. - Develop promotional materials and communicate them to team members. - Handle event-related inquiries.Communication Team1 week- Lack of clear communication - Insufficient promotion


  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (PMI): Chapter 13: Project Schedule Management details the WBS and its supporting documentation, including the WBS Dictionary.
  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: Provides comprehensive guidance on project planning, including the role of the WBS and its dictionary.
  • The Project Management Institute (PMI) Standard for Work Breakdown Structures (PMI-WBS): A dedicated standard for developing and documenting WBS, including the WBS Dictionary.
  • Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme by Robert Wysocki: Emphasizes the value of detailed project planning and documentation, including the WBS Dictionary.


  • "Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary: A Key to Successful Project Management" by A practical guide to creating and utilizing WBS Dictionaries.
  • "The Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary: A Critical Component of Project Success" by Smartsheet: Outlines the benefits and key elements of a WBS Dictionary.
  • "Work Breakdown Structure and Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary" by The Balance Careers: An introduction to the concepts of WBS and WBS Dictionaries for project managers.
  • "What is a WBS Dictionary and How to Create One" by Step-by-step instructions for developing a WBS Dictionary.

Online Resources

  • Offers various articles, templates, and tools related to WBS and WBS Dictionaries.
  • Smartsheet: Provides free templates and guidance for creating and managing WBS and WBS Dictionaries.
  • PMI (Project Management Institute): Offers resources, standards, and training related to project management, including the WBS and its documentation.
  • A platform with articles, tools, and templates for project management, including the WBS Dictionary.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary," "WBS Dictionary," "Project Management Documentation," "Project Planning Guide."
  • Include relevant industry or project type: "Software Development WBS Dictionary," "Construction WBS Dictionary."
  • Use quotation marks: "WBS Dictionary" to find exact matches.
  • Combine keywords: "WBS Dictionary + Template," "WBS Dictionary + Example."
  • Search for specific resources: "PMI WBS Dictionary," "Smartsheet WBS Dictionary."
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