Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Network Path

Network Path

Network Path: A Crucial Concept in Oil & Gas Project Management

In the complex and demanding world of oil and gas projects, efficient planning and execution are paramount. One vital tool employed for this purpose is the project network diagram, a visual representation of interconnected activities. Within this diagram, a network path plays a crucial role, defining the flow of project activities and influencing its overall timeline.

What is a Network Path?

A network path is simply any continuous series of connected activities within a project network diagram. It represents a potential sequence of tasks that must be completed in order to reach a specific project milestone or the final project completion.

Types of Network Paths:

  • Critical Path: This is the longest path through the network diagram, dictating the shortest possible project duration. Activities on the critical path have no slack or float, meaning any delays will directly impact the project's overall completion time.
  • Non-Critical Path: These paths are shorter than the critical path and contain activities with some slack or float. Delays on these paths won't necessarily affect the project's overall completion date. However, they can still have an impact on specific milestones or resources.

Importance of Network Paths in Oil & Gas:

Understanding and managing network paths is crucial for oil and gas projects due to their inherent complexities:

  • Resource Allocation: Identifying the critical path allows for the efficient allocation of resources to the most critical activities, ensuring timely completion.
  • Risk Management: Network paths help in identifying potential bottlenecks and areas vulnerable to delays. By analyzing activities on the critical path, project managers can proactively implement risk mitigation strategies.
  • Schedule Optimization: By understanding the relationships between activities, project managers can optimize the project schedule, minimizing delays and maximizing efficiency.
  • Communication & Collaboration: Network diagrams and their associated paths provide a clear visual representation of project dependencies, facilitating effective communication between stakeholders.

Example in Oil & Gas:

Consider a project for drilling an offshore oil well. The critical path might involve activities such as:

  • Site preparation: Obtaining permits, conducting environmental assessments, and setting up the drilling platform.
  • Drilling operations: Drilling the wellbore, setting casing, and installing production equipment.
  • Well completion: Performing well tests, hooking up production lines, and starting oil production.

Delays in any of these critical path activities would directly impact the overall project timeline and potentially lead to cost overruns.


Network paths are fundamental elements in oil and gas project management, providing a structured framework for planning, scheduling, and managing complex projects. By effectively analyzing and managing network paths, particularly the critical path, project managers can minimize risks, optimize resource allocation, and ensure timely completion of projects, ultimately leading to a successful outcome.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Network Paths in Oil & Gas Project Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a network path in a project network diagram? a) A single activity in the project. b) A sequence of connected activities. c) A specific milestone in the project. d) The overall project timeline.


b) A sequence of connected activities.

2. Which type of network path dictates the shortest possible project duration? a) Non-critical path b) Critical path c) Alternative path d) Project path


b) Critical path

3. What does "slack" or "float" refer to in the context of network paths? a) The time it takes to complete a specific activity. b) The amount of time an activity can be delayed without impacting the project's overall completion date. c) The number of resources allocated to an activity. d) The risk associated with an activity.


b) The amount of time an activity can be delayed without impacting the project's overall completion date.

4. How can network paths help with resource allocation in oil and gas projects? a) By identifying the most critical activities, allowing for prioritization of resources. b) By providing a visual representation of project dependencies. c) By helping in identifying potential delays and bottlenecks. d) By optimizing the project schedule.


a) By identifying the most critical activities, allowing for prioritization of resources.

5. In a project for building an offshore oil platform, which of these activities would likely be part of the critical path? a) Environmental impact assessment b) Procurement of construction materials c) Installation of the platform's foundation d) Training of personnel


c) Installation of the platform's foundation


Scenario: You are the project manager for an oil and gas exploration project. The project involves drilling several exploration wells in a remote location.


  1. Identify three key activities that would likely be part of the critical path for this project.
  2. Explain why you believe these activities are critical and how delays in them could impact the overall project schedule.
  3. Suggest one potential risk associated with each of the identified critical activities.

Exercice Correction

1. Key Activities:

  • Site preparation: This includes obtaining necessary permits, conducting environmental assessments, and setting up the drilling rig and infrastructure.
  • Drilling operations: This involves actually drilling the exploratory wells, taking core samples, and conducting well logs.
  • Data analysis and reporting: This involves analyzing the collected data to determine the presence and potential of hydrocarbons.

2. Criticality:

  • Site preparation: Any delays in obtaining permits or completing environmental assessments can significantly impact the project timeline. Without a properly prepared site, drilling operations cannot commence.
  • Drilling operations: Delays in drilling can be costly and time-consuming. They can arise due to equipment failures, weather conditions, or technical challenges in the drilling process.
  • Data analysis and reporting: Delays in this stage can hinder the project's ability to make informed decisions about further exploration and development.

3. Potential Risks:

  • Site preparation: Unexpected environmental issues discovered during the assessment phase, delays in permit approvals due to regulatory changes or legal challenges.
  • Drilling operations: Mechanical failure of drilling equipment, encountering unforeseen geological formations, severe weather conditions impacting drilling operations.
  • Data analysis and reporting: Delays in receiving data from the lab, difficulty in interpreting the collected data, lack of experienced personnel for data analysis.


  • Project Management for Oil and Gas: This book by John R. Meredith and Samuel J. Mantel Jr. delves into the specifics of project management in the oil and gas industry, covering network diagrams and path analysis.
  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling: This comprehensive text by Harold Kerzner offers a thorough explanation of network diagrams, critical path analysis, and project scheduling techniques.
  • The Critical Chain: A New Way to Manage Projects: This book by Eliyahu M. Goldratt presents a different approach to project management that emphasizes the critical chain and its impact on project success.


  • Critical Path Analysis: A Powerful Tool for Project Management: This article on provides a detailed overview of critical path analysis, its benefits, and how to use it effectively.
  • How to Use Critical Path Method for Effective Project Management: This article on explains the steps involved in critical path analysis, including identifying activities, creating a network diagram, and determining the critical path.
  • Network Diagrams and Critical Path Analysis: This article on introduces network diagrams and critical path analysis in a clear and concise manner.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI website offers a wealth of resources on project management, including articles, research papers, and courses on critical path analysis and other project management techniques.
  • Smartsheet: Smartsheet offers a free online project management tool that includes features for creating network diagrams and performing critical path analysis.
  • Microsoft Project: Microsoft Project is a widely used project management software that provides tools for network diagrams, critical path analysis, and resource allocation.

Search Tips

  • "Network path project management" + "oil and gas": This search query will narrow down results to relevant information on network paths in the context of oil and gas projects.
  • "Critical path analysis" + "oil and gas": This search query will provide articles and resources specific to critical path analysis in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Project network diagram" + "examples": This search query will bring up visual examples of project network diagrams, helping you understand the structure and components of these diagrams.
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