Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Change Order/Purchase Order Amendment

Change Order/Purchase Order Amendment

Change Orders and Purchase Order Amendments: Navigating Project Modifications in the Oil & Gas Industry

In the fast-paced and complex world of oil and gas, projects often encounter unexpected challenges, necessitating adjustments to the original plans. This is where Change Orders and Purchase Order Amendments come into play, serving as critical tools for managing project modifications while maintaining legal and financial clarity.

Change Order:

Definition: A written order issued by the owner or project manager to the contractor, directing them to make specific modifications to the scope of work originally defined in the contract. These modifications can include changes in:

  • Design: Alterations to the original specifications, materials, or equipment.
  • Scope: Addition, deletion, or substitution of work items.
  • Schedule: Adjustments to project timelines or deadlines.
  • Cost: Adjustments to the original budget based on the change in scope or schedule.


  • To formally document any modifications to the original contract.
  • To ensure both the owner and contractor are aware of and agree to the changes.
  • To provide a legal basis for any adjustments to the project budget or timeline.

Key Elements:

  • Clear and concise description: Detailed explanation of the change, including drawings, specifications, and any relevant technical details.
  • Impact assessment: Evaluation of the change's impact on cost, schedule, and overall project performance.
  • Price adjustment: Calculation of any additional costs or savings resulting from the change.
  • Revised contract schedule: Updated timeline reflecting the impact of the change.
  • Signatures: Signatures from both the owner and contractor acknowledging agreement.

Purchase Order Amendment:

Definition: A written document that modifies the terms and conditions of an existing purchase order. These amendments can address changes in:

  • Quantity: Adjusting the number of goods or services ordered.
  • Delivery schedule: Modifying the delivery date or timeframe.
  • Pricing: Adjusting the unit price or overall cost.
  • Payment terms: Changing the payment schedule or method.


  • To formally document any changes to the original purchase order.
  • To ensure both the supplier and buyer are aware of and agree to the modifications.
  • To provide a legal basis for any adjustments to the purchase order's terms.

Key Elements:

  • Original purchase order number: Clear identification of the purchase order being amended.
  • Specific details of the change: Concise and clear description of the modification.
  • Impact assessment: Evaluation of the change's impact on cost, schedule, and overall order.
  • Revised terms and conditions: Updated details reflecting the changes.
  • Signatures: Signatures from both the buyer and supplier acknowledging agreement.

Managing Change Orders and Purchase Order Amendments effectively is crucial in the oil and gas industry for several reasons:

  • Financial control: Ensuring accurate and transparent cost management for project budgets.
  • Schedule adherence: Maintaining project timelines and avoiding delays caused by unforeseen changes.
  • Contractual compliance: Protecting both the owner and contractor's legal interests.
  • Risk mitigation: Proactively addressing potential issues and ensuring project success.


Change Orders and Purchase Order Amendments are essential tools for managing project modifications in the oil and gas industry. By carefully documenting and agreeing upon these changes, stakeholders can maintain financial clarity, project control, and legal compliance, ultimately contributing to successful and efficient project outcomes.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Change Orders & Purchase Order Amendments in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a typical reason for issuing a Change Order?

  1. A change in the project design.
  2. A delay in the delivery of materials.
  3. A change in the project budget.
  4. A change in the project manager.


The correct answer is **(d) A change in the project manager.** While a change in the project manager might necessitate adjustments, it's not a primary reason for issuing a formal Change Order. The other options directly impact the project scope, schedule, or cost, triggering the need for a Change Order.

2. What is the primary purpose of a Purchase Order Amendment?

  1. To create a new purchase order for additional goods or services.
  2. To formally document changes to an existing purchase order.
  3. To authorize payment for goods or services already received.
  4. To cancel an existing purchase order.


The correct answer is **(b) To formally document changes to an existing purchase order.** Purchase Order Amendments are specifically used to modify the terms and conditions of an existing order.

3. Which of the following is NOT a key element of a Change Order?

  1. A clear description of the change.
  2. An impact assessment on cost and schedule.
  3. A revised contract schedule.
  4. A list of all previous Change Orders issued.


The correct answer is **(d) A list of all previous Change Orders issued.** While it's important to keep track of all Change Orders, including them within a single Change Order document is not essential. The other options are crucial components of a well-structured Change Order.

4. What is the primary benefit of managing Change Orders and Purchase Order Amendments effectively?

  1. To avoid legal disputes with contractors or suppliers.
  2. To ensure transparency and accountability in project management.
  3. To minimize the impact of unforeseen changes on project budgets.
  4. All of the above.


The correct answer is **(d) All of the above.** Effective management of these modifications is crucial for legal compliance, financial control, and overall project success.

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding Change Orders and Purchase Order Amendments?

  1. Both require the approval of the owner or project manager and the contractor or supplier.
  2. Change Orders only impact project scope, while Purchase Order Amendments only impact purchasing terms.
  3. Change Orders and Purchase Order Amendments are interchangeable documents.
  4. Only Change Orders are legally binding documents.


The correct answer is **(a) Both require the approval of the owner or project manager and the contractor or supplier.** Both documents are legally binding and require agreement from all parties involved.

Exercise: Change Order Scenario


You are the project manager for a new oil well drilling project. During the initial site preparation phase, unexpected geological conditions are discovered, requiring a change in the drilling rig used for the project.


Create a Change Order addressing the following aspects:

  1. Description of the Change: Clearly state the original drilling rig specifications and the required changes.
  2. Impact Assessment: Analyze the impact of this change on the project schedule and budget. Be specific with estimated costs and potential delays.
  3. Price Adjustment: Calculate the difference in cost between the original drilling rig and the new one. Include any additional mobilization costs or site preparation modifications.
  4. Revised Project Schedule: Adjust the project timeline to reflect the delay caused by the change.
  5. Signatures: Provide space for signatures from the owner and the contractor, acknowledging their agreement to the Change Order.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

**Change Order # [Insert Unique Order Number]** **Project:** [Project Name] - Oil Well Drilling **Date:** [Date] **Subject:** Change in Drilling Rig Specifications **Description of the Change:** The original project specifications called for a [Original Drilling Rig Specifications]. Due to unexpected geological conditions encountered during site preparation, a heavier-duty drilling rig is now required. The new drilling rig will be a [New Drilling Rig Specifications]. **Impact Assessment:** * **Schedule:** This change will cause a [Estimated Number of Days] delay in the project timeline, as [Explain the reason for the delay]. * **Budget:** The new drilling rig will increase the project cost by [Estimated Cost Increase], including: * [List specific cost items, e.g., additional mobilization fees, rig rental costs, modifications to site preparation] **Price Adjustment:** * **Original Drilling Rig Cost:** [Original Cost] * **New Drilling Rig Cost:** [New Cost] * **Cost Difference:** [Difference in Cost] **Revised Project Schedule:** * [Insert revised timeline reflecting the delay] **Signatures:** **Owner:** [Signature] **Date:** [Date] **Contractor:** [Signature] **Date:** [Date]


  • Construction Contracts: A Practical Guide to Law and Practice by Robert F. Cushman and Ronald L. Goldfarb: This comprehensive guide covers the legal aspects of construction contracts, including change orders and amendments, with insights relevant to the oil and gas industry.
  • Oil and Gas Law: Cases and Materials by Thomas D. Morgan and James W. Pratt: This textbook provides a detailed examination of legal issues in the oil and gas industry, including contract law, which is essential for understanding change order and amendment processes.
  • Project Management for Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide by A. K. Singh: This book explores various aspects of project management in the oil and gas industry, including contract management and change control, offering valuable insights into handling change orders and amendments.


  • Change Orders: Managing the Unexpected in Construction Projects by AGC of America: This article provides an overview of change orders in construction projects, outlining best practices and legal considerations, which are applicable to the oil and gas sector.
  • Purchase Order Amendments: How to Make Changes to Your Agreements by LegalZoom: This article offers guidance on creating and managing purchase order amendments, covering legal requirements and key considerations for businesses, including those in oil and gas.
  • Change Management in the Oil and Gas Industry by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This article discusses the importance of effective change management in the oil and gas industry, including the use of change orders and amendments to manage project modifications.

Online Resources

  • Oil & Gas Global ( This website features articles, news, and industry insights relevant to the oil and gas sector, including topics related to contract management, change orders, and purchase order amendments.
  • Construction Law Digest ( This website provides legal resources and articles on various aspects of construction law, including topics on change orders, amendments, and contract management specific to the oil and gas industry.
  • Project Management Institute ( This organization offers resources and training materials on project management, including best practices for change management, contract administration, and change order procedures relevant to the oil and gas industry.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use keywords like "change order," "purchase order amendment," "oil and gas," "contract management," "project management," "construction law," to refine your search results.
  • Include specific locations: Add keywords like "Texas," "Alaska," or "North Sea" to narrow down your search to relevant geographic regions.
  • Use quotation marks: Place specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, for example, "change order process in oil and gas."
  • Explore related topics: Search for related terms like "contract modification," "scope of work changes," "contract administration," "project budget adjustments" to gather more comprehensive information.
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