Glossary of Technical Terms Used in General Technical Terms: Arrow


The Arrow: A Versatile Tool for Visualizing Processes

In the world of general technical terms, the word "arrow" signifies more than just a pointed projectile. It also represents a powerful visual tool used to depict activities, processes, and relationships within a system. This article explores the significance of arrows in technical communication, focusing on their role in arrow diagramming methods.

A Universal Symbol of Direction:

The arrow's inherent nature as a symbol of direction makes it an ideal choice for illustrating the flow of information, tasks, or resources. Its pointed tip clearly indicates the starting point and destination, eliminating any ambiguity about the progression of a process. This visual clarity makes arrows invaluable in fields like:

  • Flowcharts: Arrows connect different shapes representing processes, decisions, and inputs/outputs, providing a visual representation of the entire workflow.
  • Data Flow Diagrams: Arrows depict the movement of data between different components of a system, offering a concise overview of data flow patterns.
  • Network Diagrams: Arrows illustrate the connection between network nodes and devices, showcasing data transmission paths and network connectivity.
  • Sequence Diagrams: Arrows show the chronological order of interactions between objects or components, revealing the communication sequence and timing of events.

Beyond Direction: Convey Additional Information:

The simplicity of an arrow doesn't limit its application. Different types of arrows can convey additional information within diagrams, enriching their communicative power:

  • Solid vs. Dashed Lines: Solid arrows often indicate a direct connection or flow, while dashed arrows represent optional steps, alternative paths, or connections subject to specific conditions.
  • Arrowhead Shapes: Different arrowheads can denote specific actions or relationships. For example, a hammerhead arrow could signify a forceful action, while a square-headed arrow might indicate a decision point.
  • Arrow Color: Color coding can add further clarity to diagrams. For instance, different colors might represent different data types, specific processes, or even potential risks associated with a particular step.

The Arrow Diagramming Method:

The "arrow diagramming method" specifically refers to the use of arrows to represent activities within a project schedule. This method, also known as the Activity-On-Arrow (AOA) method, visualizes project dependencies, durations, and critical paths. Each arrow represents an activity, and its length reflects the activity's duration. Connecting arrows form a network, allowing project managers to identify critical paths and optimize resource allocation.


Arrows serve as a fundamental element in technical communication, offering a versatile tool for visual clarity and concise representation of processes, relationships, and workflows. From simple flowcharts to complex network diagrams, the arrow remains an invaluable symbol of direction and a powerful communication tool in various technical fields. By understanding the different types of arrows and their applications within the arrow diagramming method, individuals can harness the power of this visual language to effectively communicate technical concepts and optimize project outcomes.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Arrow - A Versatile Tool for Visualizing Processes

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following fields does NOT commonly utilize arrows in diagramming? a) Flowcharts b) Data Flow Diagrams c) Network Diagrams d) Financial Statements


d) Financial Statements

2. What does a dashed arrow typically represent in a diagram? a) A mandatory step in the process b) An optional step or alternative path c) A direct connection between two elements d) A specific action or relationship


b) An optional step or alternative path

3. What is the primary purpose of the Activity-On-Arrow (AOA) method? a) To illustrate data flow between system components b) To visually represent the sequence of interactions between objects c) To depict the chronological order of tasks within a project d) To show the movement of data within a network


c) To depict the chronological order of tasks within a project

4. Which of these arrow characteristics is NOT typically used to convey information within a diagram? a) Length b) Direction c) Color d) Texture


d) Texture

5. What makes arrows a valuable tool in technical communication? a) Their ability to visually represent complex data b) Their ability to convey information concisely and clearly c) Their ability to symbolize abstract concepts d) Their ability to create aesthetically pleasing diagrams


b) Their ability to convey information concisely and clearly

Exercise: Illustrating a Simple Process


  1. Imagine a simple process for ordering a pizza.
  2. Draw a flowchart using arrows to represent each step of the process.
  3. Use different arrow types or colors to indicate different aspects of the process (e.g., a dashed arrow for a possible extra step).

Example Steps:

  • Customer places an order
  • Restaurant receives the order
  • Pizza chef prepares the pizza
  • Delivery driver picks up the pizza
  • Delivery driver delivers the pizza

Exercice Correction

The flowchart should include the basic steps of ordering a pizza, with arrows connecting each step. Here's a possible example:

**Step 1: Customer places order** (solid arrow) --> **Step 2: Restaurant receives order** (solid arrow) --> **Step 3: Pizza chef prepares pizza** (solid arrow) --> **Step 4: Delivery driver picks up pizza** (solid arrow) --> **Step 5: Delivery driver delivers pizza** (solid arrow)

Additional features could include:

  • A dashed arrow branching from "Customer places order" to "Customer checks order status online."
  • Different colors for the customer, restaurant, and delivery driver actions.


  • "The Complete Book of Business Charts and Graphs" by John J. Wieting: Offers a comprehensive guide to various diagramming techniques, including the use of arrows.
  • "Visualizing Processes: A Guide to Business Process Modeling" by John Zachman: Provides a thorough understanding of process visualization using various techniques, including arrow diagrams.
  • "Project Management for Dummies" by Stanley E. Portny: Covers project management fundamentals, including the AOA method (Activity-on-Arrow) and other diagram techniques.
  • "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information" by Edward R. Tufte: An influential work on data visualization, offering insights into effective visual communication, including the use of arrows for clarity.


  • "Arrow Diagram Method" by Construction Knowledge: A detailed article explaining the AOA method for project scheduling, with diagrams and examples.
  • "The Power of Arrows in Visual Communication" by A blog post exploring the versatility of arrows in various visual communication scenarios.
  • "Understanding Network Diagrams" by Cisco: An article discussing network diagrams, highlighting the use of arrows for depicting data flow and connectivity.
  • "Flowchart Basics" by Lucidchart: A comprehensive guide to flowcharting, including different types of arrows and their specific applications.

Online Resources

  • Lucidchart: An online diagramming tool offering templates and features for creating various diagrams, including those using arrows.
  • Another free online diagramming tool with functionalities for creating flowcharts, network diagrams, and other diagrams using arrows.
  • Canva: A user-friendly online design platform that allows users to create professional-looking diagrams with diverse arrow types and styles.

Search Tips

  • "Arrow diagramming method" OR "Activity-on-Arrow method": For detailed information on the AOA method and its application.
  • "Types of arrows in diagrams": To find articles explaining different arrow types and their specific meanings in diagrams.
  • "Flowchart symbols and their meaning": To learn about standard symbols used in flowcharts, including different arrow types.
  • "Best practices for data visualization": For insights into effective visual communication techniques, including the use of arrows.
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