Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Strip Over

Strip Over

Strip Over: A Critical Technique in Oil & Gas Production

Strip over is a crucial term in oil and gas operations, encompassing two distinct yet related practices:

1. Strip Over as a Recovery Method:

In this context, strip over refers to a secondary recovery method aimed at maximizing oil production from existing wells. This technique involves injecting a fluid, typically water or gas, into the reservoir to push remaining oil towards the wellbore. This process is often employed after primary recovery methods, like pumping, have become less effective.

Here's how it works:

  • Injection: Water or gas is injected into the formation through an injection well located strategically near the producing well.
  • Displacement: The injected fluid displaces the remaining oil in the reservoir, pushing it towards the producing well.
  • Extraction: The oil, now mobilized by the injected fluid, flows through the producing well and is extracted for processing.

Benefits of Strip Over:

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): Strip over significantly increases oil recovery rates, leading to more efficient use of the reservoir.
  • Increased Productivity: By mobilizing trapped oil, the method boosts the producing well's output.
  • Reservoir Management: Strip over helps maintain reservoir pressure, preventing premature decline in production.

2. Strip Over as a Wire Installation Method:

Less commonly, strip over also refers to a wire installation method utilized in the oil and gas industry. This involves using pipe to guide and protect wires during their installation, primarily in situations where wires need to be laid along long distances or through challenging terrain.

Here's how it works:

  • Pipe Preparation: A dedicated pipe is prepared to serve as a conduit for the wires.
  • Wire Installation: The wires are carefully inserted into the prepared pipe, providing them with a protective barrier.
  • Installation: The pipe with the installed wires is then laid along the desired route, protecting the wires from damage.

Benefits of Strip Over for Wire Installation:

  • Protection: The pipe shields the wires from harsh environmental conditions and physical damage.
  • Durability: The method ensures the longevity and reliability of the wire installation.
  • Ease of Installation: Utilizing pipe simplifies the installation process, making it efficient and less labor-intensive.

In summary:

Strip over is a versatile term with two distinct applications in the oil and gas industry. Whether it's used to maximize oil recovery through injection or to protect critical wiring, it plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient and safe operation of oil and gas facilities.

Test Your Knowledge

Strip Over Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using the "Strip Over" method for oil recovery?

a) Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)


Incorrect. Strip over is a method specifically designed to enhance oil recovery.

b) Increased Productivity


Incorrect. Strip over mobilizes trapped oil, leading to higher production.

c) Reduced Reservoir Pressure


Correct. Strip over maintains reservoir pressure, preventing a decline in production.

d) Reservoir Management


Incorrect. Strip over helps in managing reservoir pressure and optimizing oil extraction.

2. In the context of oil recovery, what is injected into the reservoir during the "Strip Over" process?

a) Chemicals


Incorrect. While chemicals are sometimes used in enhanced oil recovery, they are not the primary fluid injected in strip over.

b) Water or Gas


Correct. Water or gas are typically used to displace the remaining oil in the reservoir.

c) Oil


Incorrect. Oil is what is being extracted, not injected.

d) Heat


Incorrect. While heat can be used in some EOR techniques, it's not the primary method in strip over.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using "Strip Over" for wire installation?

a) Protection from environmental factors


Incorrect. The pipe acts as a shield against environmental damage.

b) Increased installation time


Correct. Strip over simplifies installation, making it faster and more efficient.

c) Durability of the wire installation


Incorrect. The pipe enhances the longevity and reliability of the wiring.

d) Ease of installation


Incorrect. The use of pipe makes the installation process simpler and less labor-intensive.

4. What is the primary role of the pipe in the "Strip Over" method for wire installation?

a) To increase the conductivity of the wires


Incorrect. The pipe's role is to protect the wires, not enhance their conductivity.

b) To provide structural support for the wires


Incorrect. While the pipe provides some support, its main function is protection.

c) To act as a conduit for the wires


Correct. The pipe guides and protects the wires as they are installed.

d) To amplify the signal carried by the wires


Incorrect. The pipe's role is purely mechanical, not related to signal amplification.

5. The "Strip Over" method for oil recovery is primarily used:

a) As a primary recovery method


Incorrect. Strip over is a secondary recovery method, employed after primary methods become less effective.

b) As a tertiary recovery method


Incorrect. Strip over is considered a secondary recovery method.

c) As a secondary recovery method


Correct. Strip over is a secondary recovery method designed to increase oil recovery after primary methods.

d) For exploring new oil deposits


Incorrect. Strip over is used to maximize recovery from existing wells, not for exploration.

Strip Over Exercise


An oil company is exploring different options for increasing oil production from a mature oil field. They are considering using the "Strip Over" method for oil recovery.


  1. Explain to the company the advantages of using the "Strip Over" method in this situation.
  2. Discuss potential challenges the company might face when implementing the "Strip Over" method.

Possible Solutions:

Exercice Correction


  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): Strip over significantly increases oil recovery rates, potentially extending the life of the oil field and maximizing resource extraction.
  • Increased Productivity: By mobilizing trapped oil, the method boosts the producing well's output, leading to higher revenue.
  • Reservoir Management: Strip over helps maintain reservoir pressure, preventing premature decline in production and improving overall field management.


  • Cost of implementation: Setting up the necessary infrastructure for injection wells, monitoring, and equipment can be costly.
  • Injection fluid availability: Ensuring a continuous and reliable source of water or gas for injection may be challenging.
  • Environmental concerns: The potential for groundwater contamination or land subsidence must be carefully considered and mitigated.
  • Technical difficulties: Reservoir heterogeneity, wellbore integrity, and potential for fluid channeling can pose technical challenges.

Further Considerations:

  • The company should conduct a thorough reservoir analysis and feasibility study to determine the suitability of the "Strip over" method for their specific field.
  • Environmental impact assessments and mitigation strategies are crucial for responsible implementation.



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