Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Free Point Indicator

Free Point Indicator

Free Point Indicator: Unlocking the Mystery of Stuck Pipe

In the often unforgiving world of oil and gas exploration, encountering stuck pipe during drilling operations is a dreaded scenario. This costly and time-consuming issue can significantly disrupt operations and impede progress. However, a specialized tool known as the Free Point Indicator (FPI) offers a lifeline in these situations, helping to identify the exact location of the stuck point.

The FPI is a sophisticated device deployed on a wireline, specifically designed to pinpoint the location of the stuck pipe. It leverages the principle of strain gauges, which measure the amount of strain or tension exerted on the tool. Here's how it works:

  • Deployment: The FPI is attached to a wireline and lowered into the wellbore. It is then moved along the stuck pipe with successive pipe pulls.
  • Strain Gauge Readings: As the FPI moves, the strain gauges meticulously monitor the tension in the wireline. When the tool passes the stuck point, a distinct change in tension occurs.
  • Identifying the Stuck Point: The sudden change in strain gauge readings signals the location of the stuck point. This data is then transmitted to the surface, providing a clear indication of where the pipe is trapped.

Benefits of Using a Free Point Indicator:

  • Precise Localization: The FPI provides an accurate and reliable method to identify the exact location of the stuck pipe, eliminating guesswork and potential damage during retrieval attempts.
  • Reduced Downtime: Pinpointing the stuck point quickly allows for more focused and efficient rescue operations, minimizing downtime and associated costs.
  • Enhanced Safety: Knowing the exact location of the stuck point ensures that retrieval efforts are executed safely and effectively, minimizing the risk of further complications or accidents.

Limitations and Considerations:

  • Environmental Factors: The effectiveness of the FPI can be affected by factors like wellbore geometry, temperature, and pressure.
  • Specialized Equipment: The FPI requires specialized equipment and trained personnel for its deployment and operation.


The Free Point Indicator is an invaluable tool in the oil and gas industry, playing a crucial role in resolving stuck pipe situations. By providing a precise location of the obstruction, it enables efficient and safe retrieval operations, minimizing downtime and optimizing drilling efficiency. As technology advances, FPI devices are likely to become even more sophisticated and versatile, further enhancing their efficacy in tackling complex wellbore challenges.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Free Point Indicator

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Free Point Indicator (FPI)? (a) To measure the pressure inside the wellbore. (b) To identify the exact location of stuck pipe. (c) To lubricate the drill string. (d) To monitor the temperature of the wellbore.


(b) To identify the exact location of stuck pipe.

2. How does an FPI determine the location of the stuck pipe? (a) By measuring the rate of drilling fluid flow. (b) By detecting changes in the magnetic field. (c) By analyzing sound waves transmitted through the drill string. (d) By measuring changes in tension on the wireline.


(d) By measuring changes in tension on the wireline.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using an FPI? (a) Reduced downtime. (b) Increased drilling speed. (c) Enhanced safety. (d) Precise localization of the stuck point.


(b) Increased drilling speed.

4. What is one limitation of using an FPI? (a) It requires specialized equipment and training. (b) It can only be used in shallow wells. (c) It is not effective in high-temperature environments. (d) It can cause damage to the stuck pipe.


(a) It requires specialized equipment and training.

5. What principle does the FPI rely on to function? (a) Acoustic wave propagation. (b) Magnetic field detection. (c) Strain gauge measurement. (d) Fluid pressure analysis.


(c) Strain gauge measurement.

Exercise: Stuck Pipe Scenario

Scenario: A drilling crew has encountered a stuck pipe at a depth of 5,000 feet. The crew decides to use an FPI to locate the stuck point. The FPI is deployed on a wireline and lowered to the bottom of the well. As the FPI is pulled upward, the strain gauge readings show a significant change in tension at a depth of 4,850 feet.

Task: Based on the FPI data, where is the stuck point located?

Exercice Correction

The stuck point is located at a depth of 4,850 feet. This is where the FPI detected a significant change in tension, indicating the location where the pipe is stuck.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John A. Schechter: Covers various drilling techniques and equipment, including stuck pipe detection and remedial measures.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" edited by William D. McCain Jr.: A comprehensive reference for petroleum engineering, providing information on drilling, production, and reservoir engineering, including sections on stuck pipe.
  • "Wellbore Integrity: Design, Drilling, Completion, and Production" by R.M. Holmes: This book explores various aspects of wellbore integrity, including stuck pipe prevention and mitigation strategies, potentially including information about FPIs.


  • "Stuck Pipe Detection and Mitigation" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This SPE article might discuss various stuck pipe detection methods, potentially including FPIs.
  • "Free Point Indicator: A Game Changer for Stuck Pipe Rescue" by [Author Name]: This article, if available, would focus specifically on the FPI and its applications. Search for articles by reputable drilling or wellbore integrity companies.
  • "The Impact of Free Point Indicators on Drilling Efficiency" by [Author Name]: Search for articles exploring the economic benefits of FPIs and their impact on overall drilling efficiency.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: Search their website for publications, technical papers, and conferences related to drilling, stuck pipe, and wellbore integrity.
  • Schlumberger Website: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield services company, likely has resources and case studies related to their FPI technology.
  • Baker Hughes Website: Baker Hughes, another major oilfield services company, may have resources on their FPIs and related technologies.
  • Halliburton Website: Halliburton, another large oilfield services company, may offer information on their FPI technology and related resources.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Free Point Indicator," "stuck pipe detection," "stuck pipe mitigation," "wellbore integrity."
  • Combine keywords with specific companies: "Schlumberger Free Point Indicator," "Baker Hughes FPI," "Halliburton Free Point Indicator."
  • Use Boolean operators: "Free Point Indicator" OR "Stuck Pipe Detection"
  • Restrict searches to specific websites: " "Free Point Indicator""
  • Check industry publications: Search for articles in journals like SPE Journal, Journal of Petroleum Technology, and other industry publications.
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