Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Corrosion Coupon

Corrosion Coupon

Corrosion Coupons: A Silent Witness to Metal Degradation

Corrosion, the gradual deterioration of materials due to chemical reactions with their environment, is a constant threat to industries relying on metal components. Accurately assessing and predicting corrosion rates is crucial for maintaining infrastructure integrity, ensuring product lifespan, and preventing costly failures. Enter the corrosion coupon, a silent witness offering invaluable insights into the corrosive forces at play.

What is a Corrosion Coupon?

A corrosion coupon is a carefully prepared piece of metal, typically cut to a specific size and shape, that acts as a sacrificial test specimen. It is immersed in a test bath or placed within a flow stream mimicking the real-world conditions where corrosion is expected to occur. By analyzing the changes in the coupon's weight, surface morphology, and material properties after a predetermined exposure period, engineers can estimate the active corrosion rate.

Why Use Corrosion Coupons?

  • Direct Measurement: Corrosion coupons provide a direct and quantitative measurement of corrosion rates under specific conditions, offering valuable data for predictive modeling and material selection.
  • Controlled Environment: By using a controlled test environment, researchers can isolate the effects of specific factors, like temperature, pH, or chemical composition, on corrosion behavior.
  • Cost-Effective: Corrosion coupons are a relatively cost-effective method compared to expensive and complex simulations or full-scale testing.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Corrosion coupons allow for continuous monitoring of corrosion rates, providing early warning signs of potential problems and facilitating timely interventions.

Types of Corrosion Coupons:

There are various types of corrosion coupons, tailored to different testing needs:

  • Standard Coupons: These are commercially available in various shapes and sizes, made from common industrial metals like carbon steel, stainless steel, and aluminum alloys.
  • Custom Coupons: These are fabricated to specific dimensions and material specifications, allowing for customized testing to address unique application requirements.
  • Instrumented Coupons: Advanced coupons equipped with sensors like electrochemical probes or weight loss gauges provide more detailed data on corrosion processes.

Applications of Corrosion Coupons:

Corrosion coupons are widely used in various industries, including:

  • Oil and Gas: Assessing corrosion in pipelines, storage tanks, and drilling equipment.
  • Chemical Processing: Evaluating corrosion rates in reactors, tanks, and piping systems.
  • Power Generation: Monitoring corrosion in boilers, turbines, and heat exchangers.
  • Water Treatment: Determining corrosion behavior in pipes and treatment facilities.
  • Aerospace: Assessing corrosion resistance of aircraft components.


Corrosion coupons play a vital role in understanding and mitigating corrosion, ensuring the safety, reliability, and longevity of critical infrastructure and equipment. By providing direct, measurable data on corrosion rates, they empower engineers to make informed decisions regarding material selection, design optimization, and preventive maintenance strategies, ultimately contributing to a safer and more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Corrosion Coupon Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a corrosion coupon?

a) To prevent corrosion from occurring.


Incorrect. Corrosion coupons do not prevent corrosion, they help us measure and understand it.

b) To act as a sacrificial material to protect other components.


While coupons can sometimes be sacrificial, their main purpose is to provide data on corrosion.

c) To provide a direct and quantitative measurement of corrosion rates.


Correct! Corrosion coupons are designed to directly measure corrosion rates.

d) To simulate the conditions of a real-world environment.


Incorrect. While they are placed in simulated environments, this is to mimic real-world conditions, not the primary function of the coupon itself.

2. Why are corrosion coupons considered cost-effective for assessing corrosion?

a) They require minimal labor and specialized equipment.


Correct. Compared to complex simulations or full-scale tests, coupons are relatively simple and economical.

b) They can be reused multiple times for different testing scenarios.


Incorrect. Corrosion coupons are typically used once and then analyzed.

c) They provide a quick and efficient way to gather data on corrosion rates.


Partially correct. While they are relatively efficient, cost-effectiveness is more about the overall expense compared to other methods.

d) They eliminate the need for complex mathematical models to predict corrosion.


Incorrect. Data from coupons can be used for modeling, but they don't eliminate the need for models completely.

3. Which type of corrosion coupon offers the most detailed data on corrosion processes?

a) Standard coupons


Incorrect. Standard coupons provide basic weight loss data.

b) Custom coupons


Incorrect. Custom coupons are tailored to specific materials and dimensions but don't necessarily offer more detailed data.

c) Instrumented coupons


Correct! Instrumented coupons, equipped with sensors, provide more in-depth information on corrosion.

d) All of the above provide equally detailed data.


Incorrect. Each type of coupon has different capabilities.

4. In which industry are corrosion coupons NOT typically used?

a) Oil and Gas


Incorrect. Corrosion coupons are extensively used in the oil and gas industry.

b) Chemical Processing


Incorrect. Chemical processing plants rely heavily on corrosion monitoring.

c) Power Generation


Incorrect. Corrosion is a significant concern in power generation equipment.

d) Food Processing


Correct! While corrosion is a factor, it's less critical in food processing compared to other industries listed.

5. What is the main benefit of using corrosion coupons in real-time monitoring?

a) To reduce the cost of corrosion prevention.


Incorrect. While early detection can help manage costs, this is not the main benefit of real-time monitoring.

b) To prevent corrosion from occurring in the first place.


Incorrect. Coupons monitor corrosion, they don't prevent it.

c) To provide early warning signs of potential corrosion problems.


Correct! Real-time monitoring with coupons allows for early detection and timely intervention.

d) To eliminate the need for regular inspections and maintenance.


Incorrect. While coupons provide data, regular inspections and maintenance are still crucial.

Corrosion Coupon Exercise:


You are working for a company that manufactures large storage tanks for hazardous chemicals. You are tasked with designing a corrosion coupon test to assess the suitability of a new type of stainless steel for these tanks. The tanks will be exposed to a corrosive environment with high levels of acidity and fluctuating temperatures.


  1. Choose the type of corrosion coupon: Explain why you chose this type (standard, custom, instrumented) and justify your choice based on the given scenario.
  2. Design a test plan: Outline the key steps of your test plan, including the exposure environment (temperature, chemicals), duration of the test, and methods of analysis for the coupons after the exposure.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

**1. Type of Corrosion Coupon:** * **Recommended Choice:** Instrumented coupons would be the most suitable in this scenario. * **Justification:** * The corrosive environment with high acidity and fluctuating temperatures demands detailed data on corrosion behavior. Instrumented coupons, equipped with sensors like electrochemical probes or weight loss gauges, can provide a comprehensive understanding of the corrosion process. * This detailed data will be crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of the new stainless steel in withstanding the specific corrosive conditions. **2. Test Plan Outline:** * **Exposure Environment:** * Simulate the actual tank environment by creating a test bath with the specific acid concentration and pH levels expected in the storage tanks. * Utilize a temperature-controlled system to mimic the fluctuating temperatures anticipated in the tanks. * **Duration of the Test:** * The duration should be long enough to observe significant corrosion activity and ensure meaningful data collection. A minimum of several weeks, or even months, may be necessary, depending on the severity of the expected corrosion. * **Methods of Analysis:** * **Weight Loss:** Measure the difference in coupon weight before and after exposure to determine the total weight loss due to corrosion. * **Surface Morphology:** Use microscopy (SEM, optical microscopy) to examine the surface of the coupon for signs of corrosion, including pitting, crevice corrosion, and general surface attack. * **Electrochemical Measurements:** Analyze data from electrochemical sensors (if using instrumented coupons) to assess corrosion rates, polarization behavior, and other relevant electrochemical parameters. * **Material Analysis:** Perform material analysis (XRD, SEM-EDS) to determine if the corrosion process has altered the microstructure or composition of the stainless steel.


  • Corrosion Engineering: by Mars G. Fontana and Norbert D. Greene (This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of corrosion, including corrosion testing methods and the use of coupons)
  • Corrosion: Understanding the Basics: by R. Winston Revie and Herbert Leidheiser, Jr. (Offers a detailed explanation of corrosion principles and practical applications, including corrosion coupons)
  • Corrosion Testing Handbook: edited by Robert Baboian (A practical guide to corrosion testing methods, with dedicated sections on corrosion coupon techniques)
  • Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production: by James H. Payer (Focuses on corrosion in the oil and gas industry, with specific chapters on corrosion monitoring using coupons)


  • Corrosion Coupon Testing: An Overview: by NACE International (A comprehensive overview of corrosion coupon testing principles, procedures, and applications)
  • Corrosion Coupons: A Powerful Tool for Corrosion Monitoring: by ASTM International (Discusses the importance of corrosion coupons in monitoring corrosion rates in various environments)
  • The Use of Corrosion Coupons in Oil and Gas Production: by SPE (A technical paper focusing on the use of corrosion coupons in the oil and gas industry for corrosion monitoring and mitigation)
  • Corrosion Monitoring Using Corrosion Coupons: by Corrosionpedia (An informative article detailing the types of coupons, testing methods, and data interpretation in corrosion monitoring)

Online Resources

  • NACE International: (A leading organization for corrosion control, offering extensive resources on corrosion testing and coupons)
  • ASTM International: (Offers standards and guidelines for corrosion testing, including coupon testing procedures)
  • Corrosionpedia: (A comprehensive online resource on corrosion, covering topics like corrosion coupons, testing methods, and industry applications)
  • Materials Performance: (A journal dedicated to corrosion and materials protection, often featuring articles on corrosion coupon testing and its applications)

Search Tips

  • "Corrosion coupon" + "industry": To find specific applications of corrosion coupons in various industries (e.g., oil and gas, chemical processing, power generation)
  • "Corrosion coupon" + "testing methods": To learn about different coupon testing procedures and techniques
  • "Corrosion coupon" + "standards": To access relevant standards and guidelines for corrosion coupon testing (e.g., ASTM, NACE)
  • "Corrosion coupon" + "research papers": To find academic research articles focusing on corrosion coupon technology and its advancements
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