Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety Training & Awareness: Burst Disk

Burst Disk

Burst Disks: Safety Valves in the Oil & Gas Industry

Burst disks, also known as rupture disks, are critical safety devices used in the oil and gas industry to prevent catastrophic equipment failure and ensure the safety of personnel. These frangible disks are designed to release pressure at a specific level, acting as a "pressure relief valve" for various applications.

How Burst Disks Work:

A burst disk is a thin, circular membrane, typically made of a metal alloy, installed in a pressure vessel or pipeline. This disk is engineered to rupture at a predetermined pressure, allowing the release of pressure buildup before the vessel or pipeline reaches a potentially dangerous point. Once the burst pressure is exceeded, the disk fractures, releasing the pressure and preventing potential explosions or equipment failure.

Types of Burst Disks:

Several types of burst disks are available, each tailored to specific applications:

  • Reverse Buckling Disks: These disks are designed to rupture inward, allowing for a clean and controlled release of pressure.
  • Concave Disks: These disks are commonly used in high-pressure applications and have a concave shape to maximize their strength.
  • Score-Type Disks: These disks have a pre-scored area designed to fracture at a specific pressure, ensuring a predictable and controlled rupture.
  • Composite Disks: These disks are constructed with multiple layers, providing greater resistance to corrosion and temperature fluctuations.

Applications in Oil & Gas:

Burst disks play a vital role in various applications within the oil and gas industry:

  • Pressure Vessels: Preventing overpressure in tanks, separators, and other pressure vessels.
  • Pipelines: Ensuring safe pressure release in pipelines transporting high-pressure fluids.
  • Compressors and Pumps: Protecting equipment from pressure surges and preventing dangerous pressure buildup.
  • Drilling and Production Operations: Safeguarding wellheads, flow lines, and other equipment during drilling and production.

Benefits of Using Burst Disks:

  • Enhanced Safety: Preventing equipment failure and ensuring personnel safety by releasing pressure before it reaches a dangerous level.
  • Reliability: Consistent and predictable performance, ensuring a reliable safety mechanism.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Long-term cost savings by preventing costly repairs or replacements due to equipment failure.
  • Environmental Protection: Minimizing environmental damage by preventing uncontrolled release of hazardous materials.


Burst disks are essential safety components in the oil and gas industry. By acting as pressure relief valves, they protect equipment from catastrophic failures and ensure the safety of personnel and the environment. Their reliability, cost-effectiveness, and environmental benefits make them an indispensable part of modern oil and gas operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Burst Disks Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a burst disk?

a) To regulate the flow of fluids in a pipeline. b) To prevent the build-up of pressure in a system. c) To monitor the pressure inside a vessel. d) To control the temperature of a process.


b) To prevent the build-up of pressure in a system.

2. Which of these is NOT a type of burst disk?

a) Reverse Buckling Disk b) Concave Disk c) Score-Type Disk d) Pressure Relief Valve


d) Pressure Relief Valve

3. What is the main benefit of using burst disks in the oil and gas industry?

a) Reduced production costs. b) Increased efficiency of equipment. c) Enhanced safety for personnel and the environment. d) Improved accuracy in pressure readings.


c) Enhanced safety for personnel and the environment.

4. Where are burst disks typically installed in oil and gas operations?

a) Only in pipelines. b) Only in pressure vessels. c) Only in drilling rigs. d) In various locations, including pipelines, pressure vessels, and equipment.


d) In various locations, including pipelines, pressure vessels, and equipment.

5. How does a burst disk "release" pressure?

a) By gradually venting the pressure over time. b) By opening a valve when pressure reaches a certain level. c) By rupturing at a predetermined pressure, releasing the pressure in a controlled manner. d) By using a spring mechanism to release pressure.


c) By rupturing at a predetermined pressure, releasing the pressure in a controlled manner.

Burst Disks Exercise

Scenario: You are working on a project to install burst disks in a new natural gas pipeline. The pipeline is designed to handle a maximum pressure of 1000 psi. You have two options for burst disks:

  • Option A: A reverse buckling disk with a rupture pressure of 950 psi.
  • Option B: A concave disk with a rupture pressure of 1050 psi.


  1. Based on the pipeline's maximum pressure, which burst disk option would be more appropriate and why?
  2. Explain the potential consequences of choosing the wrong burst disk option in this scenario.

Exercice Correction

1. **Option A (reverse buckling disk with a rupture pressure of 950 psi) would be more appropriate.** The burst disk should rupture before the pipeline reaches its maximum pressure to prevent catastrophic failure. Option A offers a safety margin, ensuring the disk ruptures before the pressure reaches 1000 psi. 2. **Choosing the wrong option could have serious consequences:** * **Option B:** If the pipeline pressure exceeds 1050 psi, the concave disk may not rupture in time, leading to potential equipment failure, explosions, and severe environmental damage. * **Option A:** While option A offers a safety margin, it might rupture prematurely if the pressure fluctuates slightly, resulting in unnecessary downtime and potential loss of gas. However, this risk is minimal compared to the potential consequences of choosing a disk with a higher rupture pressure.


  • "Pressure Relief Devices: Design, Selection and Application" by Kenneth K. K. Leung: This comprehensive book covers various pressure relief devices, including burst disks, and delves into design, selection, and application.
  • "Pressure Vessels: Design and Analysis" by E. L. Bodine: This book covers various aspects of pressure vessel design and analysis, including the use of safety devices like burst disks.
  • "Piping Design and Engineering: A Practical Guide for Engineers" by B. L. Dally: This book includes a chapter on safety devices in piping systems, featuring a discussion on burst disks and their applications.


  • "Rupture Disks: An Overview of Types, Applications, and Benefits" by The Rupture Disc Manufacturers Association (RDMA): This article provides a detailed overview of rupture disks, covering types, applications, benefits, and best practices.
  • "Burst Disks: Safety Valves for the Oil and Gas Industry" by Oil & Gas Journal: This article delves into the importance of burst disks in oil and gas operations and provides an overview of their role in protecting equipment and personnel.
  • "The Importance of Rupture Disks in Process Safety" by Chemical Engineering Progress: This article explores the critical role of rupture disks in process safety, highlighting their benefits and applications in various industries, including oil and gas.

Online Resources

  • The Rupture Disc Manufacturers Association (RDMA): This website offers a wealth of information on burst disks, including technical specifications, industry standards, and application guidelines.
  • The American Petroleum Institute (API): The API website provides standards and guidelines related to oil and gas equipment, including recommendations for the use of burst disks in various applications.
  • The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): The NFPA website offers standards and codes related to fire safety, including recommendations for the use of pressure relief devices, like burst disks.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching, use terms like "burst disk," "rupture disk," "oil and gas," "pressure vessel," "pipeline," "safety device," "application," and "standards."
  • Combine keywords: Try combining keywords like "burst disk application in oil and gas" or "rupture disk standards API."
  • Utilize quotation marks: Put specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "burst disk design considerations."
  • Use Boolean operators: Utilize operators like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" to narrow down your search results. For example, "burst disk AND API standards NOT manufacturing."
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