Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: kickoff point (KOP)

kickoff point (KOP)

Kickoff Point: Where Directional Drilling Takes Flight

In the world of oil and gas exploration, drilling a straight vertical hole is often not the most efficient or effective way to reach the target reservoir. This is where directional drilling comes in, allowing drillers to deviate from the vertical path and reach reservoirs that lie at an angle or even horizontally. A crucial point in this process is the kickoff point (KOP).

The KOP is the depth in a vertical hole where the drill string begins to deviate from a vertical trajectory. It marks the starting point for the directional drilling operation.

Why is the KOP important?

  • Strategic Positioning: The KOP location dictates the angle and direction of the wellbore, impacting the overall length of the well and its ability to reach the target reservoir.
  • Drilling Efficiency: Choosing the optimal KOP can minimize drilling time and costs.
  • Reservoir Access: By deviating from the vertical, directional drilling allows access to reservoirs that would be inaccessible using traditional methods.
  • Wellbore Integrity: The KOP can influence the stress distribution within the wellbore, impacting its stability and potential for complications.

Determining the KOP:

The decision of where to set the KOP involves several factors:

  • Reservoir Geometry: The location of the reservoir and its depth determine the required angle and length of the deviated wellbore.
  • Drilling Challenges: Geological formations, subsurface pressures, and potential hazards need to be considered.
  • Surface Constraints: Land availability and potential environmental impacts need to be factored in.
  • Drilling Equipment Capabilities: The type of drilling rig and downhole tools used will influence the achievable angles and trajectory.

Types of KOP:

  • Fixed KOP: The drill string is deviated at a predetermined depth, often using a fixed bend in the drill pipe or a specialized downhole tool.
  • Dynamic KOP: The drill string's trajectory is adjusted dynamically during drilling, allowing for greater flexibility and adaptability to changing subsurface conditions.

In Conclusion:

The KOP is a critical decision point in directional drilling, significantly influencing the efficiency, success, and overall cost of the operation. Careful planning and understanding of the factors involved in selecting the KOP are essential for maximizing the potential of directional drilling and unlocking valuable hydrocarbon resources.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Directional Drilling: Principles and Practices" by Larry A. Woods (A comprehensive resource covering the fundamentals and advanced concepts of directional drilling, including KOP selection)
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions" by Tarek Ahmed (Provides an overview of drilling operations and wellbore design, including details on directional drilling and KOP considerations)
  • "Modern Directional Drilling" by John G. Bollinger (Focuses on advanced technologies and practices used in directional drilling, with sections dedicated to KOP selection and wellbore trajectory optimization)


  • "The Kickoff Point: A Crucial Decision in Directional Drilling" by [Author name], SPE Journal (A focused article discussing the factors affecting KOP selection and its impact on drilling efficiency)
  • "Optimizing Kickoff Point for Directional Drilling" by [Author name], Journal of Petroleum Technology (A research article presenting a methodology for optimizing KOP based on reservoir and drilling data)
  • "Influence of Kickoff Point on Wellbore Stability in Directional Drilling" by [Author name], International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (Analyzes the impact of KOP on wellbore stability and potential risks)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): (A professional organization offering technical papers, courses, and events related to drilling and directional drilling)
  • Oil & Gas Journal: (A leading industry publication with articles and news on directional drilling and related technologies)
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): (Provides resources and information on drilling industry practices, including directional drilling and KOP)

Search Tips

  • "Directional Drilling Kickoff Point"
  • "Factors Affecting Kickoff Point Selection"
  • "Optimizing Kickoff Point for Directional Wellbore Trajectory"
  • "Impact of Kickoff Point on Wellbore Stability"
  • "Kickoff Point Calculation Methods"
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