Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: C GD


Cgd: Understanding the Gate-to-Drain Capacitance in FETs

In the world of electronics, the field-effect transistor (FET) reigns supreme. These versatile components form the backbone of countless circuits, playing crucial roles in amplification, switching, and signal processing. Understanding the internal characteristics of FETs is crucial for designing robust and efficient circuits. Among these characteristics, gate-to-drain capacitance (Cgd) plays a critical role, influencing the performance and stability of FET circuits.

What is Cgd?

Cgd refers to the parasitic capacitance existing between the gate and drain terminals of a FET. It arises due to the electric field present between these two terminals, influencing the flow of charge carriers. Essentially, Cgd acts as a tiny capacitor, storing a small amount of charge.

Why is Cgd Important?

While Cgd is seemingly small, its impact on circuit performance is significant. It contributes to:

  • Miller Effect: Cgd, in conjunction with the gain of the FET, can amplify the input signal, leading to unwanted frequency-dependent effects, particularly at higher frequencies. This phenomenon, known as the Miller effect, can significantly degrade the circuit's performance.
  • Stability Issues: Cgd can create feedback paths between the output and input of a circuit, leading to instability and oscillations. This is especially true in high-gain amplifiers, where the Miller effect amplifies the feedback.
  • Increased Power Consumption: The charging and discharging of Cgd contribute to power dissipation, particularly at high frequencies. This can lead to increased power consumption and reduced efficiency.

Common Notation for Cgd

Cgd is typically represented using a variety of notations:

  • Cgs: This notation is widely used in datasheets and technical literature, signifying the capacitance between the gate and drain terminals.
  • Cgd(off): This notation indicates the gate-to-drain capacitance when the FET is in the off state, meaning no current flows through the channel.
  • Cgd(on): This notation represents the gate-to-drain capacitance when the FET is in the on state, with current flowing through the channel.

Minimizing the Impact of Cgd

Several techniques can be employed to minimize the adverse effects of Cgd:

  • Choosing a FET with Low Cgd: Selecting an FET with a lower intrinsic Cgd value can significantly reduce the impact on circuit performance.
  • Circuit Design Techniques: Utilizing techniques like Miller compensation and negative feedback can effectively mitigate the Miller effect and enhance stability.
  • Frequency Compensation: Employing frequency compensation techniques can help counteract the frequency-dependent effects caused by Cgd, improving circuit performance at higher frequencies.


Cgd, despite its seemingly innocuous nature, plays a crucial role in the behavior of FET circuits. Understanding its influence and implementing suitable mitigation strategies is paramount to designing reliable and efficient electronic systems. By carefully considering Cgd's impact, engineers can harness the full potential of FETs, ensuring stable and predictable operation across a wide range of frequencies and applications.

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