Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: BCD


BCD: A Digital Bridge Between Binary and Decimal Worlds

In the world of electrical engineering, where data dances in the form of ones and zeros, the need to efficiently represent and manipulate decimal numbers becomes paramount. Here enters BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal), a unique system that acts as a digital bridge between the binary language of computers and the decimal language we use every day.

Understanding the Bridge

BCD is a system where each decimal digit (0-9) is represented by its corresponding 4-bit binary code. This means instead of using the traditional binary system where every digit in a number is expressed in base-2, BCD works on a digit-by-digit basis.


  • Decimal Number: 123
  • BCD Representation: 0001 0010 0011

Let's break it down:

  • The digit '1' is represented by the binary code '0001'.
  • The digit '2' is represented by the binary code '0010'.
  • The digit '3' is represented by the binary code '0011'.

Why BCD?

BCD shines in situations where:

  • Decimal-centric applications: It's particularly useful for displaying and handling decimal numbers, such as in digital clocks, calculators, and other devices that need to interact with human users.
  • Easy conversion: Converting between BCD and decimal is straightforward, making it easier for humans to interpret the data.
  • Simplified arithmetic: Basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction) on BCD numbers can be implemented using simple logic circuits, although multiplication and division require more complex algorithms.

Drawbacks of BCD

While BCD offers its advantages, it also has some limitations:

  • Storage inefficiency: Since each decimal digit needs 4 bits, BCD representation can be less efficient than pure binary representation for large numbers.
  • Limited range: BCD is mainly used for representing decimal numbers between 0 and 9, while binary can handle much larger values with the same number of bits.
  • Complexity of arithmetic operations: While basic arithmetic is relatively simple, complex operations like multiplication and division can be computationally demanding in BCD.

Applications of BCD

BCD finds its place in numerous applications, including:

  • Digital clocks and watches: Displaying time accurately requires representing hours, minutes, and seconds in decimal form.
  • Calculators: Performing decimal calculations is facilitated by the use of BCD.
  • Control systems: Industrial control systems often use BCD for input and output values.
  • Data logging: Recording data in a decimal format allows for easier analysis and interpretation.


BCD provides a practical bridge between the binary world of computers and the decimal world of humans. It excels in applications where accurate decimal representation and easy conversion are paramount. While its storage efficiency and complexity in advanced operations might pose limitations, BCD remains a crucial element in many digital systems, playing a vital role in bridging the gap between binary and decimal data.

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