This web site platform is developped and maintained by a group of engineers and technicians, with strong experience in their domains.
With more then 40 years of deep industry expertise, our executive leadership team combines insight with integrity to move this website boldly forward.
This will enable us to mainain our wordwide relationship & connection with the professionals in the fields of our sectors of activities and mainly the engineering in Oil & Gas industries.
This website is fully developped and maintained, hosted by, with the infrastructure of such as data center, cloud, servers, etc...
Technologies Used
The main open-soure technologies used are :
- Linux
- Proxmo
- Nginx
- Posgresql
- webmin
- Apache
- Django Framework
- Python
- Docker
- Posfix
- Dovecot
- Etc
If you have any query, suggestion, remarks related to any ommission or error, please do not hesitate to live comments in the core of the articles, or in contact page, or by below email :
Contact mail :
or to :
Noureddine Hechmi Belazi