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Apex of the Sun's Path +The Apex of the Sun's Path: A Stellar I…Galactic Astronomy
Aphelion +Aphelion: The Distant Dance of Planets …Galactic Astronomy
Aphelion +At the Farthest Reach: Understanding Ap…Galactic Astronomy
Apian, Peter Bienewitz +Peter Apian: The Man Who First Recogniz…Astronomers
Aplanatic +Achieving Clarity: The Quest for Aplana…Galactic Astronomy
Apoastron or Aphastron +Apoastron: The Point of Maximum Separat…Galactic Astronomy
Apogean +Reaching the Highest Point: Understandi…Galactic Astronomy
Apogee +Reaching the Zenith: Understanding Apog…Galactic Astronomy
Apogee +Reaching for the Stars: Understanding A…Galactic Astronomy
Apollonius +Apollonius of Perga: The Mathematician …Astronomers
Apparent Ellipse +The Apparent Ellipse: Unveiling the Dan…Galactic Astronomy
Apparent Magnitude +The Brilliance of Stars: Understanding …Galactic Astronomy
Apparent Motion +The Dance of the Stars: Understanding A…Galactic Astronomy
Apparent Sun +The Sun's Many Faces: Understanding the…Galactic Astronomy
Apparition, Circle of Perpetual +The Circle of Perpetual Apparition: Unv…Galactic Astronomy
Appulse +Appulse: When Celestial Bodies Get Cozy…Galactic Astronomy
Apse, or Apsis +The Ups and Downs of Orbits: A Guide to…Galactic Astronomy
Apsides, Line of +The Dance of the Apsides: Understanding…Galactic Astronomy
Apsis +The Dance of the Stars: Understanding A…Galactic Astronomy
Apus (the Bird of Paradise) +Apus: The Bird of Paradise in the South…Constellations
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