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South, James +James South: A Stellar Journey from Sou…Astronomers
South Polar Distance +South Polar Distance: A Celestial Compa…Galactic Astronomy
Specific Gravity +Unveiling the Stellar Secrets: Specific…Solar System Astr…
Spectrum Analysis +Unveiling the Stars: Spectrum Analysis …Galactic Astronomy
Speculum +The Heart of a Telescope: Exploring the…Cosmology
Sphere +Spheres in Stellar Astronomy: A Univers…Galactic Astronomy
Spheroid +The Shape of Stars: Exploring the Spher…Galactic Astronomy
Spica +Spica: The Jewel of Virgo Spica, the b…Stellar Astronomy
Spitzer, Lyman +Lyman Spitzer: A Pioneer in Stellar Evo…Astronomers
Sporer, Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav +Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav Sporer: The Su…Astronomers
Spots on Sun +Sunspots: Dark Secrets of a Stellar Gia…Galactic Astronomy
Spring Tides +Riding the Waves: Understanding Spring …Cosmology
Stars +Unveiling the Cosmic Jewels: Stars in S…Galactic Astronomy
Stars, Binary +Dancing in the Dark: The Fascinating Wo…Galactic Astronomy
Stars, Double +The Dance of Two: Unraveling the Secret…Galactic Astronomy
Stars, Variable +The Flickering Jewels of the Cosmos: Va…Galactic Astronomy
Stationary Points +When Planets Seem to Stand Still: Under…Galactic Astronomy
Steavenson, William Herbert +William Herbert Steavenson: The Amateur…Astronomers
Stereograms +Unveiling the Moon's 3D Form: Stereogra…Cosmology
Stereographic Projection +Mapping the Cosmos: A Look at Stereogr…Galactic Astronomy
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