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Secunda Giedi +Secunda Giedi: A Name Lost to Time In …Stellar Astronomy
Selenography +Unveiling the Moon's Secrets: Selenogra…Galactic Astronomy
Serpens (the Serpent) +Serpens: The Serpent Winding Through th…Constellations
Sexagesimal +Sexagesimal System: The Ancient Languag…Galactic Astronomy
Sextans (the Sextant) +The Sextans: A Celestial Compass in the…Constellations
Sextant +Charting the Stars: The Sextant in Stel…Galactic Astronomy
Seyfert, Carl +Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe: …Astronomers
Shadow +Shadows in the Stellar Realm: Unveiling…Dark Matter and D…
Shajn, Grigorij Abramovich +Grigorij Abramovich Shajn: A Pioneer of…Astronomers
Shapley, Harlow +Harlow Shapley: Charting the Cosmos Ha…Astronomers
Shaulah +Shaulah: The Sting of the Scorpion In …Stellar Astronomy
Sheliak +Sheliak: A Star with a Double Identity …Stellar Astronomy
Sheratan +Sheratan: The Bright Star of the Ram S…Stellar Astronomy
Shklovskii, Iosif +Iosif Shklovskii: A Pioneer in Radio As…Astronomers
Shoemaker, Eugene +Eugene Shoemaker: The Man Who Brought t…Astronomers
Shooting Stars +The Dazzling Deception: Shooting Stars …Cosmology
Sidereal +Sailing by the Stars: Understanding "Si…Galactic Astronomy
Sidereal Month +A Celestial Dance: Understanding the Si…Cosmology
Sidereal Noon +Unveiling the Cosmic Clock: Understandi…Astronomical Inst…
Sidereal Period +The Unseen Dance: Understanding Siderea…Galactic Astronomy
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