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Rotanev +Rotanev: A Stellar Name with a Twist I…Stellar Astronomy
Rotation +Spinning Stars: Understanding Rotation …Galactic Astronomy
Rowland, Henry Augustus +Henry Augustus Rowland: A Pioneer in So…Astronomers
Runcorn, S. Keith +S. Keith Runcorn: A Pioneer in Paleomag…Astronomers
Russell, Henry Norris +Henry Norris Russell: Charting the Stel…Astronomers
Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris +Lewis Morris Rutherfurd: A Lawyer Turne…Astronomers
Ryle, Sir Martin +Sir Martin Ryle: A Pioneer of Radar and…Astronomers
Sadachbia +Sadachbia: A Tale of Two Stars in Aquar…Stellar Astronomy
Sadalmelik +Sadalmelik: The "Good Fortune of the Ki…Stellar Astronomy
Sadalsund +Sadalsuud: The Star of Fortunes In the…Stellar Astronomy
Sagan, Carl +Carl Sagan: A Visionary Who Brought the…Astronomers
Sagittarius (the Archer) +The Archer: Sagittarius, a Constellatio…Constellations
Sagitta (the Arrow) +Sagitta: The Little Arrow Piercing the …Constellations
Saros +The Saros: Unveiling the Secrets of Ecl…Galactic Astronomy
Satellites +The Celestial Dance: Satellites in Stel…Solar System Astr…
Saturn +Saturn: The Jewel of the Solar System …Solar System Astr…
Schedir +Schedir: The Variable Star at the Heart…Solar System Astr…
Scheiner, Christoph +Christoph Scheiner: Sunspots, Controver…Astronomers
Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio +Schiaparelli: The Man Who Saw Canals on…Astronomers
Schlesinger, Frank +Frank Schlesinger: A Pioneer in Stellar…Astronomers
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