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Reinmuth, Karl +Karl Reinmuth: A Lifetime Dedicated to …Astronomers
Repetition +The Power of Repetition: Borda's Method…Galactic Astronomy
Reticulated Micrometer +The Reticulated Micrometer: A Classic T…Galactic Astronomy
Reticulum (the Reticle) +The Reticulum: A Net of Stars in the So…Constellations
Retrograde Motion +When Planets Go Backwards: Understandin…Galactic Astronomy
Reversal +Reversal: A Key to Precision in Stellar…Galactic Astronomy
Revolution +Understanding Revolution: A Dance of Ce…Galactic Astronomy
Rhæticus, Georg Joachim +Rhæticus: The Advocate for Copernicus …Astronomers
Rhea +Rhea: Saturn's Icy Moon Rhea, the fift…Solar System Astr…
Riccioli, Giovanni Battista +Giovanni Battista Riccioli: The Man Who…Astronomers
Ridley, Harold Bytham +A Sky Full of Stars: Harold Bytham Ridl…Astronomers
Rigel +Rigel: The Giant's Foot in the Sky Rig…Stellar Astronomy
Right Ascension +Charting the Stars: Understanding Right…Galactic Astronomy
Rings of Saturn +Saturn's Rings: A Marvelous Symphony of…Solar System Astr…
Rising of Celestial Objects +The Rise and Rise of Celestial Objects:…Galactic Astronomy
Robinson, Romney +The Sky Above and the Earth Below: The …Astronomers
Rømer, Ole +Ole Rømer: A Pioneer of Light and Time …Astronomers
Ronan, Colin Alastair +Ronan, Colin Alastair: A Pioneer of Ast…Astronomers
Rosse, 3rd Earl of +The Legacy of Lord Rosse: From Ireland …Astronomers
Rosse, 4th Earl of +The Legacy of the Stars: William Parso…Astronomers
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