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Plutarch +Plutarch's Moon: An Early Glimpse of Lu…Astronomers
Pointers +Guiding Stars: The Pointers of Ursa Maj…Stellar Astronomy
Points of Compass +Navigating the Celestial Sphere: The Po…Galactic Astronomy
Polar Distance +Navigating the Celestial Sphere: Unders…Galactic Astronomy
Polaris, or Pole Star +Polaris: The Guiding Light of the North…Stellar Astronomy
Poles, Celestial +Navigating the Cosmos: Understanding th…Galactic Astronomy
Pole Star, or Polaris +The Steadfast Beacon: Polaris, Our Nort…Galactic Astronomy
Poles, Terrestrial +The Poles: Anchoring Our Planet's Rotat…Galactic Astronomy
Pollux +Pollux: A Twin Shining Bright Pollux, …Stellar Astronomy
Pond, John +John Pond: A Stargazer's Legacy Amidst …Astronomers
Pons, Jean Louis +From Caretaker to Comet Hunter: The Lif…Astronomers
Pores of Sun’s Surface +Peeking into the Sun: Exploring the Por…Galactic Astronomy
Porrima +Porrima: The Double Star of Virgo Porr…Stellar Astronomy
Position Angle +Charting the Dance of Stars: Understand…Galactic Astronomy
Position Micrometer +Measuring the Cosmic Waltz: The Positio…Galactic Astronomy
Postvarta +Postvarta: A Glimpse into Stellar Evolu…Stellar Astronomy
Precession of the Equinoxes +The Slow Dance of the Equinoxes: A Jour…Cosmology
Primary Planets +Understanding the Primary Planets: A Jo…Galactic Astronomy
Prime Meridian +The Prime Meridian: A Celestial Startin…Galactic Astronomy
Prime Vertical +The Prime Vertical: A Key to Understand…Galactic Astronomy
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