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Newcomb, Simon +Simon Newcomb: A Stellar Mind Bound by …Astronomers
New Moon +The New Moon: A Celestial Reset The te…Galactic Astronomy
Newtonian Telescope +Unveiling the Cosmos: The Newtonian Tel…Galactic Astronomy
Newton, Sir Isaac +The Man Who Unraveled the Universe: Sir…Astronomers
Nihal, or Al-nihal +Nihal: The Star That Drank Its Fill In…Stellar Astronomy
Nodes +Unveiling the Dance of Celestial Bodies…Galactic Astronomy
Nodical Month +Navigating the Lunar Dance: Unveiling t…Galactic Astronomy
Nonagesimal Point +The Nonagesimal Point: A Key to Underst…Galactic Astronomy
Noon, Mean, and Apparent +A Tale of Two Suns: Understanding Mean …Galactic Astronomy
Normal Disturbing Force +Understanding the Normal Disturbing For…Galactic Astronomy
Norma (the Carpenter's Square) +Norma: The Ruler of the Southern Skies …Constellations
North Polar Distance +Navigating the Celestial Sphere: Unders…Galactic Astronomy
Nova +The Transient Brilliance of Novas: Unve…Galactic Astronomy
Nubecula Major +The Grand Spiral: Exploring the Nubecul…Galactic Astronomy
Nubecula Minor +The Small Cloud of Wonders: Unveiling t…Stellar Astronomy
Nucleus +The Heart of a Cosmic Spectacle: Explor…Solar System Astr…
Number, Golden +The Golden Number: A Celestial Calendar…Cosmology
Number of Eclipses +The Rhythmic Dance of Shadows: Unveilin…Galactic Astronomy
Number of Fixed Stars +Counting the Stars: A Glimpse into the …Galactic Astronomy
Nutation, Lunar +A Wobble in the Stars: Understanding Lu…Dark Matter and D…
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