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Minkowski, Rudolf +Rudolf Minkowski: From Stellar Explosio…Astronomers
Minor Axis of Orbit +Understanding the Minor Axis in Stellar…Galactic Astronomy
Mintaka +Mintaka: The Giant's Belt In the celes…Stellar Astronomy
Mira +The Mystifying Mira: A Stellar Enigma i…Stellar Astronomy
Mirach +Mirach: The "Belly" of Andromeda and a …Stellar Astronomy
Mirfak +Mirfak: The Elbow of Perseus Mirfak, a…Stellar Astronomy
Mirzum +Mirzam: The Fiery Heart of Canis Major …Stellar Astronomy
Mitchell, Maria +Maria Mitchell: America's First Woman A…Astronomers
Mizar +Mizar: The Star that Hides a Secret Mi…Stellar Astronomy
Monoceros (the Unicorn) +Monoceros: The Unicorn in the Celestial…Constellations
Montanari, Geminiario +Geminiano Montanari: The Man Who Uncove…Astronomers
Month, Anomalistic +The Anomalistic Month: A Lunar Dance wi…Galactic Astronomy
Month, Nodical +The Nodical Month: The Moon's Dance wi…Galactic Astronomy
Month, Sidereal +The Sidereal Month: A Celestial Dance …Galactic Astronomy
Month, Synodical +The Moon's Rhythmic Dance: Understandin…Galactic Astronomy
Moon +Our Faithful Companion: A Look at the M…Cosmology
Mo on- culminating Stars +Navigating by the Stars: The Lunar Dist…Galactic Astronomy
Moon’s Parallactic Inequality +The Moon's Parallactic Inequality: A Wo…Solar System Astr…
Mothallath, or Ras-al-Mothallath +Mothallath: The Arabic Name for a Trian…Stellar Astronomy
Motion, Accelerated +Unveiling the Universe's Dance: Acceler…Galactic Astronomy
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