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McVittie, George +George McVittie: A Pioneer of Relativis…Astronomers
Mean Distance +The Mean Distance in Stellar Astronomy:…Galactic Astronomy
Mean Motion +Understanding Mean Motion in Stellar As…Galactic Astronomy
Mean Noon +The Mean Sun: A Stellar Timekeeper In …Galactic Astronomy
Mean Solar Day +The Mean Solar Day: Timekeeping in the …Galactic Astronomy
Mean Solar Time +Mean Solar Time: A Foundation for Timek…Galactic Astronomy
Mean Sun +The Mean Sun: A Fictional Star Guiding …Galactic Astronomy
Mean Time +Mean Time: A Stellar Clock in the Sky …Galactic Astronomy
Mebsuta +Mebsuta: A Star's Ancient Name and Mode…Stellar Astronomy
Méchain, Pierre François Andre +Pierre François André Méchain: A Comet …Astronomers
Medium, Resisting +The Elusive Medium: Resisting the Stars…Galactic Astronomy
Megrez +Megrez: The "Tail" of the Great Bear M…Stellar Astronomy
Mekbuda +Mekbuda: A Name Whispered in the Stars …Stellar Astronomy
Menkab +Menkab: A Name Lost in the Stellar Tape…Stellar Astronomy
Menkalinan +Menkalinan: A Star with a Rich History …Stellar Astronomy
Mensa (the Table Mountain) +Mensa: The Table Mountain Lost in the S…Constellations
Menstrual Equation +The Menstrual Equation: A Celestial Dan…Astronomical Inst…
Menzel, Donald H +Donald H. Menzel: A Stellar Legacy Don…Astronomers
Merak +Merak: The Guiding Star of the Great Be…Stellar Astronomy
Mercator’s Projection +Mercator's Projection: Navigating the C…Galactic Astronomy
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